Creating a PVOB on Linux and UNIX

Note: The HCL VersionVault Administrator creates the PVOB during the installation.

Creating a PVOB on Linux and UNIX involves the following tasks:

  1. Creating the PVOB using the mkvob command.
  2. Creating a mount point for the PVOB and mounting the PVOB, when working in a MVFS environment, and developers use dynamic views.

The following sections describe these tasks in more detail.

  1. To create a PVOB on Linux or UNIX, you use the mkvob command. For example:

    cleartool mkvob -tag /vobs/myproj2_pvob -nc -ucmproject /usr/vobstore/myproj2_pvob.vbs

    Let us examine the command in more detail.

    The -ucmproject indicates that you are creating a PVOB instead of a regular VOB.

    The /vobs/myproj2_pvob tag is the name of the PVOB.

    The -nc option indicates that you choose not to add a comment line. To add a comment line, use the -co option and type the comment string between quotes.

    The /usr/vobstore/myproj2_pvob.vbs path specifies the location of the PVOB's storage directory. A PVOB storage directory is a directory tree that serves as the repository for the PVOB's content.

  2. Your next task is to create a mount point for the PVOB. For example:

    mkdir /vobs/myproj2_pvob.

    The name of the directory you are creating must match the PVOB-tag used in the preceding step.

  3. Next, you mount the PVOB using the cleartool mount command. For example:

    cleartool mount /vobs/myproj2_pvob

Try it!

You are going to create a PVOB in the /var/tmp/ directory.

  1. Create a UCM PVOB by typing this command:

    cleartool mkvob -tag /var/tmp/your-username_cctut_ucm_pvob -co "UCM tutorial PVOB" -ucmproject /var/tmp/your-username_cctut_ucm_pvob.vbs

    When successful, the system response is similar to the following:

    Created versioned object base.
    Host-local path: goose:/var/tmp/fhembert_cctut_ucm_pvob.vbs
    Global path: /net/goose/var/tmp/fhembert_cctut_ucm_pvob.vbs 
    VOB ownership:
    VOBs have special data backup considerations. For more information 
    on how to
    back up your VOB properly, see the documentation for administering 
    VersionVault. If the backups aren't done properly, you are putting your 
    data at risk! 

    Do the next two steps only if you are working in MVFS and use a dynamic view.

  2. Create a mount point for the PVOB using the mkdir command:

    mkdir /var/tmp/your-username_cctut_ucm_pvob

  3. Mount the PVOB by typing using the cleartool mount command:

    cleartool mount /tmp/your-username_tutorial_ucm_pvob