How do I set mail and calendar filters and other settings on an Android device?
Mail and calendar filters are used to conserve space and to prevent unnecessary data from syncing to your mobile device.
About this task
Use the following steps to manage the amount of mail on the device:
- Select the IBM Verse icon .
- Select the overflow menu in the toolbar.
- Select Settings.
- Select Applications.
- Select from the following filters:
Filters Description Options Remove mail older than Mail messages are kept on your mobile device based on the interval specified. After an email message is older than the specified interval, the message is automatically removed from the device. The email message is not deleted from the IBM® Notes® mailbox on the server. This setting applies to all folders on the device. - 1 day
- 3 days
- 5 days (default)
- 1 week
- 1 month
- 3 months
- 6 months
- 1 year
- Show all
Importance Sync only urgent or all email. - All messages (default)
- Urgent messages
Truncate mail to This filter controls the number of characters that are included in each email that is synced to the device. Setting it to off disables the truncation feature. If an email is truncated, you can retrieve the entire email message including all attachments by using the Download Message feature. - Off
- 1 K
- 2 K
- 5 K (default)
- 10 K
- 50 K
- 100 K
Auto download inline images up to Inline images up to this configured size will automatically be downloaded. As with the existing setting, the rest of the inline images can be downloaded using the Download Message feature. - Off (default)
- 5K
- 25K
- 100K
- 500K
Auto download attachments up to By default, no attachments are synced with mobile device. To allow attachments, you must set a size value. You can retrieve the entire email message including all attachments by using the Download Message feature. - Off (default)
- 25K
- 100K
- 500K
- 2MB
- 10MB
Show past events Events older than the interval specified are removed from the mobile device. These events are not removed from you IBM® Notes® calendar on the server. - 1 day
- 3 days
- 1 week (default)
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- 3 months
- 6 months
- Show all
Show upcoming events Upcoming events are synced to your device based upon the interval specified. - 1 day
- 3 days
- 1 week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
- 3 months (default)
- 6 months
- 1 year
- Show all
Note: If the IBM Verse server administrator sets the filter information for your account using the IBM Verse policy settings document, you cannot modify those filters on your device.Note: In a hybrid environment, if the company administrator sets the filter information for your account using the IBM Verse policy settings document, you cannot modify those filters on your device. - Select Back to save and close.