Unica Interact Event Pattern ETL Tables

When you install the Unica Interact Event Pattern ETL process, you also run a SQL script to set up the required event pattern tables in your data source that Unica Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the event pattern tables.


This table contains the most recent event information for each specified event pattern, such as whether the pattern is enabled, the start and end time, and so on.

Field Type Length Null? Description
PatternEventId INT64 false The ID of this event pattern.
Name VARCHAR 64 false The name of the event pattern. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CategoryId INT64 false Unique ID of the category that contains the event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CategoryName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the category. Can be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
ICId INT64 false The unique ID of the Interact Channel to which the event pattern belongs. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICName VARCHAR 64 false The name of the Interact Channel to which the event pattern belongs.
SourceDB VARCHAR 128 true The data source from which this event pattern was transferred by the ETL process. This is usually the Interact runtime data source as specified in the ETL configuration file.
Type INT32 true The type of event pattern.
UpdateTime INT64 false The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss that this event pattern record was last updated.
StartTime INT64 true The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss at which this event pattern starts to be in effect.
EndTime INT64 true The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss at which this event pattern stops being in effect.
resetDuration INT64 true The extended time span during which the pattern retains its true state before it resets and begins evaluating events again.
isEnabled INT32 true Boolean value indicating whether the event pattern is active or not.


This table contains pattern state instance details.

Field Type Length Null? Description
PatternStateInstanceId INT64 false Unique ID of the event pattern state instance. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
EventId INT64 false Unique ID of the event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
EventCount INT32 false The number of times the event has been detected.
EventWeight INT64 true The score (significance assigned to a specific event) for an event used in a Weighted Counter event pattern.


This table tracks the details of each ETL run.

Field Type Length Null? Description
Starttime DATETIME false The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss that this event pattern state run began.
Endtime DATETIME true The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss that this event pattern state run was completed.
Status INT32 false Indicates the current status of the given ETL operation, with values matching one of the following:
  • 0: Preparing
  • 1: In Progress
  • 2: Completed with failures
  • 3: Completed Successfully


Holds pattern states instances for a given AudienceID.

Field Type Length Null? Description
PatternStateInstanceId INT64 false Unique ID of the event pattern state instance. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
AudienceId VARCHAR 128 false Unique ID of the audience associated with this pattern state instance. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 false The audience level to which the audience specified by AudienceID belongs.
PatternId INT64 false Unique ID of the event pattern associated with this ETL process. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
State INT32 false The current state of the event pattern indicated by PatternID, from one of the following values:
  • 1: pattern triggered
  • 0: not triggered
  • -1: expired
  • -2: disabled
TotalCountScore INT64 false The total number of times that the specific event has been detected. The TotalCountScore is used to determine when the event pattern is triggered.
ExpectedCountScore INT64 false The total number of times the specific event must be detected for the event pattern to be triggered (State set to 1).
UpdateTime INT64 false The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss that this pattern state ETL was last updated.
ActivationTime INT64 true The date and time in the format of yyyyMMddhhmmss that this pattern state ETL was activated. A value of -1 indicates that activation has not yet occurred.