Creating a new partition for eMessage

Installing eMessage creates a default partition for eMessage in Marketing Platform. You can create multiple partitions for eMessage to isolate and secure data for different groups of users.

Before you begin

Before you create and configure partitions for eMessage, you must meet the following requirements for eMessage and Campaign:
  • Before you create multiple partitions in eMessage, complete the following tasks for eMessage:
    • Contact HCL® Support to request an account and credentials for each partition. Each partition requires a separate IBM EMM Hosted Services account and access credentials. For more information, see the HCL Startup and Administrator's Guide.
    • Create a system user that can access the eMessage system tables that you will create in the Campaign schema for the partition.

      You can update the system user that you created for the Campaign partition so that it can also access the eMessage system tables.

  • Before you create multiple partitions in eMessage, complete the following tasks in Campaign:
    • Create a partition in Campaign to operate with the partition that you are creating for eMessage. Note the name of the partition.
    • Create Campaign system tables in the Campaign partition.
    • Configure a system user to access the system tables in the partition.

      If you have multiple partitions, each partition must have its own system user. The system user cannot be the same across partitions.

About this task

The HCL installer registers the eMessage configuration properties and a default partition during initial installation. The default partition includes a template that you can copy to create additional partitions.


Complete the following actions to create a new partition for eMessage:
  1. Navigate to eMessage > partitions > (partition) and duplicate the partition template.
  2. Name the new partition.
    Note: eMessage does not support deleting a partition after you have created it.

Identifying the partition template

The Configuration page displays the eMessage partition template in the navigation tree for the default partition. You can identify the partition template in the tree because its label is in italics and enclosed in parentheses.

What to do next

Naming the new partition

The following restrictions apply when you name a new partition.

  • The name must be unique among categories that are siblings in the tree (that is, among categories that share the same parent category).
  • The partition name may not start with a period. Also, the following characters are not allowed in partition names.

Characters not allowed in partition names
Note: Because eMessage operates with Campaign within a specific partition, the partitions for eMessage and Campaign must specify the same partition name.