Unica Interact Runtime System Tables

When you install the Unica Interact runtime server, you also run a series of SQL scripts to set up the required system tables in your data source that Unica Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the runtime system tables.


This table stores the counters of contact and acceptance events related to A/B test performance of branches for a rule with the following columns.

Field Type Null? Key Type Description


BIGINT No PK Reference to SmartRule table


BIGINT No PK ID of branch


VARCHAR2(64 Byte) No PK Unique name for branch



The number of contact events posted to the treatment associated to this branch of a rule.



The number of accept events posted to the treatment associated to this branch of a rule.

UpdateTime Timestamp Yes

The timestamp this record was updated the last time.


This is a table that the runtime system populates at startup time. The table contains a mapping of audience level to the various CH and RH staging tables. Since the staging tables are per audience level, and must be customized, this table will serve as a resource for the ETL process running on the design time side to determine the name of the staging tables on the runtime side.

Field Type Length Null? Description
AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 false PK, audience level (such as Customer, HH) that is configured for the system. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CHOfferAttribTable VARCHAR 64sche false Name of Contact Hist Offer Attribute staging table for the given audience level.
CHStagingTable VARCHAR 64 false Name of Contact History Staging table for the given audience level.
RHStagingTable VARCHAR 64 false Name of response history staging table for the given audience level.


This table contains summary statistics on what events, how many times, and when they have been posted by the client facing system.

Field Type Length Null? Description
SeqNum INT64 false Unique identifier for a row of this table. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 false fk, unique ID of Interact Channel. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICName VARCHAR 64 false Name of Interact channel. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
TimeID INT64 true fk, reference to the time at which this event occurred.
DateID INT64 true fk, reference to the data at which this event occurred.
EventID INT64 false Unique ID of the event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values
EventName VARCHAR 64 false The name of the event. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
Occurrences INT64 false Count of how many times the event occurred during this time.
CategoryID INT64 false Unique ID of the category that contains the event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CategoryName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the category. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.


This table contains summary statistics on Eligible Offers and serves as the data source for the reports that show Eligible Offer statistics. A count is kept per Interaction Point (IP), Offer, and Cell.

Field Type Length Null? Description
SeqNum INT64 false Unique identifier for a row of this table. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 false fk, unique ID of Interact Channel. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICName VARCHAR 64 false The name of the Interact Channel.
OfferID INT64 false fk, unique ID of the offer. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
OfferName VARCHAR 130 false The name of the offer. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
TimeID INT64 true fk, reference to the time at which this eligibleStat occurred.
DateID INT64 true fk, reference to the data at which this eligibleStat occurred.
CellID INT64 false fk, unique ID of the cell. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CellName VARCHAR 64 false The name of the cell. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CellCode VARCHAR 64 false The code of the cell. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
IPID INT64 false ID of the interaction point. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
IPName VARCHAR 64 false The name of the interaction point. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
EligibleOpps INT64 false Count of the eligible opportunities for the offer/cell/IP during this time.
CampaignID INT64 false ID of the associated campaign. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.


This table serves as a staging area for the logging of Contact history Offer attributes. This table is dimensioned off of the UACI_CHStaging table. The Contact History service will append to this table. The ETL process running from the design time environment will process the records in this table. The ETL process will also remove those records that it successfully processes.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ContactID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the contact inserted into the UACI_CHStaging table. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
AttributeID INT64 false ID of the attribute (from UA_AttributeDef). Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values
StringValue VARCHAR 512 true The value of the attribute, if the attribute type is a string.
NumberValue FLOAT true The value of the attribute, if the attribute type is a number.
DateTimeValue DATETIME true The value of the attribute, if the attribute type is a datetime.


