Planning failover configuration of Campaign

When you install Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition, you can configure your environment to address any failures of the web application server (front-end) or listener servers (back-end).

Definition of terms

Component Installation option Definition
Campaign web application server J2EE Application The web application that provides the Campaign user interface.
Campaign back-end server Campaign Server The startup scripts and components that support the design and execution of flowcharts.

Campaign web application server component failover

The Campaign web application server components support load balancing when the web application is deployed in a clustered environment.

In Campaign, certain objects, such as offers, are cached in the web application server to improve response times in the user interface. In a load balanced environment, offers created on one web application server are available to users whose sessions connect through another server if you have configured campaign_ehcache.xml. Information about configuring campaign_ehcache.xml is provided in Configure ehcache.

The objects that are cached include: offers, offer templates and attributes, campaigns, sessions, folders, attributes, initiatives, and segments. You can configure how often the cache is refreshed by adjusting the Campaign cache configuration settings, such as offerTemplateDataTTLSeconds. However, this adjustment can adversely affect performance because smaller values result in more frequent cache updates. Configuration settings are described in the HCL Campaign Administrator's Guide.

A clustered configuration can be used to minimize disruptions in application availability in the event of a web application server failure. Because the Campaign system tables are stored in an external database, it is not necessary to replicate data to the standby server. If the primary web application server fails, the Campaign web application must be started on the standby server. When started, the Campaign web application retrieves all current data from the Campaign system table database.

Before you begin the installation, be sure to read Web application clustering.

Campaign listener server component failover

Listener clustering, also referred to as back-end clustering, involves the use of multiple listeners for the purpose of high availability and load balancing. Listener clustering is important because flowchart runs happen at the back end.

Before you begin the installation, be sure to read Installing a clustered listener environment.