Creating and populating the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition system tables
If you have not created and populated the system tables during the installation process, use your database client to run the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition SQL scripts against the appropriate database or to create and populate the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition runtime environment, design time environment, learning, user profile, and contact and response tracking data sources.
Design time environment tables
Before you can enable the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition design time environment in Campaign, you must add some tables to your Campaign system table database.
The SQL scripts are in the Interact_HOME/interactDT/ddl directory under your Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition design time environment installation.
If your Campaign system tables are configured for Unicode, use the appropriate script that is in the Interact_HOME/interactDT/ddl directory in your Interact design time environment. There are no Unicode equivalent scripts for the aci_populate_systab scripts that are used to populate the design time environment tables.
Data source type | Script name |
HCL DB2® |
aci_systab_db2.sql The user table space and system temporary table space where the Campaign system tables exist must each have a page size of 32K or greater. |
Microsoft™ SQL Server |
aci_systab_sqlsvr.sql |
Oracle |
aci_systab_ora.sql |
Data source type | Script name |
aci_populate_systab_db2.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server |
aci_populate_systab_sqlsvr.sql |
Oracle |
aci_populate_systab_ora.sql |
Runtime environment tables
The SQL scripts are in the <Interact_HOME>/ddl directory under your Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition installation.
If your Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition runtime tables are configured for Unicode, use the appropriate script that is in the <Interact_HOME>/ddl/Unicode directory to create the runtime tables. There are no Unicode equivalent scripts for the aci_populate_runtab scripts that are used to populate the runtime tables.
You must run the SQL scripts once for each server group data source.
Data source type | Script name |
aci_runtab_db2.sql The user table space and system temporary table space where the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition runtime environment tables exist must each have a page size of 32K or greater. |
Microsoft SQL Server |
aci_runtab_sqlsvr.sql |
Oracle |
aci_runtab_ora.sql |
Use the scripts in the following table to populate the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition runtime tables:
Data source type | Script name |
aci_populate_runtab_db2.sql You must use the following command when you run the script: db2 +c -td@ -vf aci_populate_runtab_db2.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server |
aci_populate_runtab_sqlsvr.sql |
Oracle |
aci_populate_runtab_ora.sql |
DB2: ALTER table UACI_EligStat ALTER COLUMN OfferName SET DATA TYPE varchar(130);
ORACLE: ALTER TABLE UACI_EligStat MODIFY OfferName varchar2(130);
SQLSVR: ALTER TABLE UACI_EligStat alter column OfferName varchar(130) not null;
DB2: ALTER table UACI_EligStat ALTER COLUMN OfferName SET DATA TYPE varchar(390);
ORACLE: ALTER TABLE UACI_EligStat MODIFY OfferName varchar2(390);
SQLSVR: ALTER TABLE UACI_EligStat alter column OfferName nvarchar(390) not null;
Learning tables
You can use SQL scripts to create and populate tables for optional features such as learning, global offers, score override, and contact and response history tracking.
All the SQL scripts are in the <Interact_HOME>/ddl directory.
If your Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition runtime tables are configured for Unicode, use the appropriate script that is in the <Interact_HOME>/ddl/Unicode directory to create the learning tables.
Use the scripts in the following table to create the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition learning tables:
Data source type | Script name |
aci_lrntab_db2.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server |
aci_lrntab_sqlsvr.sql |
Oracle |
aci_lrntab_ora.sql |
Contact and response history tables
You must run SQL scripts against the contact history tables if you want to use cross-session response tracking or the advanced learning feature.
All the SQL scripts are in the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition installation directory.
If your contact history tables are configured for Unicode, use the appropriate script that is in the Unicode directory under the same location as the standard script to create the learning tables.
Use the scripts in the following table to create the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition contact and response history tables:
Data source type | Script name |
Microsoft SQL Server |
Oracle |