The ILearningConfig interface supports the ILearning interface. This is an interface to the configuration properties for learning. All of these methods return the value of the property.
The interface consists of 15 methods:
- getAdditionalParameters - returns a map of any additional properties defined in the External Learning Config category
- getAggregateStatsIntervalInMinutes - returns an int
- getConfidenceLevel - returns an int
- getDataSourceName - returns a string
- getDataSourceType - returns a string
- getInsertRawStatsIntervalInMinutes - returns an int
- getLearningAttributes - returns a list of ILearningAttribute objects
- getMaxAttributeNames - returns an int
- getMaxAttributeValues - returns an int
- getMinPresentCountThreshold - returns an int
- getOtherAttributeValue - returns a string
- getPercentRandomSelection - returns an int
- getRecencyWeightingFactor - returns a float
- getRecencyWeightingPeriod - returns an int
- isPruningEnabled - returns a boolean