WebLogic clustering guidelines

If you are installing HCL® Campaign on a cluster in WebLogic, complete these extra steps in addition to the steps for installing HCL Campaign on WebLogic.

Preparing to install

Before you begin the installation, you must create a WebLogic domain for the cluster. For help with this step, see the WebLogic documentation.

Preparing the data sources

In addition to any other instructions provided in this guide, complete the following tasks for your data sources:

  • Configure the web application servers to use the correct JDBC driver on all servers in the cluster.
  • Create the data source for the HCL Campaign system tables (UnicaPlatformDS) on both the administration server and the cluster members.
  • When you create the data source for the HCL Campaign system tables (CampaignPartition1DS), deploy it to the cluster and not to the administration server. Select All servers in the cluster.

Installing the products

When you run the installer, be sure that you install Marketing Platform and HCL Campaign only once on the server that is designated as the administration server for the cluster. The administration server is accessible to all servers in the HCL Campaign cluster.

You do not need to install the software on each cluster member. Instead, you install it on the administration server, create the EAR or WAR file, and then deploy the EAR or WAR file on each cluster member.

Pre-deployment steps

Before you deploy HCL Campaign, complete the following task:

  • Share the top-level directory in which HCL Campaign is installed. For example, if you installed HCL Campaign in C:\CampaignCluster\IBM_EMM\Campaign. In this case, you would share the entire CampaignCluster directory.

Deployment steps

In addition to the instructions in the deployment chapter (Deploying the Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition web application), complete the following tasks:

  1. Set the source accessibility option. When you deploy the EAR or WAR on the administration server, set the Source accessibility option to Use the defaults defined by the deployment's targets.
  2. Extra instructions for the Generic JVM property: Configure the Generic JVM property on each server in the cluster.

    The path that you specify in the <CAMPAIGN_HOME> and other properties must point to the shared installation directory.

    Set the following extra parameters for clusters:

    • When HCL Campaign is deployed in cluster mode, enable cache replication by setting the following parameter to true for each cluster node.


    • Set the following parameter to ensure that eMessage ETL is not triggered by all clustered nodes:


      For the one node that should trigger ETL eMessage data for all other nodes, set the parameter to false.

    • Set the following parameter to ensure that Interact ETL is not triggered by all clustered nodes:


      For the one node that should trigger ETL Interact data for all other nodes, set the parameter to false.

    • Set the following parameter to the location where campaign_ehcache.xml is located:


      Where <CAMPAIGN_HOME> is the path to the HCL Campaign installed location.

Post-deployment steps

If you are using a plug-in for load balancing, complete the following configuration steps:

  • For HCL Campaign to work effectively in a clustered environment, users must remain on a single node for their entire session. This option for session management and load balancing is known as sticky sessions or sticky load balancing. For more information about configuring your installation to use this option, see the documentation for your application server.
    Note: When a node fails on a system that uses this configuration option, every user session on that node also fails. The load balancer must not switch users to another available node because user authentication applies only to a single node in HCL Campaign. Users are prompted to log in again, and in some cases an unexpected error and corresponding data loss can occur.
  • Log in to HCL Campaign. Select Settings > Configuration and configure the following URL parameters so that all references to the HCL Campaign server use the proxy host and port:

    Campaign | navigation | serverURL