This table serves as a staging area for the logging of Contact history records. The Contact History service will append to this table. The ETL process running from the design time environment will process the records in this table. The ETL process will also remove those records that it successfully processes.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ContactID INT64 false Unique identifier for a row of this table. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
TreatmentCode VARCHAR 512 false Generated treatment code. Must be a string generated based on cell ID, offer ID, and offer parameters.
OfferListID BIGINT 19 true The ID of the original offer list which this offer belonged to. It is applicable only when this offer is a result of a smart rule that references an offer list
CampaignID INT64 true Unique ID of the campaign that contains the cell for which this contact was made. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
OfferID INT64 true Unique ID of the offer. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CellID INT64 true Unique ID of the cell. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CustomerID INT64 true The audience ID.
ContactDate DATETIME true The date that the contact was made.
ExpirationDateTime DATETIME true Expiration date of the offer.
EffectiveDateTime DATETIME true Effective date of the offer.
ContactType INT32 true Contact that maps to the contactStatusID in UA_ContactStatus (0: UNDEFINED, 1: CONTACTED).
UserDefinedFields CHAR 18 true This field represents an arbitrary field customizable by the user. Can be any valid value of any database type except for blobs and clobs.
Mark INT64 false Used by the system to determine which records have been processed by the ETL. Valid values are NULL, -1, 0, 2.
RTSelectionMethod INT32 true This method indicates how the offer was selected by the learning algorithm in the original contact. This is useful for lift reports. Valid values include:
RTLearningMode INT32 true Indicates whether a learning score was used or a marketer score was used in the ranking of this treatment (2: marketerScore, 3: learningScore).
RTLearningModelID INT64 true If a learning score was used, this indicates the ID of the learning model used. If 0, then the learning model used is the globally defined learning model. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values


This table serves as a staging area for Response History (RH). The Response History service will append to this table. The ETL process running from the design time environment will process the records in this table. The ETL process will also remove those records that it successfully processes.

Field Type Length Null? Description
SeqNum INT64 false Unique identifier for a row of this table. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
TreatmentCode VARCHAR 512 true Generated treatment code. This value is a string generated based on cell ID, offer ID, and offer parameters.
CustomerID INT64 true This field represents the audience ID.
ResponseDate DATETIME true Timestamp when the response was posted.
ResponseType INT32 true Type of response of value Undefined(0), Accept(1), or Reject(2).
ResponseTypeCode VARCHAR 64 true A particular code of the response type. For valid values, see ResponseTypeCode in the UA_UsrResponseType table in the Campaign System Tables guide.
Mark INT64 false Field used by the system to determine which records have been processed by the ETL. Possible values are NULL, -1, 0, 2.
UserDefinedFields CHAR 18 true This field represents an arbitrary field customizable by the user. Can be any valid value of any database type except for blobs and clobs.
RTSelectionMethod INT32 true This method indicates how the offer was selected by the learning algorithm in the original contact. This is useful for lift reports. Valid values are:
RTLearningMode INT32 true Indicates whether a learning score was used or a marketer score was used in the ranking of this treatment (2: marketerScore, 3:learningScore).
RTLearningModelID INT64 true If a learning score was used, this will indicate the ID of the learning model used. If 0, then the learning model used is the globally defined learning model. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.


This table holds time information identifying information about the hours and minutes for a particular time. It is used to faciliate reporting. This table must be populated as part of the implementation setup.

Field Type Length Null? Description
TimeID INT64 false Unique identifier for a row of this table.
Hour INT32 true The hour of the specified time.
Minute INT32 true The minute of the specified time.


This table holds calendar information identifying information about calendar quarters, days of the week, first and last days of the week, etc. It is used to faciliate reporting over time. It is expected that this table will be customized by customers during implementation. It is the responsibility of the implementation to ensure that dates referenced in Contact history are contained in the time span covered by this table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
DateID INT64 false Unique identifier for a row of this table.
Year INT32 false Four-digit year for the date.
FiscalYear INT32 false Four-digit fiscal year for the date.
Quarter INT32 false Calendar quarter in which the date falls (Q1 being Jan. 1st through March 31st).
FiscalQuarter INT32 true Calendar quarter in which the date falls.
Month INT32 false Month in which the date falls.
WeekOfYear INT32 false Week in which the date falls.
WeekOfMonth INT32 false Which week within a month a date falls.
DayOfYear INT32 false Which day of the year a date falls.
DayOfMonth INT32 false Which day of the month a date falls.
DayOfWeek INT32 false Which day of the week a date falls.
ActualDate DATETIME false The date represented in this row.
FirstDayOfWeek DATETIME false The first day of the week in which this date falls.
LastDayOfWeek DATETIME false The last day of the week in which this date falls.


