Notes.ini settings

These notes.ini parameters can be used to change or override HCL Traveler default values. For most installations, changing these settings is unnecessary. They are provided here for your reference in cases where the default values are not compatible with an existing system.

There are only a few parameters that are required to be specified in notes.ini. Any of the optional parameters that are not specified in notes.ini have a default value that will be described in the following table.

Many more parameters exist than the ones listed here. All of the HCL Traveler server configuration parameters can be seen in a system dump, or by issuing the command tell traveler config in the Domino® console. Please do not attempt to set any other notes.ini parameter values for HCL Traveler server unless directed to do so by HCL support.

Note: Table formatting causes line breaks that may impact copying and pasting settings from this topic.
Table 1. Server configuration settings
Parameter Value Description


Set during installation to indicate whether the server is running a 64-bit operating system. Default is true.

If true, HCL Traveler automatically optimizes settings for thread and memory usage based on the operating system. It is not recommended to install HCL Traveler on a server running a 32-bit operating system.


Default is true.

Whether or not to append the Domino® domain to the Canonical Name when addresses are converted. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address cache is enabled for Android devices for data synced server to device. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address cache is enabled for devices for calendar data synced server to device using Exchange ActiveSync. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address cache is enabled for devices for contact data synced server to device using Exchange ActiveSync. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address cache is enabled for devices for mail data synced server to device using Exchange ActiveSync. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address cache is enabled for all devices for data synced device to server. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address cache is enabled for Nokia devices for data synced server to device. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address cache is enabled for Windows Mobile devices for data synced server to device. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is true.

Whether or not the address encoding is enabled for devices for data synced server to device using Exchange ActiveSync. For more information, see Name lookup.


Default is 30 minutes.

How often to check for expired (based on NTS_ADDRESSCACHE_LIFETIME) entries in the cache and delete expired ones.


Default is 1440 minutes.

How long an item is allowed in the cache until it becomes eligible for deletion.


Default is FullName,ListName

List of fields that count as the canonical name. The rder of these fields are important for priority of results returned. First item has highest priority, then second, and so on.


Default is InternetAddress

List of fields that count as the internet address. The order of these fields are important for priority of results returned. First item has highest priority, then second, and so on.


Default is ($Users),($MailGroups),Mail-In Databases

The views in Domino® names.nsf to search.


Default is InternetAddress,$$NoteID

List of items used for duplicate resolution. If two or more results contain the same value for these items, the first result will be kept and the others discarded.


Default is 10000

How many items are allowed in the cache before the oldest ones start being deleted to create room for new entries.


Default is 30.

Number of days after which security data for a deleted device will be removed from HCL Traveler. If security data needs to be immediately removed during device deletion, set the value to 0. This is a server level setting and will affect all deleted devices.


Default is 10.

Sets how much to bias the AI for each promotion (to determine if it is possible to do more promotions).


Default is 40.

The availability index that the server must be above to allow promotions.


Default is true.

Determines if the server should use adaptive initial sync logic.


Default is 60

Number of seconds between checks for users to promote.


Default is 0.

Number of days back in the initial filter window (0 = today (midnight), 1 = yesterday (midnight), and so on...)


Default is true.

Enables Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices to create, rename, move, and delete mail folders from their devices.

Note that folder operations on the device are only available when the device is online and is able to connect to the HCL Traveler server.


Default is 75

The size of the meeting location field at which HCL Traveler prepends any room information to the meeting description field for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync devices. HCL Traveler appends room data to the location field, but Exchange ActiveSync devices may truncate the display of the location field.

NTS_AS_SEND_NOTICES_FROM_MAIL_SERVER Default is false. (Setting requires 11.0.1 FixPack 1 or later)

If set to true, the HCL Traveler server will route all meeting notices via the of the user's mail server.

HCL Traveler 11.0 started utilizing HCL Domino Calendar API's that only send meeting notices via the HCL Traveler server's If mail routing is not available on the HCL Traveler server then some device chair and reply meeting notices will not be sent.

It is recommended that mail routing always be configured on HCL Traveler servers. When routing is not configured then using NTS_AS_SEND_NOTICES_FROM_MAIL_SERVER=true will leverage legacy methods to generate and send calendar notices via the ofthe user's mail server. It's usage may limit access to future calendar improvements for clients.


