Creating Administered Server connection

Use Deployment Manager to create an Administered Server connection in IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.

Before you begin

You must install Deployment Manager before you create an Administered Server connection.


Complete the following steps to create an Administered Server connection:
  1. Open Deployment Manager for SPSS.
  2. Click File > New > Administered Server Connection.
  3. In the Name field, enter the connection name.
  4. In the Server URL field, enter the URL of the computer where SPSS is deployed.

    Use the same server name and port that you used to deploy Marketing Platform and save the configuration.

    Important: The port must be either http or https (not the console port).
    For example, http://unicavmdemo:9080
  5. Click Finish.


You can see the connection name in the left pane of the Deployment Manager.