The following pre-requsites must be fulfilled before you begin the Unica Director installation:
- Apache ActiveMQ -5.15.7 is configured in the customer environment. Unica Director does not bundle or provide Apache ActiveMQ. You must download, install and configure it. Before beginning the Unica Director installation you should have the ActiveMQ - Broker URL, port and credentials. You are required to provide this information while installing Unica Director.
- You should install the Unica Director agent on the Unica Campaign systems (Web application and listener machines) - You must have the required information or access to install Unica Director on these machines. Example - Operating system details like - hostname, login details, installation location and so on.
- Please identify ports that could be used for Server component and Agent components. These ports should not be in use by any other service or application on the machine.
Add Unica Campaign Listener Hostname in application:
Note: The Listener Hostname cannot be an IP address.1. Log in to Unica.
2. Navigate to Settings ->Configuration.
3. Navigate to Campaign ->unicaACListener.
4. Update the ServerHost to Hostname.
Add the following Active MQ Setting for Unica Campaign:
1. Go to Settings -> Configuration.
2. Go to FlowchartEvents . set “enableEvents" to yes.
3. Go to FlowhcartEvents-> ActiveMQ . Fil in all ActiveMQ details.
For example:
url tcp:// Unica Platform User with Data Sources for ActiveMQ Credentials asm_Admin Data Source For ActiveMQ message broker credentials ACTIVEMQ_CRED_DS queueName flowchartInfo-campaign_rb 4. Go to Setting -> Users -> Select respective User -> Edit data sources -> Add New.
For example:
Data source ACTIVEMQ_CRED_DS Data source login admin Data source password admin Confirm password admin - Assign all the data sources to the Unica Platform user who is logged on to the Director server. He can only then be able to perform a Test connection of Data sources within the Unica Director.
- Install Unica Director Agent with the same user using which Unica Campaign Listener or Unica Campaign application was installed, so that it will have access to all the Unica Campaign directories to access logs or start / stop / restart campaign listener.
- A separate database schema/user are required to create and maintain system tables for Director. This database schema/user can be used once as the same as Unica Campaign/Unica Platform product but it can be a separate one.
- Applicable only to the Windows OS - The Unica Director - Agent system (on the computer where the
Unica Campaign Listener is installed): Please
make sure that the following performance counters are available. You can check this by launching the
Performance Monitor:
- Processor Time
- Working Set
Note: If the performance counters are not available, open the command prompt as an administrator on the target server and enter the following commands to rebuild the performance counters. Otherwise you will not be able to see the data in the System Usage Graph on the Windows Operating System.- For 32 bit machine:
cd %windir%\system32\
lodctr /R
- For 64 bit machine:
cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
lodctr /R