Default is false. (Default was true prior to 10.0.1)

Determines whether Traveler "pre-streams" email attachments from Domino to count the bytes so that an accurate attachment size is sent to the device before streaming the attachment data.

Pre-streaming email attachments to count the bytes takes time, particularly if the network connection between the Traveler server and the mail server has high latency, so the default setting, false improves performance.

On some devices (for example, BlackBerry), attachment streaming operations fail if the number of bytes streamed does not exactly equal the attachment size. If such users are having trouble streaming attachments, setting this to true may help.


Set to true during installation. Default is true.

If set to true, the HCL Traveler server configures the HTTP server during startup. This value is assumed to be true unless set to false.


Default is true.

Set to false if manually managing the Traveler database schema. See Configuring HCL Traveler for enterprise database for more information.


Default is True.

If true, HCL Traveler will start or restart the HTTP server as needed at run time to ensure proper functionality. If false, it is up to the Domino® Administrator to ensure HTTP starts correctly, usually done by adding HTTP to the ServerTasks list in the notes.ini file.


Default is False.

If True, HCL Traveler will stop the HTTP server whenever HCL Traveler is quit. As the servlet only talks to the HCL Traveler task running on the same Domino server, you may want to have HTTP quit whenever HCL Traveler quits to avoid HTTP being able to receive incoming HTTP requests without a place to send them for processing; this is most applicable in an HA environment, as there could be other servers in the pool that are still available. If HTTP is being used for anything other than HCL Traveler, this should most likely remain set to False.


Default is false.

When enabled, Traveler includes calendar events (by APPTUNID) as part of crash protection processing.


Default is 5.

Determines the number of crashes associated with a Notes document before it is banned. A setting of 0 will disable crash protection.


Default is false.

When set to true, a document dump will be performed each time a document is banned.


Default is 14 days. The maximum number of days to keep documents in the banned candidate list after being marked during crash protection processing.


Default is 14400 seconds (4 hours) Interval in seconds at which Traveler checks the banned document list to purge old records. Applies to banned documents that were deleted from the user's mail file and banned document candidates whose time since last marked exceeds the value specified by NTS_BANNED_DOC_MAX_AGE_DAYS.


Default is 3.

Determines the number of crashes associated with a Notes® user before the crash protection function will start banning documents that have a crash count greater than or equal to what is set in NTS_BANNED_DOC_LIMIT. See Repeated crash protection for more details.


Set to the version and build number of the HCL Traveler server during installation.

The version and build number of the HCL Traveler server. This parameter is listed here for documentation purposes only. Please do not modify the value of this parameter.


The default is true

Allows meeting invitations to be "ghosted" on the Verse mobile client calendar (iOS and Android). Ghosting enables you to see the original invitation and schedule change correctly.

NTS_CALENDAR_RICHTEXT_TO_DEVICE The default is false. If true, for devices that support Rich Text, Traveler sends the description for Calendar events as Rich Text. This includes all events and mail notices created after being enabled.


Default is ILNT_Address_Internet.

Sets the default logon name used during client configuration. Possible values are ILNT_Address_Internet, ILNT_Address_Canonical or "".

NTS_CLIENT_INSTALL_COMPANY_APP_STORE_NAME Default is blank. Specifies a custom store name to be used in Traveler server-generated emails that include an install link for HCL Companion for iOS (used in conjunction with NTS_COMPANION_INSTALL_LINK_APP_STORE) or HCL Verse for iOS (used in conjunction with NTS_CLIENT_INSTALL_LINK_APPLE_IBM_APP_STORE). If not specified, the general term "app store" is used in the title when generating any download links.


Default is the link to the Android Verse client on GooglePlay.

Specifies the link for downloading the HCL Verse client for Android devices. By default, this is GooglePlay. This can be changed to point to a different app store location.
Note: You can also use MyStore as the value to insert non-linked text stating that the app should be obtained from your company's app store.


Default is the link to the Apple Verse client on the Apple App Store.

Specifies the link for downloading the HCL Verse client for Apple devices. By default, this is the Apple App Store. This can be changed to point to a different app store location.
Note: You can also use MyStore as the value to insert non-linked text stating that the app should be obtained from your company's app store.
Note: If NTS_CLIENT_INSTALL_COMPANY_APP_STORE_NAME is specified, that value is used in the app store title for the download link or in the non-linked text.


