Artifact check-outs

You can check out design artifacts (libraries, cells, and cellviews) and non-design artifacts (property files, category files, and so on) by using the Library Manager user interface or the gdmco command-line interface command.

Command-line interface command: gdcmo


gdmco [ –cdslib filename ] [–recurse ] [ –xtra str ]
[ –version version ] [ –help ]
[ –lib lib.cell:view/file ] [–file file ] ...


Use this command to check out the specified files. Co-managed files are checked out in the same grouping in which they were checked in. Co-managed set behavior applies only when directories or files are specified as library elements, that is, with the -lib argument.

Options and arguments

-cdslib <filename>
Use this option and argument to specify the library definition file to use for mapping library names to library directories.
Use the -recurse option to select an entire directory hierarchy. For example, if a nonlibrary specification is a directory name, by default, the name refers only to the files that are immediately subordinate to the named directory. You use the -recurse option to select the complete hierarchy.
-xtra <str>
Use the -xtra <str> argument and option so that you can specify more arguments that are specific to the design management check-in command. The commands are passed through the gdmci command to the checkin command.
Tip: The -xtra argument takes a string as the parameter. If there is a space in the string, it must be enclosed in quotation marks ("").
The following flags, which are specific to HCL VersionVault, are supported as part of the -xtra argument. The meanings of these flags are the same as the definitions in the HCL VersionVault documentation.
  • -unreserved [-nmaster]
    Use this option to make an unreserved checkout. Unreserved checkouts can be checked in only when there is no reserved checkout of the element on the branch and no new version of the element is created on the branch after the unreserved checkout.

    To complete an unreserved checkout in a replicated environment where the versioned object base (VOB) is enabled for synchronous requests for mastership (SRFM) by using the -nmaster argument, the CCASE_CDS_SRFM environment variable must be set to false. For more information about CCASE_CDS_SRFM, see Artifact check-ins.

  • -nwarn
  • -ptime
  • -comment
    The comment string must be enclosed in double quotation marks as follows: \"<comment-string>\". For example, enter -xtra "-comment \"Hello World\""
  • -cfile
  • -query
  • -nquery

The following HCL VersionVault options are not supported by the gdmco -xtra command:

  • -cq
  • -cge
  • -nc
    This is the default value for the gdmco command.
  • -ndata
    If specified, this option results in the "checked out but removed" state, which the integration does not handle.
  • -out
    This option is irrelevant in the context of multiple files. (Cadence tools always deal with multiple files.)
  • -version
    This option is Redundant with respect to the gdmco -version command.
  • -usehijack
Allows the checkout of a version that is not the latest on its branch. Checking out a version on different branch is not supported by the integration.
-lib <lib.cell:view/file>
Library elements to check out. Names that are listed without the -lib or -file arguments are treated as -file arguments.
-file <file>

Files and directories (non-library elements) to check out. Names that are listed without the -lib or -file arguments are treated as -file arguments.

User interface actions for checking out artifacts

  1. In the integration interface, select a file, library, cell, or cellview.
  2. Open the Design Manager menu, and then click Checkout.
  3. Right-click the file, library, cell, or view, and then click Checkout.
  4. In the dialog box, select and deselect the files. You can also select Use Options to specify HCL VersionVault options. See the description of the -xtra option. All the checked in files are checked out.

Checkout behavior and options

Checking out files in multisite environments
HCL VersionVault integration with Cadence supports synchronous requests for mastership (SRFM). The versioned object base (VOB) must be SRFM-enabled. See the reference entry for the protectvob. You can disable the default -srfm flag by setting the CCASE_CDS_SRFM environment variable to false or FALSE. If the VOB is not SRFM-enabled or the CASE_CDS_SRFM environment variable is set to false, you must acquire mastership of the branch before the checkout operation can continue.

The following -xtra option is supported:

This option initiates a request for mastership. For example, entering the gdmco –xtra –reqmaster –lib basic.vcc:symbol command has these results:
  • If the files in the co-managed set are mastered locally, then checkout proceeds.
  • If the files are mastered remotely, a request for mastership is issued. The checkout operation succeeds after branch mastership is acquired.

User interface actions for checking out artifact versions

To check out an artifact version that is not the latest version:
  1. Open the library manager.
  2. Select the cellview or files to be copied.
  3. Click Design Manager – Version Info.
  4. Select the version of the cellview to check out.
  5. Click Check Out (For Edit).
    Tip: Make sure that the version is on the same branch as the view selected version. Because the checkout is from a version that is not the latest version, HCL VersionVault prohibits a check-in if there is no merge arrow from latest version to the checked out version. A merge arrow is drawn from the latest version to the checked-out version. However, there is no merge; the merge arrow simply allows the version to be checked-in.