New features and changes in version 10.0
The following new features and changes are introduced in version 10.0 of Contact Optimization.
Context-sensitive help for Configuration properties
When you view configuration properties under Campaign | caching page, you see a help topic that specifically describes all of the caching options. You must have an internet connection to use this feature.
, you can choose to display context-sensitive help. For example, if you request help for theEnhanced user interface for Marketing Platform, Campaign, Interact, and Contact Optimization
This release updates the user interface so that it is easy to use, offers a clean, modern design, and delivers improved inline text and error messages. The new look does not change how the product works, and you can get updated documentation from the Help menu.
New environment variable for listener script: STALE_CONN_TIMEOUT
A new environment variable, STALE_CONN_TIMEOUT, is available for the listener script file for HCL® Campaign and Contact Optimization. The listener script file is rc.unica_ac/cmpServer.bat (for Campaign) and (for Contact Optimization), located in <CAMPAIGN_HOME>\bin.
The STALE_CONN_TIMEOUT variable was introduced to enable long-running campaigns to continue without losing connection to the back-end database. If a connection is idle for the number of seconds defined, the connection will be re-opened. For example: STALE_CONN_TIMEOUT=<seconds>. If you add or change this environment variable, you must restart the listener. If a connection is lost, the following debug message appears in the Campaign flowchart or Contact Optimization server log file: [DB QUERY] Connection is stale, so re-opening db connection!
EMM files and directories renamed to IMS
Files and folders that included "EMM" have been changed to IMS. For example, the default top-level directory is now C:\IBM\IMS and the names of the installers are IBM_Marketing_Software_Installer_10.0.0.0_linux.bin,, and IBM_Marketing_Software_Installer_10.0.0.0_win.exe.