Set to FULL during installation. Default is the empty string.

This parameter indicates that the HCL Traveler server should update the client images that are stored in the database during startup. When complete, this parameter is automatically removed from notes.ini.


Default is the link to the Traveler Companion app on the Apple App Store.

Specifies the link HCL Traveler will provide to get the Traveler Companion app. By default, this is the Apple App Store. This can be changed to point to a different app store location.
Note: You can also use MyStore as the value to insert non-linked text stating that the app should be obtained from your company's app store.
Note: If NTS_CLIENT_INSTALL_COMPANY_APP_STORE_NAME is specified, that value is used in the app store title for the download link or in the non-linked text.


Default is 9.0

Sets which minimum (and later) versions of HCL Traveler Companion are allowed. Prevents HCL Traveler Companion from syncing with the server until it is updated from the Apple App Store.


Default is false

If set to true, the HCL Traveler request and responses to the device is shown in the console.The following messages are examples:

Traveler: pushAS D->S (71b, 0ms, Folders and Heartbeat (Contacts,Calendar,Inbox(4) and 900))

Traveler: syncAS D->S (76b, 0ms, dp, Sync, Email, 4, 36)

Traveler: syncAS D<-S (45b, 719ms, 200rc, Sync, Email, 4, 37)

NTS_CONTACTS_GROUPS Default is false. If true, HCL Traveler will sync personal groups to the contacts application on supporting clients (HCL Verse for Android and iOS). Requires that NTS_CONTACTS_VCARD4 be enabled.
NTS_CONTACTS_VCARD4 Default is false. If true, indicates the HCL Traveler server supports VCard4 contact format. Required if enabling NTS_CONTACTS_GROUPS.


Not set by default.

Set to specify the schema name for the DB2 database if you are manually managing the DB2 schema or if you are changing the DB2 user name.


Default is true.

If set to true the HCL Traveler server will limit both the number and speed at which database transactions are created to help improve database performance. If set to false the HCL Traveler server can create the maximum configured database transactions in a very short period of time.


No default value. Set to jdbc:derby:ntsdb;create=true during installation.

This parameter must be specified to indicate which database to use for synchronization data. During installation, the HCL Traveler server is configured to use Derby in a stand-alone environment. To change the server to be part of a High Availability (HA) pool, this value must be configured to use either DB2, MySQL, or SQL Server. The travelerUtil utility should be used to change this and other related parameters when reconfiguring the server to be in an HA pool.


Not set by default.

Use this parameter when the value for NTS_DBCONNECTIONURL is greater than 256 characters. Comment out or remove NTS_DBCONNECTIONURL then set this parameter to a comma separated list of notes.ini parameters that, when linked together, contain the full DB Connection URL. For example, NTS_DBCONNECTIONURL_EXT=CONNECTION1, CONNECTION2.


No default value.

Use this parameter if you are having issues running the travelerUtil application to set the enterprise database password. Restart the Traveler server for the setting to take effect. On restart, the parameter will be consumed and removed from the notes.ini file.


No default value.

Use this notes.ini parameter if you are having issues running the travelerUtil application to set the enterprise database user name. Restart the Traveler server for the setting to take effect. On restart, the parameter will be consumed and removed from the notes.ini file.


Path to the JDBC JAR for the HCL Traveler server to use in connecting to the database. The default is the empty string.

This parameter must be set when the NTS_DBCONNECTIONURL is modified to specify DB2, MySQL, or SQL server. The travelerUtil utility will set this parameter when the database type is changed.

NTS_DEVICE_APPROVAL_ADMIN_URL_BASE Default is empty string. If set will use the configured value as the Base portion of the device approval action URL for administrators, otherwise will use the external URL. Ex: https://hostname.domain
Note: This parameter along with NTS_DEVICE_APPROVAL_ADMIN_URL_PATH should form a fully qualified URL. Use just this parameter if you wish to use the default device security view for the Path portion of the URL but with a different host name than specified in the External URL.
NTS_DEVICE_APPROVAL_ADMIN_URL_PATH Default is empty string. If set will use the configured value as the Path portion of the device approval action URL for administrators, otherwise will use the LotusTraveler.nsf device security view. Ex: /LotusTraveler.nsf/xDevicesSecurity.xsp
Note: This parameter along with NTS_DEVICE_APPROVAL_ADMIN_URL_BASE should form a fully qualified URL. Use just this parameter if you wish to use the host name from the External URL as the base portion of the URL and this configured value as the Path portion of the URL.


