Link projects and programs to create an organizational hierarchy of work. Before you can
link an existing project to a program, there must be existing projects in your system and you must
have the appropriate permission.
Before you begin
Note: Linked projects and programs must have the same security policy. After you link a project to a
program, you cannot change the security policy of either object without first removing the project
from the program.
To add projects to the program, you must have Edit Summary Tab permission for each project you
want to add. If you do not have this permission for one or more projects, ask your administrator for
About this task
After you create a program, you can link existing projects to the program. When you link a
project to a program, all team members who are listed in both the project and program receive an
email that informs them of the link.
Go to the Summary tab of the program that you want to link to an existing
Click Manage Linked Objects (
) and select Link Existing.
A dialog box appears for you to specify the projects to link.
Type your search criteria in the Find by name or code field.
- Click Find.
Note: The Search Results field displays only projects that you can link to
the program. Only projects with the same budget granularity and security policy as the program are
available. Programs with a status of Canceled, Deleted, or Completed never appear in
Search Results.
- In the Search Results field, select the projects to link.
Click the double arrows to move projects into or out of the Selected Items to
Link list box.
- Click Save Changes to create child links to the projects you selected.
The projects that you added appear in the list of projects at the bottom of the Summary tab of
the program.