This table contains summary statistics per interaction point (IP) of how often a visitor was not given any offers but instead served the default string of the IP. This table is consumed by the Reporting system.

Field Type Length Null? Description
SeqNum INT64 false Unique ID for this table.
TimeID INT64 true fk, reference to the time at which this defaultStat occurred.
DateID INT64 true fk, reference to the data at which this defaultStat occurred.
SegmentID INT64 true This is left at 0. Originally, the data in this table was by segment, but that was a design flaw. The counts inserted into this table are by the visit, and not by segment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
SegmentName VARCHAR 64 true Left as NULL. See above.
IPID INT64 true fk, unique ID of the interaction point. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values
IPName VARCHAR 64 true The name of the interaction point. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
Occurrences INT64 true Number of times the defaultstats was served during this time period for the associated interaction point.
ICID INT64 false fk, The unique ID of the interactive channel.


This table will contain all the deployments ever deployed to the runtime system. The runtime system will load all active deployments from this table into memory at startup. During deployment, a record is added to this table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RTDeploymentID INT64 false PK, Unique ID of the deployment. This ID matches the deployment ID in UACI_Deployment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 false fk Unique ID of the interactive channel. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values
DeploymentData IMAGE true Blob that contains a Java serialized version (binary representation) of the deployment object.
RTDepStatusID INT32 false fk, Unique ID of the status of this deployment.
  • 1=Initialized
  • 2=Started
  • 3=Successful
  • 4=Failed/Cancelled
DeploymentVersion INT64 false The Java serialization version of the deployment object. This column is useful only for debugging issues where the system is not able to deserialize the deployment data object.
CreateDate DATETIME true Data when this rtdeployment record was first inserted.
CreateBy INT32 true ID of the user who initiated the deployment. Must be a valid userId in the Platform database.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Same as CreateDate.
UpdateBy INT32 true Same as CreateBy.
Version VARCHAR 64 false Full version of the Interact runtime installation that inserted this deployment record in the form of a string showing major, minor, point, and build number.
IsActive INT32 false Flag that indicates whether a deployment should be active or not. A deployment becomes inactive it was undeployed.


This table will contain all the global deployments ever deployed to the runtime system. The runtime system will load the latest deployment from this table into memory at startup. During deployment that contains global settings, a record is added to this table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RTDepGlobalID INT64 false PK, Unique ID of the deployment, which matches the deployment ID in UACI_Deployment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
DeploymentData IMAGE true Blob that contains a Java serialized version (binary representation) of the Deployment object.
RTDepStatusID INT32 false fk, Unique ID of the status of this deployment.
  • 1=Initialized
  • 2=Started
  • 3=Successful
  • 4=Failed/Cancelled
CreateDate DATETIME true Date when this rtdeployment record was first inserted.
CreateBy INT32 true User ID of the user who initiated the deployment.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Same as CreateDate.
UpdateBy INT32 true Same as CreateBy.


Type table containing Deployment states. Each record is an enumeration of the type of deployment status understood by the system.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RTDepStatusID INT32 false Unique ID of the deployment status.
  • 1=Initialized
  • 2=Started
  • 3=Successful
  • 4=Failed/Cancelled
Description VARCHAR 1024 true Description of the deployment status.


This table contains the next valid ID for various object types (for the Primary key to be used for a new row to be inserted in the CH and RH staging tables). These are used by the system to generate globally unique IDs in the system and prevent the need for uniqueness checking. This table maintains a counter for each type of the object (table). Every time a new row is created, the current value of the counter is used for the primary key, and the counter is incremented.

