Known limitations in HCL Campaign 9.1.1

Campaign 9.1.1 includes the following known limitations.

Table 1. Campaign known limitations
Issue ID Description

Web application clustering constraints.


Web application clustering is supported only for stand-alone Campaign (not integrated with other products). For example, do not configure a clustered web application environment if you currently use eMessage, Interact, Contact Optimization or Marketing Operations. Only Sticky sessions are supported. No session replication is done, as the focus is on scalability. Failover is not implemented.

Flowchart annotations


Annotations are not affected by zoom. You cannot resize annotations. Annotations do not appear in the panning area. Annotations can be moved out of the flowchart window and the only way to access them is to move the associated process box in the direction of the annotation, then drag the annotation back to the main flowchart area and move the process box back to its original position. If an annotation overlaps a process box, drag the annotation to another position.

DB2 10.5 BLU for user DB: no indexing requirement for temp tables in Campaign datasource


DB2 10.5 (with BLU feature ON) does not require indexing in Campaign. Campaign has certain properties for datasources, such as TempTablePreTruncateRunScript, TempTablePostExecutionSQL, and PostTempTableCreateRunScript, where you can provide SQL or scripts to create indexes on user database tables. If you are using DB2 10.5 as a customer database, with the BLU feature ON, you do not need to configure any of these temp table properties.

Dialog behavior


In certain cases, it is necessary to click twice in order to activate a field or change a field value.

Unused configuration property


The monitorEnabledForEmessage configuration property in Campaign|monitoring is not currently used.

Relevant products limitation


When offer management is performed from HCL® Marketing Operations, the "relevant products" functionality, which relates product IDs to offers, is not available.

Blank or incorrect results from derived fields in a Mail List process. This can occur in a process box that uses a derived field that calls a Generated field (UCGF) that changes value.


Do not use a UCGF in a Mail List derived field if the UCGF is not constant. Also, from the Parameters tab, do not create a derived field to call a UCGF to populate offer attributes.

For details, see the following Tech Note:

Profiling a Campaign Generated Field (UCGF) does not yield correct results.


Some UCGFs have a value according to the cell or the offer being processed. For cell-related UCGFs, only the value associated with the first cell appears during profiling.

The default value for a custom cell attribute does not appear when you open the Target Cell Spreadsheet.


Although the default value is not initially displayed, it will be used. The value can be displayed or changed by clicking or opening and editing the custom cell attribute in the TCS®.

UA_UsrResponseType.Name Name field cannot contain restricted string.


The UA_UsrResponseType.Name field cannot contain a left parenthesis followed by a single quote.

Use unique TempTablePrefix for each data source when mapping multiple data sources to same physical database.


If you mapped multiple data sources in Campaign to the same physical database, and you use the same TempTablePrefix for more than one of the data sources, when you use the cleanup utility to delete orphaned temp tables, it may falsely identify temp tables as orphaned, when they are in fact legitimate temp tables defined from a different Campaign data source.

Any deleted temp tables will automatically be recreated when you rerun affected flowcharts, but as a best practice, use a unique TempTablePrefix for each data source when mapping multiple data sources to the same physical database.

If the data sources defined in Campaign map to different schemas in the database, another solution is to ensure that the database user who runs the cleanup utility does not have privileges to drop tables in other schemas in the same database.

WebLogic 11g and AIX® 6.1 or higher


If you use the combination of WebLogic 11g and AIX 6.1 or higher, a manual workaround is required to address classloading issues in WebLogic. The workaround involves removing the xercesImpl.jar file from the Campaign.war file, and repackaging it before deploying. Full details are included in the installation steps in the Campaign Installation Guide.

Several dialog boxes cannot be resized


Most dialog boxes can now be resized but several dialogs that might not contain a large amount of data or are not commonly used cannot be resized or maximized.

Error 19024: Cannot delete segment folder if the segment was deleted from the folder.


A segment that is deleted from a folder remains as an inactive segment in the folder. Folders with inactive segments cannot be deleted. This is working as intended.

If the same flowchart is edited in multiple locales, undesired behavior can occur.


This situation occurs only if two (or more) users with different language settings edit the same flowchart. Users with different locales should not edit the same flowchart that was created by a user with a different locale since this can lead to undesired behavior. The preferred approach is to create and edit flowcharts with users having the same language settings.

Copy and paste behavior in process boxes and other dialogs


For security reasons, some browsers do not allow applications to copy and paste via the Clipboard. This affects the General tab of the Segment process configuration and other areas of the application where copy and paste might be used.

Campaign utilities 161323

The error "Login failed. Error 10553" can occur if you try to log in to the Campaign utilities when the IBM Marketing Platform | Security | login method is set to Windows integrated login or Web access control. To avoid this issue, change the login type to LDAP or IBM Marketing Platform prior to using the Campaign utilities.

Process box connection arrow changes direction 201968, 200241

If two process boxes are moved very close together in a flowchart, the direction of the connection arrow changes. This limitation affects the visual representation of the arrow. The process data flow is not affected. The workaround is to move the process boxes farther apart so the arrowhead changes back to the correct direction.