You can save a snapshot of the calendar at a certain moment in time. When you publish the
calendar, you chose which information you want to display and how you want to display
About this task
To get a snapshot of the current calendar, save it in
HTML format (into a ZIP compressed archive file).
- Choose the calendar view to publish.
the objects, time range, and appearance for the calendar view. You
can make selections in either of the following ways:
- From the OperationsLocal
Marketing menu, select Calendar. Then, select items to view.
- At a list page for plans, programs, projects,
or tasksLists, On-demand Campaigns, or
Corporate Campaigns, click the View icon
) and choose
a calendar view.
Note: If the current calendar view includes
projects, Project data is exported as well. The exact data that is
exported depends on how the project template was set up; Summary and
custom tabs might be exported for some or all projects.
- Click the Print icon (
) and select Export.
Take one of the following actions.
- Click Open to open the compressed file of the calendar.
- Click Save and choose a location to save the calendar to disk.
- Click Cancel to return to the Calendar page without
The system publishes the calendar into a compressed file
archive. You can use any application for working with compressed files
to access the calendar HTML pages. You can go to the next and previous
pages of the calendar view in your web browser. If you exported any
project data, you can also go to that data from the calendar HTML