.* (all device IDs are allowed)

For a device to be allowed to sync, its ID must match this regular expression. This can be used to only allow certain device IDs to be allowed to sync with the server. This is useful in cases where the user-agent is not unique enough to be the blocking mechanism.


Default is true.

If set to true, new HTMO devices will inherit the Device Sync time limits from existing HTMO devices.


Default is true.

If set to true, new mobile devices will inherit the Device Sync time limits from existing mobile devices.



If the sync request is SyncML based, Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as Android running the HCL Traveler application. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_ANDROID.

If the sync request is not SyncML based, Devices IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as another, non-supported Android client.



Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as Android running the HCL Traveler application. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_ANDROID.



Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as Apple running the Apple provided Mail, Calendar and Contacts apps. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_APPLE.



Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as BlackBerry devices. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_BB.



Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as Apple running the HCL Verse on Apple iOS application. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_IBM_APPLE.



Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as Apple running the HCL MaaS360 provided apps. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_MAAS360_APPLE.



Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as running the HCL MaaS360 provided apps, but the user-agent string is also needed to further differentiate the device (Android or Windows Phone). That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_MAAS360_ANDROID or NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_MAAS360_WINPHONE respectively.


Default is ^IMEI:

Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as Nokia devices. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_NOKIA.


Default is ˆSPIM

Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as SecurePIM devices. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_SECUREPIM.

NTS_DEVICE_TYPE_DEVICE_ID_WORXMAIL Default is ^workmail. Device IDs matching this regular expression will be classified as Citrix Secure Mail (WorxMail) devices. That Device Type will then be checked against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_WORXMAIL.


.* (all device IDs are allowed)

For a device to be allowed to sync, its ID must match this regular expression. This can be used to only allow certain device IDs to be allowed to sync with the server. This is useful in cases where the user-agent is not unique enough to be the blocking mechanism.


URL. Default is not set.

For more information, see Converting Notes document links to web links.


Number. Default is not set.

For more information, see Converting Notes document links to web links.


URL protocol string, like "http" or "https" or “notes”. Default is not set.

For more information, see Converting Notes document links to web links.


True or false. Default is true.

For more information, see Converting Notes document links to web links.

NTS_DOMINO_LINK_USE_ABSOLUTE_URL True or false. Default is true.

For more information, see Converting Notes document links to web links.


Default is true.

Controls whether HCL Traveler threads that use Domino API calls are Domino initialized and terminated when HCL Traveler is done with the thread and the thread is destroyed (true) or when each usage of the thread for a user's device is done but the thread is not destroyed (false). True saves the overhead of doing the initialization and termination for each user's device but NRPC connections are cached per thread and only released upon the termination. If your HCL Traveler server is talking over NRPC to a large number of mail servers (for example, more than 100) and the HCL Traveler server is running out of TCP/IP network ports, you may want to change this value to False to force more frequent thread terminations which release NRPC connections more frequently.


Default is true.

Enabling this feature allows mobile users to read and send Notes-encrypted mail messages from their mobile devices. For more information on which clients support this feature, see Planning for device security.

If encryption is disabled, users cannot send encrypted mail and cannot view it on their devices.

To instruct all of the HCL Traveler clients to retrieve their configuration setting from the server, issue the following console command:

tell traveler push flagsAdd serviceability configGet * *


Default is false.

Controls whether SSL is required to read encrypted mail on the mobile device.


The default is the empty string.

This is the complete URL, including https://, server name, the port number (if not the default), and the file path (/) that the device uses to get to the server for HTML content. This can be a proxy or redirected address. This is used by the server so that links are properly formatted for the device to get to the server as it does for static HTML pages and files.


The default is blank.

This is the complete URL, including https://, server name, the port number (if not the default), and the servlet path (/servlet/traveler) that the device uses to get to the server. This can be a proxy or redirected address. This is used by the server so that links are correctly formatted for the device to get to the server as it does for syncing. This is also in the server document and is overridden by notes.ini if specified.

