Commands for providing a status check of the IBM Traveler server..
Stat Show
Stat Show
dumps all of the IBM Traveler statistics to the Domino® Console. It then provides the percentage of prime syncs and
device syncs that were successful, including the average time syncs are taking. The
following is an example of the results of a Stat Show
DB.Connections = 7 DB.Connections.Idle = 7 DB.Connections.Max = 1000 DCA.C.CheckAccessRights = 495 DCA.C.Count.NSFDbClose = 7524 DCA.C.Count.NSFDbOpen = 7525 DCA.C.Count.NSFNoteClose = 16205 DCA.C.Count.NSFNoteOpen = 16205 DCA.C.HTMLCreateConverter = 1063 DCA.C.HTMLDestroyConverter = 1062 DCA.C.ModDoc.RunCount = 4742 DCA.C.ModDoc.SkippedDocs = 1278 DCA.C.ModDoc.SyncableDocs = 11039 DCA.C.NAMELookup = 4132 DCA.C.NSFDbGetNoteInfo = 3069 DCA.CLOSE_DOCUMENT = 27422 DCA.ChangeDelayCount.000-003 = 4722 DCA.ChangeDelayCount.003-005 = 1569 DCA.ChangeDelayCount.005-010 = 598 DCA.ChangeDelayCount.010-030 = 182 DCA.ChangeDelayCount.030-060 = 63 DCA.ChangeDelayCount.060-120 = 239 DCA.ChangeDelayCount.120-Inf = 649 DCA.OPEN_DOCUMENT = 25228 DeviceSync.Bytes.In.B = 1555581 DeviceSync.Bytes.Out.B = 21509810 DeviceSync.Count.200 = 2268 DeviceSync.Count.408 = 13 DeviceSync.Count.409 = 15 DeviceSync.Count.412 = 11 DeviceSync.Count.500 = 17 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Calendar.Add = 542 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Calendar.Delete = 40 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Calendar.Update = 107 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Contacts.Add = 629 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Mail.Add = 3751 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Mail.Delete = 1712 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.Mail.Update = 479 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.ToDo.Add = 13 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.ToDo.Delete = 1 DeviceSync.Documents.ToDevice.ToDo.Update = 9 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Calendar.Add = 2 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Calendar.Delete = 1 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Calendar.Update = 3 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Mail.Add = 24 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Mail.Delete = 89 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.Mail.Update = 182 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.ToDo.Delete = 1 DeviceSync.Documents.ToServer.ToDo.Update = 2 DeviceSync.FetchCache.Add = 1760 DeviceSync.FetchCache.Expired = 878 DeviceSync.FetchCache.Missing = 652 DeviceSync.Time.200.Milliseconds = 17721648 DeviceSync.Time.408.Milliseconds = 4502543 DeviceSync.Time.409.Milliseconds = 3948921 DeviceSync.Time.412.Milliseconds = 0 DeviceSync.Time.500.Milliseconds = 0 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.000-001 = 1288 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.001-002 = 230 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.002-005 = 192 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.005-010 = 300 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.010-030 = 180 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.030-060 = 46 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.060-120 = 11 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.200.120-Inf = 21 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.408.120-Inf = 10 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.409.010-030 = 2 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.409.060-120 = 1 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.409.120-Inf = 12 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.412.000-001 = 11 DeviceSync.Time.Histogram.500.000-001 = 17 Monitor.NewAPI.LoopTime = 0 Monitor.NewAPI.Users = 44 Monitor.OldAPI.LoopTime = 0 PrimeSync.Count.200 = 4735 PrimeSync.Count.500 = 60 PrimeSync.Count.Current = 0 PrimeSync.Count.InQueue = 1 PrimeSync.Time.200.Milliseconds = 7527539 PrimeSync.Time.500.Milliseconds = 155745 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.000-001 = 3789 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.001-002 = 504 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.002-005 = 292 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.005-010 = 49 