Data Mapping Definitions

The Data Mapping Definitions page maps data between campaign projects in Marketing Operations and campaigns in Campaign, objects in Distributed Marketing and campaigns in Campaign. Use the Data Mapping link on the Template Configuration page to configure data mapping.

The Data Mapping Definitions page contains the following columns:

Column Description


The name of the data mapping file.


Campaign Metrics Import: maps Marketing Operations project metrics to Campaign contact and response counts.

Campaign Data: maps Distributed Marketing attributes to Campaign attributes.

If you have map files from previous versions, you might see other values in the Type column.

Used By

A list of templates that use the data map.

Note: You cannot create a map file within Marketing OperationsDistributed Marketing. Use a text or XML editor to create and edit the necessary map files.

The Campaign Service URL field on the Campaign tab in a Corporate Campaign template behaves as follows:

  • If it is blank, data mapping does not occur.
  • If it contains information, the value in the field is used to map data between Distributed Marketing and Campaign.