NTS_FREE_BUSY_SUPPORT Default is true. Whether or not to allow queries to the free/busy database for the availability feature.
NTS_FREE_BUSY_MAX_RECIPIENTS Default is 20. The maximum number of invitees for which the server will check availability.
NTS_FREE_BUSY_MAX_RANGE_HOURS Default is 4380 (6 months). The maximum number of hours in a single range for which a device can request availability.


Default is true.

If set to true, HCL Traveler performs two way syncing of the Trash folder with mobile devices.

NTS_GROUPS_MIGRATION_COUNT Default is 10. Upon enabling NTS_CONTACTS_GROUPS, this setting limits the number of concurrent threads processing users initial personal group synchronization.


The default is the IP address of the primary active network interface of the machine on which HCL Traveler Server is running.

This property can be used to override this selection if the wrong IP address is chosen. This could happen if the server has multiple active network interfaces and it is desirable for the server to use an interface other than the one that was selected. NTS_HOST_IP_ADDR applies only to HCL Traveler and not the APNS library or other third party libraries.


Default is based on the last two parts of the host name of the NTS_EXTERNAL_URL value.

When the HTTP Referer header is present on a request (most often in the HCL Traveler servlet web pages which link to each other), the header is checked against this regular expression to determine if the request should be allowed or not. If the HTTP Referer header is present and does not match this regular expression, the request will be denied.

The regular expression can be made more or less restrictive based on the need. Using .* would allow every request. You can also use OR values such as, (.*mydomain1\.com.*)|(.*mydomain2\.com.*) to allow two domains. There are many other possible regular expressions that can be constructed based on the particular network setup.


Default is false.

Sets whether or not users can export their HCL Verse contacts to the native Contacts app on their iOS device.

NTS_IMSMO_ALLOW_DELEGATION_ENABLED Default is true. When set to to true, HTMO delegation is enabled. Delegates can use HTMO to access and manage the owner's mail file.

For more information on delegation, see HTMO delegation.


Set during installation to indicate the installation type. Set to ON_PREMISE during installation. The default is ON_PREMISE.

Certain installation types cause HCL Traveler server to function differently. This parameter is listed here for documentation purposes only. Please do not modify the value of this parameter.


The default is true.

Traveler will ghost meeting updates to the Apple iOS Calendar application's calendar even when the initial invitation has not been accepted yet. Ghosting enables you to see the original invitation and schedule change correctly. Applies to iOS 9 or later


The default is blank

This sets various Java parameters for the HCL Traveler JVM. If more than one parameter is specified, they will be separated by a space. This is not recommended. Starting with HCL Traveler 9.0.1, the Java heap memory will be calculated as 512MB for 32-bit machines. For 64-bit machines, the value will be the greater of either 1024MB or 25% of the physical memory.


0 or 1. Default is 1.

For more information, see Converting Notes document links to web links.


Default is 14 days.

Specifies the number of days of data to gather during log collection or a support command.


Default is 90 days.

Sets the maximum age of any HCL Traveler log file. Files older than this range will be removed. Each log file has its own age parameter, see the log handler tell command for details.


Default is 0.

Used to change the log directory for HCL Traveler. The default directory is data/IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT/traveler/logs.


Default is 14 days.

Specifies the expiration value in days for a log adduser command. Set this to zero if you want to have no expiration time.


Default is 0.

Set to 1 to enforce access control for corporate lookup at a user level. Customer should only set to 1 if they use directories that specifically allow and disallow access to certain levels of information. For example, if they use Extended ACL to control lookup results. If set to 0 (or not present), corporate lookup will be performed at a server access level and not user access level, and will therefore not honor access settings such as Extended ACL.

If set to 1, you must also ensure the following:
  • The HCL Traveler server needs to be a trusted server on the users' mail servers.
  • The HCL Traveler server needs to have Manager rights to names.nsf on the users' mail servers.
  • The HCL Traveler server needs to be specified as a Server on the ACL on the names.nsf on the users' mail servers.

For more information on enabling and using this parameter, refer to Corporate lookup settings.

