Learn how to install the product.
Read these topics for information about planning, installing, and configuring your HCL VersionVault deployment.
Review the requirements information to identify system requirements, prerequisite tasks, and other information needed to successfully install or upgrade HCL VersionVault and HCL VersionVault MultiSite
To learn about the changes in the product, see the release notes.
Review the requirements information to identify operating system, file system, and compatibility requirements, prerequisite tasks, and other information required to install HCL VersionVault.
If you plan to run different VersionVault versions on clients and servers in the same environment, review the client and server compatibility information.
Review requirements for IPv6 support, domain configuration for client and server hosts on Windows, and concurrent access limitations for HCL VersionVault servers on Windows.
Review information about localized support for HCL VersionVault configurations and supported data code page locales.
Review a checklist of required and optional tasks with links to additional information for planning the installation and deployment process for HCL VersionVault and HCL VersionVault MultiSite.
The method that is used to install HCL VersionVault depends on the target platform and on your installation strategy.
For some types of HCL VersionVault and HCL VersionVault MultiSite hosts, you must complete some configuration tasks after you have installed the products.
Use IBM installation and packaging utilities to download and install software.
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