Logging commands

Information on the options that can be used with the log command.:

Log commands should be given in the following format:
tell traveler log <command> 

Where <command> includes the following variables:

Level <level>

Set the logging capture level to: FINEST, FINER, FINE, INFO, WARNING, or SEVERE.

AddUser <level> <user>

Logs records for this user at the specified log level. This level overrides the system log level until this user is removed from the list.

RemoveUser <user>

Removes a user from the list of users that are logging. You can remove all users by specifying '*'.

AddPackage <pkg>

Adds a package to the log filter. Only packages in the filter list will be logged. Use AddPackage * to log all packages.

RemovePackage <pkg>

Removes a package from the log filter.


Displays all possible log packages.

Usage <on|off>

Enables or disables usage logging.

MaxEntrySize <#>

Sets the maximum size for a single log entry.

Size <#>

Sets the maximum size (in MB) before the activity file wraps.

Count <#>

Sets the maximum number of activity files to keep.

Fields <fields>

Controls which fields are logged in the activity file. Options include:
  • S = Subject
  • B = Body
  • L = Location
  • A = Address
  • P = Phone
  • O = Other
  • * = Show all fields
  • Blank = hide all fields

For example, Log Fields SB would show Subject and Body fields only.


Displays current log settings.


Deletes the logs.


Copies the logs to a zip file.

Import <file>

Imports the log settings from the fully qualified file name.

Export <file>

Exports the log settings to the fully qualified file name.

AddHandler <hlr>

Adds a handler to the list of handlers. Options include:
  • activity
  • error
  • usage
  • logNsf
  • console
  • errorConsole
  • audit
  • auditnsf

RemoveHandler <hlr>

Remove a handler from the list of handlers. Options for <hlr> include:
  • activity
  • error
  • usage
  • logNsf
  • console
  • errorConsole
  • audit
  • auditnsf

Handler [<hlr> <prop name> <prop value>]

Sets a handler property. Choices for <hlr> include:
  • activity
  • error
  • usage
  • logNsf
  • console
  • errorConsole
  • audit
  • auditnsf
Choices for <prop name> include:
  • level
  • formatter
  • filter
  • limit
  • count
  • pattern
  • append

If no parameters are specified, the settings for each handler will be listed.

XML [<prop name> <prop value>]

Sets a property for the XML handler. Choices for <prop name> inlcude:
  • limit
  • count
  • pattern
  • append

If no parameters are specified, the current XML handler settings will be listed.


Resets all logging settings to the default values.

Audit <on|off>

Enable or disable audit logging.