Field Type Length Null? Description
TypeID INT64 false Unique identifier for the specific type of object. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
NextID INT64 false Next available ID for the object. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.


A type table that contains each enumeration of a score override type.

Field Type Length Null? Description
OverrideTypeID INT32 true Indicates whether or not a record in the ScoreOverride table should be used for overriding existing candidate offers OR if it should be used in an additive (whitelist) manner as well. If 0 or NULL, then the system will only use the record for overriding the score of any matching treatment in the candidate list. If 1, then the system will add to the candidate list if it doesn't already exist.
  • 0=Override Offer Score, only if the offer exists in candidate list of offers
  • 1=Override Offer Score, only if offer does not exist in candidate list of offers
Name VARCHAR 64 true Name of the override type.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of the override type.


A type table that contains each enumeration of a tracking type (such as byTreatment, byOfferID, and so on). User can add customer specific/alternate codes to this table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
TrackingCodeType INT32 false pk, Unique ID of each tracking code type, of a value of 1,2 and up.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of tracking code type, where 1=Treatment Code, 2=Offer Code.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of tracking code type, where 1=UACI Generated Treatment Code, 2=UAC Campaign Offer Code.


Contains the version information of the current Interact Runtime System table installation.

Field Type Length Null? Description
VersionID INT64 false pk, Unique ID of version table. MKust be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
VersionNumber VARCHAR 50 false Full version (major, minor, point, and build).
Parameters VARCHAR 255 true Optional parameters. This field is currently not used and is here for future use.
CreateDate DATETIME false Date when the Interact runtime system tables were installed.


This is a table that is used like a mutex to synchronize the processing across the RH and CH staging tables. The two modules that honor the mutex are the ETL process and the ExternalLoader feature.

Field Type Length Null? Description
TableName VARCHAR 64 false Represents the name of the table that the ETL process or the external loader feature will lock.


A table used to contain the number of times an offer was recommended and passed via the getOffers call. This central place will be used by the runtime instances to enforce the offer constraint rules.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ConstraintID INT64 false pk, Unique ID of each constraint. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 false ID of the interactive channel that contains the constraint. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CurrentOfferCount INT32 false Total number of times this offer has been "allocated" by the runtime instances for serving via the getoffers call.
LogTime DATETIME false The timestamp of when this record was added to this table.


Field Type Length Null? Description
LogTime DATETIME false The timestamp of when this record was added to this table.


This table contains summary statistics on what user defined events, how many times, and when they have been posted by the client-facing system for each individual audience ID.

Field Type Length Null? Description
SeqNum INT64 false Unique identifier for a row of this table. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 false fk, Unique ID of the Interactive Channel. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the interactive channel. Can contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CategoryID INT64 false Unique ID of category that contains the event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CategoryName VARCHAR 64 false Name of category. Can contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
EventID INT64 false Unique ID of the event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
EventName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the event. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
TimeID INT64 true fk, Reference to the time at which this event occurred.
DateID INT64 true fk, Reference to the data at which this event occurred.
Occurrences INT64 false Count of how many times the event occurred during this time.
CustomerID INT64 false The valid audience ID.


This table contains information about the state of defined event patterns associated with the specified audience ID.

Field Type Length Null? Description
UpdateTime INT64 false The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss that this record was last updated.
State BINARY 1073741824 true The states of all event patterns associated with this audience ID.
CustomerID INT64 false The valid audience ID associated with this event pattern.


This table contains the most recent update time for each specified event pattern.

Field Type Length Null? Description
PatternID INT64 false The ID of this event pattern.
EventIDs VARCHAR 200 false The IDs of events to which this pattern subscribes.
UpdateTime INT64 false The date and time, in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss, when the definition of this event pattern was last updated.
CompatibleTime INT64 false The date and time, in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss, when the definition of this event pattern was last compatible.
DetailInfo VARCHAR 2000 true The detailed information on this pattern's definition.
ResetInfo false


Field Type Length Null? Description
ID INT64 false A generated unique identifier
OriginID INT64 false The event pattern ID
TaskType INT8 true The type of the task.
ActionID INT64 false The ID of the event action.
Parameters VARCHAR 1024 true The parameters that are required to execute this action.
ScheduledTime VARCHAR 256 false The time stamp this action is scheduled to execute.
Result VARCHAR 1024 The result of the task execution.
AudienceID VARCHAR 256 The audience ID in the format of a JSON string.


