Journey GDPR
Accessing Journey GDPR
, MS Sql server, OneDb data bases along with Oracle
Executing Journey GDPR
To execute Journey GDPR, complete the following steps:
- Make changes to the following properties in the file:
Property Name Example value Notes Journey.audience.DBType
ORACLE Currently, Journey supports only Oracle. Journey.audience.Db. Schema.Name
JourneyUser Schema name used in the Journey database. Journey.audience.Field
email/mobileNumber Field name in the input CSV file. Journey.audience.Csv
<GDPR_HOME>/sample/JourneyAudiences.csv Replace <GDPR_HOME> with the current directory path. This is the input
file containing records that you need to opt out from the Journey.Journey.audience.Output
<GDPR_HOME>/JourneyAudiences.sql The JourneyAudiences.sql is the output file name containing all the SQL queries used to drop all the records from the Journey application. Replace <GDPR_HOME> with the current directory path. Journey.audience.Output. FileSizeLimit
10 Value is in MBs. When the file size exceeds the entered value, it will generate multiple files with the following suffixes: JourneyAudiences _0, JourneyAudiences _1, and so on. -
Note: If you see any errors, you can trace it using this log file.
- To execute the file, perform one of the following steps:
- For Windows, locate and execute the gdpr_purge.bat file. For example, if the file gdpr_purge.bat is in the D:\workspace\HCL_GDPR\dist\journey\ location, run the gdpr_purge.bat file.
- For UNIX-based systems, locate and execute the file. For example, if the file is in the \workspace\HCL_GDPR\dist\journey\ location, run the command ./
- After running gdpr_purge.bat (for Windows) or (For Linux), output files "JourneyAudiences 0", "JourneyAudiences _1", "JourneyAudiences _2" and so on will be generated at location <GDPR_HOME> specified in above steps. Number of files generated will depend on filesize specified.
- "JourneyAudiences_x" file will have delete queries for records mentioned in JourneyAudiences.csv
- These queries need to be run manually in "Journey" database as required to have the records deleted from the journeyaudiences table.
GDPR utility removes records from following table: JourneyAudiences, AudienceResponse, AudienceResponseMetaData, AudienceResponseInteraction, JourneyAudienceMilestone and JourneyAudienceGoal. However, it does not delete the data from respective tables, where aggregated counts are stored. For example, tables like journeyFlow, journeyAudienceFlow, JourneyGoalContactTransaction etc. Hence, there will be count mismatch on UI.
With GDPR tool user will not able to delete customer data from Publish Kafka topic , any kind of files available on files system. User need to Delete this data manually as per their requirement.
With GDPR tool user will not able to delete customer data exported by JDBC connector.