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HCL® Interact v9.1.1 documentation
Welcome to the HCL® Interact v9.1.1 documentation, where you can find information about how to install, administer, and use HCL Interact.
System requirements and compatibility
HCL® Interact operates as part of the IBM EMM suite of products.
New features and changes in version 9.1.1
Fixed defects
Known issues
The following table lists issues in Interact 9.1.1.
Known limitations
The following table lists known limitations in Interact 9.1.1.
New features in earlier releases
This section contains changes in earlier releases of HCL® Interact for reference purposes. For more detailed instructions on using these features, see the Interact documentation.
About the HCL® Interact Reports Package
The Interact Reports Package delivers reporting schemas that you can use to track campaign, offer, and cell performance based on the interactive channel and other Interact-specific metrics.
Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition provides documentation and help for users, administrators, and developers.
Administering HCL Interact
When you administer Interact you configure and maintain users and roles, data sources, and optional product features. You also monitor and maintain the design and runtime environments. Product-specific application programming interfaces (APIs) are available for you to use.
About Interact users
Interact requires you to configure two sets of users, runtime environment users and design environment users.
Managing Interact data sources
Interact requires several data sources to function properly. Some data sources contain the information Interact requires to function, other data sources contain your data.
Offer serving
You can configure Interact in many ways to enhance how it selects offers to present. The following sections describe these optional features in detail.
Understanding the Interact API
Interact serves offers dynamically to a wide variety of touchpoints. For example, you can configure the runtime environment and your touchpoint to send messages to your call center employees informing them of the best up sell or cross sell prospects for a customer who has called with a specific type of service inquiry. You can also configure the runtime environment and your touchpoint to provide tailored offers to a customer (visitor) who has entered a particular area of your Web site.
Managing the HCL Interact API
Whenever you use the startSession method, you create a Interact runtime session on the runtime server. You can use configuration properties to manage the sessions on a runtime server.
Classes and methods for the IBM Interact API
The following sections list requirements and other details you should know before you work with the Interact API.
Classes and methods for the HCL Interact JavaScript API
The following sections list requirements and other details you should know before you work with the Interact JavaScript API.
About the ExternalCallout API
Interact offers an extensible macro, EXTERNALCALLOUT, for use with your interactive flowcharts. This macro enables you to perform custom logic to communicate with external systems during flowchart runs. For example, if you want to calculate the credit score of a customer during a flowchart run, you can create a Java™ class (a callout) to do so and then use the EXTERNALCALLOUT macro in a Select process in your interactive flowchart to get the credit score from your callout.
IBM Interact utilities
This section describes the administrative utilities available with Interact.
About the Learning API
Interact offers a learning module which uses a naive-bayesian algorithm to monitor visitor actions and propose optimal offers (in terms of acceptance). You can implement the same Java™ interface with your own algorithms using the Learning API to create your own learning module.
HCL Interact WSDL
The Interact installation includes two WDSL (Web Services Description Language) XML files that describe the available web services and how to access them. You can view these files in your Interact home directory, and an example is shown here.
Interact runtime environment configuration properties
This section describes all the configuration properties for the Interact runtime environment.
Interact design environment configuration properties
This section describes all the configuration properties for Interact design environment.
Real-time offer personalization on the client side
There may be situations where you want to provide real-time offer personalization without implementing low-level Java™ code or SOAP calls to the Interact server. For example, when a visitor initially loads a web page where Javascript content is your only extended programming available, or when a visitor opens an email message where only HTML content is possible. HCL® Interact provides several connectors that provide real-time offer management in situations where you have control only over the web content that is loaded on the client side, or where you want to simplify your interface to Interact.
Interact and Digital Recommendations integration
HCL® Interact can integrate with IBM Digital Recommendations to provide Interact-driven product recommendations. Both products can provide product recommendations for offers, but using different methods. Digital Recommendations uses a visitor's web behavior (collaborative filter) to build correlations between visitors and recommended offers. Interact is based on customer's past behavior, attributes, history, and less on view-level offers, learning which offers best match a customer's behavior profile (based on demographics and other information about the customer). Offer acceptance rates help to build a predictive model through self-learning. Using the best of both products, Interact can use a personal profile to define offers that will pass a category ID to Digital Recommendations and retrieve recommended products based on popularity (the "wisdom of the crowds") for display to the visitor as part of the selected offers. This can provide better recommendations for customers that will result in more click-throughs and better outcomes than either product acting alone.
Interact and DDX integration
With Digital Data Exchange, your website can link to Interact to provide a powerful omni-channel execution engine that delivers the best offers to the optimum channels and evolves (learns) from the offer feedback to continuously increase marketing effectiveness.
Use the installation roadmap to quickly find the information that you need for installing Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.
Installation overview
An installation of Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition is complete when you install, configure, and deployinstall and configure Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition. The Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition Installation Guide provides detailed information about installing, configuring, and deployinginstalling and configuring Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.
Planning the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition and Attribution Modeler installation
When you plan your Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler installation, you must ensure that you have set up your system correctly, and that you have configured your environment to deal with any failures.
Preparing data sources for Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing EditionCampaign and Attribution Modeler
The Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler runtime environment uses data sources to store user and interaction data.
Installing Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing EditionCampaign and Attribution Modeler
You must run the IBM® EMM installer to start the installation of Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler. The IBM EMM installer starts the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler installers during the installation process. Make sure that the IBM EMM installer and the product installer are saved at the same location.
Configuring Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition before deployment
You must complete specific tasks before you deploy Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition. There are no pre-deployment configuration tasks for Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition Design Time and Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition Run Time.