NTS_MAIL_SERVERS_ALGORITHM Default is PRIMARY. This parameter determines how the Traveler server builds the list of mail files to be monitored for a user. Possible values are PRIMARY, LOCALONLY, and LOCALPREFER. With a value of PRIMARY, the list contains the mail file returned by a lookup and then any replicas identified in the cluster database directory. With a value of LOCALONLY, the list only contains a mail file that is local to the Traveler server; every user must have a mail file on at least one Traveler server. With a value of LOCALPREFER, the list is the same as PRIMARY except a mail file local to the Traveler server, if it exists, is moved to the beginning of the list.The HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook (HTMO) client requires a mail file that is local to the Traveler server. Other clients may use any mail file.


Default is false.

Automatically set to true when the HCL Traveler server completes the migration of synchronization data from Derby to either the DB2, MySQL, or the SQL server.


Default is false.

If set to true, this creates a text/plain version of mail messages sent from the device if it does not already exist. This can be useful for older mail programs that do not support HTML.


Default is Internet.

Address Fields that specify a mail address to be used by the device. These fields will be encoded if they contain characters or address formats not supported by mobile devices. The encoded address can then be used on the device to send, reply to or forward mail, and the server will properly decode and send the item. NTS_LOOKUP_ENFORCE_ACL


Default is 40.

0 - Exact match and return first match found

8 - Will match partial names and return first match found

32 - Exact match and will perform exhaustive search of all catalogs

40 (default) - Partial match and will perform exhaustive search of all catalogs.


Default value (in desired sort order): LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial, ListName, FullName, InternetAddress, $$NoteID, Type, Title, Suffix, OfficeStreetAddress, OfficeCity, OfficeState, OfficeZIP, OfficeCountry, StreetAddress, City, State, Zip, country, JobTitle, CompanyName, Department, CellPhoneNumber, PhoneNumber, OfficePhoneNumber, WebSite, MailDomain

Items to use in the name look up search. These should match to fields in the Domino® directory or other LDAP directory. The items should be in desired sort order of the returned items. Due to line length limitations, if you change the default items, you must use multiple notes.ini parameters to specify the full list, similar to the following:
NTS_ITEMS_1=LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial,.... 
NTS_ITEMS_2=StreetAddress, City, State, Zip,....


Default is 30.

The number of records to send to the mobile device for a name look up request. The list is sorted based on order of name lookup items and then truncated to this value. Increasing this value can effect performance of the mobile device.


Default is 3.

The minimum number of characters that need to be entered before actually performing a name look up search request. Android devices also have a setting on the device to control how many characters are typed before sending the search request.


Default is ($Users),($MailGroups),Mail-In Databases

The views in Domino® names.nsf to search.


Default is InternetAddress,$$NoteID.

Searching multiple directories can often result in duplicate name look up results being returned. This field is used to identify fields that are required to be unique in the look up results. For example, name look up will not return two results with the same InternetAddress field using the default settings. Note that the fields specified for unique items must also be specified for name lookup items or the unique item will be ignored during processing.


Set to true during installation. Automatically set to false the first time the HCL Traveler server starts.

The installation code performs special processing during the first installation of the HCL Traveler server. This parameter is listed here for documentation purposes only. Please do not modify the value of this parameter.


0, 1, or 2. Default is 1.

For more information, see Converting Notes document links to web links.

NTS_OUTLOOK_ONLY Default is false. This setting is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release. This setting was intended to be used when deploying a Traveler server to be used with only HTMO clients. Setting to true has the following effect:
  • Allowed device types restricted to HTMO clients

In lieu of using NTS_OUTLOOK_ONLY, the NTS_MAIL_SERVERS_ALGORITHM should be explicitly set to LOCALONLY or, in the case of a mixed local and remote mail server environment, LOCALPREFER. If it is desired to restrict the allowed device types, see Restricting access by device category.


Default is

Sets the server to which support files will be uploaded.


Default is 22.

Sets the port for a support upload. The port defaults for the protocols are:
  • FTP is 21
  • FTPS is 990 (but often runs on 21, as well)
  • SFTP is 22


Default is SFTP.

Sets the method of a support upload. Choices are SFTP, FTP or FTPS


Default is {{{8642}}}.

Sets the interprocess socket connection between the HCL Traveler server and older clients (versions 8.5.1 and older).


