Undeploying and upgrading Campaign

Before upgrading Campaign, you must undeploy your current installation of Campaign.


Complete the following steps to undeploy the current installation of Campaign:
  1. Stop the Campaign utilities (unica_*) that might be running. For instructions, see the Campaign Administrator's Guide.

    If you skip this step, the installer detects if any processes are running and requests that you stop them.

  2. Stop the Campaign listener using one of the following methods:
    • On UNIX™, run the following command as root: ./rc.unica_ac stop
    • On Windows™, go to the Campaign bin directory and run the following command: svrstop -p <port>, where <port> is the port on which the listener is running. By default, <port> is 4664.

      If you are prompted for the CAMPAIGN_HOME environment variable, use the following command to set the CAMPAIGN_HOME environment variable: set CAMPAIGN_HOME=C:\installation_pathCampaign.

      After you set the CAMPAIGN_HOME environment variable, run the setup as shown here, then run the svrstop command again.

  3. Follow the instructions in your web application server to undeploy the Campaign.war file, and save or activate all changes.
  4. Shut down and restart the web application server to release the lock on the Campaign.war file.

What to do next

After you undeploy your current installation of Campaign, you can run the IBM® EMM installer in upgrade mode. Use the following guidelines to run the installer in upgrade mode:
  • To ensure that the IBM EMM installer runs in the upgrade mode, select the same directory as your current installation when you run the installer. The installer detects your existing version of Campaign and prompts you to confirm the upgrade.
  • When upgrading, do not select the installer option for Automatic DB Setup. This option is intended for new installations, not upgrades.
  • If you are rerunning the installer on a system where other HCL products are installed, select only Campaign in the installer during the upgrade process.
  • If a response file was previously created and you run in unattended mode, the installer uses the installation directory that was previously set. If you want to upgrade by using the unattended mode when no response file exists, create a response file by running the installer manually for your first installation, and be sure to select your current installation directory in the installation wizard.
  • If you have a distributed system where the Campaign listener is installed on one server, and J2EE is installed on a different server, complete the following tasks to upgrade Campaign:
    1. Run the Campaign installer on the server where the Campaign listener is installed. Make sure that you select the Campaign Server option in the Campaign Components window of the installer.

    2. Run the Campaign installer on the server where J2EE is installed. Make sure that you clear the Campaign Server option in the Campaign Components window of the installer.

You can create an EAR file after the upgrade process. To see more information about creating an EAR file, see HCL Campaign Installation Guide

After you run the IBM EMM installer in the upgrade mode, run acUpgradeTool to continue the upgrade process.