Deploying Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition
You must deploy the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition runtime environment for every instance of the runtime server that you install. The Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition design time environment is deployed automatically with the Campaign EAR or WAR file.
Configuring Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition after deployment
After you deploy Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition, you must configure the Interact design time and runtime environments. Configuring the environments completes a basic installation of Interact.
Configuring multiple partitions for Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition
In the Campaign family of products, partitions provide a way to secure the data that is associated with different groups of users. When you configure Campaign or a related IBM® EMM application to operate with multiple partitions, users can see each partition as a separate instance of the application. There is no indication that other partitions exist on the same computer.
Uninstalling Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition and Attribution Modeler
Run the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler uninstallers to uninstall Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler. When you run the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler uninstallers, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
The configTool utility
The properties and values on the Configuration page are stored in the Marketing Platform system tables. You can use the configTool utility to import and export configuration settings to and from the system tables.
An installation of Interact consists of several components including third-party tools (such as web application servers, databases, and load balancers) and HCL® components such as Marketing Platform and Campaign. All of these components have several properties, features, and settings you can configure to improve performance.
About tuning Interact for best performance
An installation of Interact consists of several components including third-party tools (such as web application servers, databases, and load balancers) and HCL® components such as Marketing Platform and Campaign. All of these components have several properties, features, and settings you can configure to improve performance.
Use the upgrade roadmap to quickly find the information that you need for upgrading Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.
Upgrade overview
An upgrade of Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition is complete when you upgrade, configure, and deployupgrade and configure Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition. The Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition Upgrade Guide provides detailed information about upgrading, configuring, and deployingupgrading and configuring Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.
Planning the Interact upgrade
Upgrade your installation of Interact after understanding the guidelines that are specific to your current version of Interact.
Upgrading Interact
You can upgrade Interact by overwriting your existing Interact installation. If you cannot upgrade your current version of Interact directly, you must install Interact in a new location. You can only upgrade Interact version 9.1.1 from versions 9.1.0 or
Deploying Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition
You must deploy the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition runtime environment for every instance of the runtime server that you install. The Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition design time environment is deployed automatically with the Campaign EAR or WAR file.
Uninstalling Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectionDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition and Attribution Modeler
Run the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler uninstallers to uninstall Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler. When you run the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler uninstallers, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.
The configTool utility
The properties and values on the Configuration page are stored in the Marketing Platform system tables. You can use the configTool utility to import and export configuration settings to and from the system tables.
Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition provides documentation and help for users, administrators, and developers.
Overview of HCL Interact
HCL® Interact is an interactive engine that targets personalized offers to visitors of inbound marketing channels. You can configure Interact to be behavioral, strictly event-based, situational, strategic, and so on. Interact is a module within the HCL suite of Enterprise Marketing Management tools, and is integrated with IBM EMM.
Design environment
Designing the Interact configuration is a multi-step process that involves many people in your organization. You work with theInteract user interface, the Interact API, and Campaign flowcharts to configure your interactive marketing campaign.
About interactive flowcharts
Interactive flowcharts are similar to Campaign batch flowcharts when used to create strategic segments.
About the Interact List process in batch flowcharts
When Interact is installed, the Interact List process is available in batch flowcharts. Similar to the Call List and Offer List processes, the Interact List process allows you to specify which offers are served to which visitors to your interactive site. This provides you with the ability to target offers to entire audience levels, target specific individual audience members, or suppress offers from specific audience members by using table-driven features.
Understanding deployment to runtime servers
Deployment is how you transfer all the configuration that you define in the design environment to the runtime server groups. Deployment is grouped by interactive channel. When you deploy an interactive channel, you are sending all the data that is associated with an interactive channel to the selected runtime server group. This is why, when you are creating interactive channels, you must define the production runtime servers and the non-production (testing) runtime servers.
About Interact reporting
Interact is integrated with IBM® EMM reporting to deliver comprehensive Cognos® reports in Interact.
HCL® Interact Design Time System Tables
When you install the HCL® Interact design time server, you also run a series of SQL scripts to set up the required system tables in your data source that Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the design time system tables.
HCL® Interact Runtime System Tables
When you install the HCL® Interact runtime server, you also run a series of SQL scripts to set up the required system tables in your data source that Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the runtime system tables.
HCL® Interact Learning Tables
When you install the HCL® Interact design time server, you also run a SQL script to set up the required tables in your data source that Interact needs to run the learning service. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the learning tables.
HCL® Interact User Tables
When you install the HCL® Interact runtime server, you also run a SQL script to set up the required user tables in your data source that Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the user tables.
HCL® Interact Contact and Response History Tables
When you install the HCL® Interact design time server, you also run a SQL scripts to set up the required tables in your data source that Interact needs to track contact and response history data. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the contact and response history tables.
HCL® Interact Event Pattern Report Tables
This section describes the database schema design for the HCL® Interact Event Pattern report. To improve the Event Pattern report execution time, the report is designed to run on the aggregated data. The aggregation process is to collect the transactional ETL data and store it in separate tables from which the report is generated. The tables in which the aggregated data is stored are described here.
HCL® Interact Event Pattern ETL Tables
When you install the HCL® Interact Event Pattern ETL process, you also run a SQL script to set up the required event pattern tables in your data source that Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the event pattern tables.
HCL® Macros can be used in HCL Campaign and HCL Interact to enhance your flowcharts.
About the integration between HCL® Interact and HCL® Interact Advanced Patterns
The integration between HCL® Interact and HCL Interact Advanced Patterns provides advanced pattern recognition capabilities for your Interact implementation.
Before you contact technical support
If you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve by consulting the documentation, your company's designated support contact can log a call with technical support. Use these guidelines to ensure that your problem is resolved efficiently and successfully.