Viewing reports
For each production run or test run, Unica Optimize generates a number of reports. These reports help you understand what happened during the optimization process by providing analyses pre- and post-optimization.
The included reports highlight rule performance, the migration of customers from one campaign or offer to another, and analysis across customers, channels, and offers.
Reviewing the rules and the optimization results proposed for each Unica Optimize session is an iterative process. Unica Optimize reports provide insight into this process. Reviewing the reports can provide information to help you refine rules to address your corporate or each campaign manager's goals or to explain the optimization process to participating campaigns.
Each production run or test run of a Unica Optimize session automatically generates reports. You can view the most recent set of reports for the current Unica Optimize session run, or you can access reports from previous runs (for example, for comparison purposes). The Report run list on the Analysis tab allows you to choose the specific Unica Optimize session run you want to view. Unica Optimize runs are listed in reverse chronological order with date and time, the person that ran the session, and the run status.
All Unica Optimize reports are available on the Analysis tab of a Unica Optimize session. If the Unica Optimize session has not yet been run, the reports display, Report data does not exist.