This table contains the triggered messages that will be delivered in the future and those that failed to be delivered.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ID INT64 false The ID of this triggered message.
Channel VARCHAR 100 false The name of the channel via which this triggered message will be delivered.
Offer CLOB false The contents of the offer to be delivered in the format of JSON. It includes the offer name, code, score, treatment code, and personalized attributes.
HandlerParam CLOB true The parameters required by the channel for delivery in the format of JSON.
TimeToDeliver DATETIME true The timestamp when this triggered message will be delivered. NULL means it should be delivered immediately.
Status INT32 false The status of this triggered message. Allowed values are: 1 - new record and will be delivered at the time of TimeToDeliver, 5 - failed in the previous delivery attempt and will not be delivered again
InsertTS DATETIME false The timestamp when this triggered message record was inserted.
UpdateTS DATETIME true The timestamp when this triggered message record was last updated after insertion.


This table contains the names of JMX MBeans tracked by Interact when RelationalDB is chosen as an output target under Affinium|interact|monitoring|outputTargets.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ID INT32 false The internal ID of this MBean.
ObjectName VARCHAR 500 false The ObjectName of this MBean as shown on a JMX client.


This table contains the names of JMX MBeans attributes tracked by Interact when RelationalDB is chosen as an output target under Affinium|interact|monitoring|outputTargets.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ID INT32 false The internal ID of this MBean attribute.
MBeanID INT32 false The ID of the MBean this attribute belongs to.
Name VARCHAR 500 false The name of this MBean as shown on a JMX client.


This table contains the core performance related statistics tracked by Interact when RelationalDB is chosen as an output target under Affinium|interact|monitoring|outputTargets.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ID INT64 false The internal ID of this record.
RTName VARCHAR 200 true The name of the Interact run time instance this record is associated to.
RTInstance VARCHAR 100 true The URL of the Interact run time instance this record is associated to.
CollectTime DATETIME false The timestamp of when this record was collected by the run time instance.
Status VARCHAR 50 true The status of the Interact run time instance.
CPU FLOAT true The average CPU usage in percentage since the last time the record was collected, of the Interact run time instance.
UsedHeap INT64 true The memory heap being used by this Interact run time instance in number of bytes.
UsedHeap INT64 true The maximum memory heap can be used by this Interact run time instance in number of bytes.
ResponseTime FLOAT true The average response time for all the requests since the last time the record was collected, of the Interact run time instance.
Transactions INT32 true The total number of requests received by this Interact run time instance since the last time the record was collected.
Transactions INT32 true The total number of errors reported by this Interact run time instance since the last time the record was collected.
HasDetails INT32 false Whether or not there are JMX details associated to this record. 1 - there are detail records in UACI_JmxStatsDetail table; 0 - no detail records


This table contains the JMX statistics associated to UACI_JmcStats table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ID INT64 false The internal ID of this record.
JmxAttrID INT32 false The ID of the JMX attribute, as stored in UACI_MBeanAttributes table, this record is associated to.
StringValue VARCHAR 500 true The value of the attribute, if the attribute type is a string.
NumberValue FLOAT true The value of the attribute, if the attribute type is a number.
DateTimeValue DATETIME true The value of the attribute, if the attribute type is a datetime.


This is a table that the runtime system populates at startup time. The table contains token data.

Column Name Data Type Allow Null Length Description
Token_Id VARCHAR FALSE 256 Token ID
User_Id INT64 FALSE User ID
Session_Id VARCHAR TRUE 256 Session ID
Create_Date DATETIME FALSE Timestamp when the record is created
Dest_App INT64 FALSE Client Application
ScenarioId INT64 TRUE 8 Foreign key to UACI_SimulationScenario


This is a table that the contains log data.

