Creating ODBC or native connections

Create ODBC or native connections so that the Campaign server can access the Campaign database. Create ODBC or native connections on the computer where you installed the Campaign server.

About this task

The computer on which the Campaign server is installed must have an ODBC or native connection to the following databases:

  • The database or schema that contains the Campaign system tables
  • The database or schema that contains the customer tables (sometimes called user tables).
Note: If you are configuring just one partition, name the data source UA_SYSTEM_TABLES. If you are configuring more than one partition, do not name any of the data sources UA_SYSTEM_TABLES. For more information, refer Configuring multiple partitions for Campaign.

Use the following guidelines to create these ODBC or native connections:

  • For databases on UNIX™: Create native connections for DB2® and Oracle databases or ODBC connections for other databases, such as SQL Server, Teradata, Netezza®. The procedure for creating a native data source differs depending on the data source type and the version of UNIX. See the data source and operating system documentation for specific ODBC driver installation and configuration instructions.
  • For databases on Windows™: Create a new ODBC connection in the Control Panel Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) section.
  • For DB2 databases on z/OS®: The database user account must have SYSADM privileges. The DBADM privilege is not sufficient because it does not provide access to all of the required system objects.  Without SYSADM privileges, flowcharts might not run successfully.
Note: Campaign supports certain versions of DB2 on z/OS for customer tables only, not system tables. For more information, see the Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements.

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