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.010-030 = 47 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.030-060 = 34 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.060-120 = 14 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.120-Inf = 6 PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.500.002-005 = 60 Push.Devices.ActiveSync = 38 Push.Devices.ActiveSync.Connected = 11 Push.Devices.Online = 60 Push.Devices.SMS = 3 Push.Devices.TCP = 25 Push.Devices.TCP.Connected = 8 Push.Devices.Total = 66 Push.Received.ActiveSync = 2288 Push.Received.TCP = 1591 Push.Sent.ActiveSync = 1136 Push.Sent.SMS = 28 Push.Sent.TCP = 3668 Push.Users.Online = 44 Push.Users.Total = 47 ThreadPool.Count.Max.Alarm = 6 ThreadPool.Count.Max.DS = 9 ThreadPool.Count.Max.PS = 10 ThreadPool.Count.Max.TC = 1 ThreadPool.Count.Max.Worker = 5 ThreadPool.GetThreadDelayTime.Alarm.00-02 = 8548 ThreadPool.GetThreadDelayTime.DS.00-02 = 2483 ThreadPool.GetThreadDelayTime.PS.00-02 = 4794 ThreadPool.GetThreadDelayTime.PS.02-05 = 1 ThreadPool.GetThreadDelayTime.TC.00-02 = 12 ThreadPool.GetThreadDelayTime.Worker.00-02 = 8677 There are 47 users known to the system. 6 percent (3) of the users have been offline for more than 24 hours. 93 percent (44) of the users are online or have been within the past 24 hours. There are 44 mailfiles currently being monitored for these online users. The current change detection latency of these mailfiles is 0 seconds. There are 66 devices known to the system. 4 percent (3) of the devices are registered for SMS notifications. 37 percent (25) of the devices are registered for TCP notifications. 57 percent (38) of the devices are registered for ActiveSync notifications. 9 percent (6) of the devices have been offline for more than 24 hours. 90 percent (60) of the devices are online or have been within the past 24 hours. 12 percent (8) of the devices are currently connected to the server via TCP. 16 percent (11) of the devices are currently connected to the server via ActiveSync. There have been 4,795 prime syncs. The average prime sync took 1,602 ms. 98 percent (4,735) of the prime syncs were successful. The average successful prime sync took 1,589 ms. 1 percent (60) of the prime syncs failed. The average failed prime sync took 2,595 ms. 1 percent (60) of the prime syncs ended in result 500. The average 500 prime sync took 2,595 ms. There are an average of 0.116 prime syncs running at any given time. There have been 2,313 device syncs. The average device sync took 0 ms and transferred 9,299 bytes. 98 percent (2,268) of the device syncs were successful. The average successful device sync took 7,813.778 ms. 1 percent (45) of the device syncs failed. The average failed device sync took 150,919.000 ms. 0 percent (13) of the device syncs ended in result 408. The average 408 device sync took 346,349.462 ms. 0 percent (15) of the device syncs ended in result 409. The average 409 device sync took 263,261.400 ms. 0 percent (17) of the device syncs ended in result 500. The average 500 device sync took 0 ms.
The following list highlights the sync return codes:
- 200=Successful
- 408=Request Timeout (the device did not respond before the server timed out the session)
- 409=Conflict (the device started a new session that caused this session to be aborted)
- 500=Unknown Error
- 503=Server Busy
The histogram statistics are the number of seconds in each range for a given return code. For example, "PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.000-001 = 3789" indicates that there were 3789 prime synchronizations with a 200 (Successful) return code between 0 and 1 seconds. This continues up to "PrimeSync.Time.Histogram.200.120-Inf = 6," which indicates that six prime synchronizations with a 200 return code took more than 120 seconds.
Histograms are useful statistics for seeing whether syncs are taking too long, the system is overloaded, or there is a lot of network delay in the environment. If the system is running slow, the histogram statistics tend toward the larger numbers. The prime sync histogram numbers are the best to check to see how the system is performing overall. The prime synchronizations are not dependent on the carrier network delay or the device speed.
For more information on what the individual statistics mean, see the section System stat results.