Column Name Data Type Allow Null Length Description
LogTime DATETIME FALSE 256 The timestamp this entry was created
Instance VARCHAR FALSE 200 The name of the run time instance where this entry was created
Url VARCHAR TRUE 200 The external URL of the run time instance where this entry was created
Thread VARCHAR FALSE 200 The name of the thread that created this entry
Logger VARCHAR FALSE 200 The name of the logger via which this entry was created
LogLevel VARCHAR FALSE 10 The logging level this entry. Example of this field include, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, CFS DEBUG
SessionId VARCHAR TRUE 200 The ID of the session that generated this entry
Message VARCHAR FALSE 4000 The log message
StackTrace VARCHAR FALSE 4000 The stack trace if an exception was thrown


Field Type Length Null? Description
ID INT64 false PK, ID
Details VARCHAR 500 false Details
Locked INT64 false Locked


A table for storing the data of treatments presented to the client application.

Field Type Length Null? Description
SeqNum INT64 false A unique ID of each record
TreatmentCode VARCHAR 64 false The treatment code
OfferID INT64 false The ID of the offer in the treatment
OfferCode VARCHAR 200 false The code of the offer in the treatment
CustomerID INT64 false The customer ID this treatment is generated for.
PresentDate DATETIME false Timestamp this treatment was presented to client.
IPName VARCHAR 100 True The name of the interaction point this treatment was requested for.
Contacted INT64 True Whether a contact event has been posted for this treatment.
Details VARCHAR 4000 true Details of this treatment.


This table contains logging information of triggered messages or actions.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ID bigint No Unique ID
IntChannel varchar 64 No Interactive Channel Name
CustomerID bigint No Customer ID
Channel varchar 64 No Outbound Channel Name
Gateway varchar 64 No Gateway Name
Offer clob No Offers to be delivered
Parameters clob Yes Parameters to be passed
StartTime timestamp Yes Delivery Start Timestamp
EndTime timestamp Yes Delivery End Timestamp
Status int No

1: Initiated

2: Success

3: Failed

Message varchar 400 Yes Message / Reason


A table for storing the data of user consent data.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ConsentId bigint false A unique ID of each record
AudienceHash varchar 250 false The hashcode of audience
ChannelId bigint false The ID of the interact channel
CategoryId bigint 250 false The ID of the category
OptedOut int false 0: Opted in

1: Opted out

CreatedDateEpoch bigint false The created datetime
LastModifiedDateEpoch bigint true The last modified datetime


A table for storing the data of lock information for updating runtime database table such as UACI_Consent table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
TaskId int false A unique ID of each task.

TaskId=1 for Consent task.

TaskId=2 for Playback task.

LockStatus bigint false The lock status:





LastExecDuration bigint true The last execution duration
LastExecTime true The last execution datetime
LastExecInstance varchar 256 true The Interact RT Instance name
Version bigint false Default value=0


Parent table for API log information for offers and segment.

Field Type Length Null? Description
LOGID BIGINT False Autogenerated Primary Key of table.
SESSIONID VARCHAR 200 False Session ID of the API request.
APITIME DATETIME False Date time when the API was called.
AUDIENCEID VARCHAR 256 False Audience ID in JSON format.
INTCHANNEL VARCHAR 100 True Interactive Channel of the API request.
AUDIENCEIDSERACH VARCHAR 200 True Audience ID values stored as one concatenated value for search on audience ID.
AUDIENCELEVEL VARCHAR 100 True Audience Level.


Child table for API log information that stores the served offer IDs and eligible segment IDs for a session.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RECORDID BIGINT False Autogenerated Primary Key of table.
LOGID BIGINT False Foreign key from UACI_OffersSegmentsAPILog table.
LOGTYPE INT64 False Log type to specify type of ID being stored.
  1. Offer ID
  2. Segment ID
ID BIGINT True ID value of Offer/Segment.