Default is 50126.

Sets the interprocess socket connection between the HCL Traveler server and its HTTP server servlet. This is the servlet listening port number. Add this Notes.ini setting to override the default port number.


Default is 50125.

Sets the interprocess socket connection between the HCL Traveler server and its HTTP server servlet. It is also used for inter-server communication between servers in an HA pool. This is the port used by the HCL Traveler server task for incoming requests from the web servlet or commands from other servers. Add this Notes.ini setting to override the default port number.

NTS_PRESERVE_PROPS Default is false. Determines whether or not the HCL Traveler settings in the notes.ini file are kept or deleted during an HCL Traveler uninstall.



Lists applications that should have the Prime Sync First Syncs limits applied to them.



Default is false.

Controls whether Prime Sync First Sync limits are applied or not


Default is 5


The maximum number of users who are allowed to perform a prime sync that is considered a "first sync". A first sync is any time the filter on the amount of data is increased. For example, expanding a mail filter from 3 days to 7 days. In addition, starting from scratch is also considered a first sync, as it is beginning from zero.


Default is 1


Maximum number of users who are using HTMO who are allowed to perform a prime sync that is considered a "first sync". This is an additional check such that the TOTAL can be larger than the HTMO limit, but HTMO can never be more than the TOTAL.


Default is 0.

The minimum Mail server availability index to allow a first sync prime sync of mail. A value of 0 indicates the availability index is not checked.


Default is 0.

The minimum HCL Traveler server availability index to allow a first sync prime sync of mail. A value of 0 indicates the availability index is not checked.


Default is 5000 milliseconds

How long to wait when the max has been reached before retrying.


Default is 30.

The maximum number of days allowed for a first sync prime sync of calendar data.


Default is false.

Sets whether or not NTS_PRIMESYNC_TIME_LIMITS_CALENDAR_DAYS should be applied.


Default is 30.

The maximum number of days allowed for a first sync prime sync of mail data.


Default is false.

Sets whether or not NTS_PRIMESYNC_TIME_LIMITS_MAIL_DAYS should be applied.


Default is 50.

Prime syncs detect the changes in a user's mail database since the last time it was checked. Normally, these checks are relatively frequent, which means that the number of changes since the previous check should be relatively small. If the number of changes is above the threshold set in NTS_PS_CHANGE_THRESHOLD, it can indicate an issue with the mail server or database. An exception could be if the user is frequently inactive for long periods of time, then the time between checks will also be longer, meaning a larger number of changes would be expected and may not indicate an issue.

NTS_PUSH_ALERTS_ALLOW_ABSTRACT Default is false. The abstract information for the item. This will be a portion of the body for mail or description for calendar and To Do items.


Default is true.

Who the item is from (for example, the From: address for mail and calendar notices).


Default is false.

The identifying information for the item. This will be the subject of mail, calendar, and To Do items. This will be the group name for a group contact and the first and last name of an individual contact.



Default is blank. For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to specify the application bundle identification rather than obtaining the application bundle identification from the p12 file.


Default is blank.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to change the built-in p12 file name to a custom p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to change the password associated with the p12 file.


Default is 3.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. The number of retries to attempt when sending an APNS message before giving up and returning an error. Min 1, Max 15.


Default is blank.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the password used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is 0.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the port number used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the host name used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is HTTP.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the port type on which the proxy is listening. The supported values are HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the user name for proxy authentication if the proxy requires authentication.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server name to which messages should be sent.


Default is 15 For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the number of concurrent persistent connections to the APNS server (min is 1, max is 15).


Default is 443.

For use with the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server port number to which messages should be sent. Apple provides port 2197 as an alternative to port 443.


Default is blank. For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to specify the application bundle identification rather than obtaining the application bundle identification from the p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to change the built-in p12 file name to a custom p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to change the password associated with the p12 file.


Default is 3

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. The number of retries to attempt when sending an APNS message before giving up and returning an error. Min 1, Max 15.


Default is blank.

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the password used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is 0.

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the port number used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the host name used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is HTTP.

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the port type on which the proxy is listening. The supported values are HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the user name for proxy authentication if the proxy requires authentication.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server name to which messages should be sent.


Default is 15 For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the number of concurrent persistent connections to the APNS server (min is 1, max is 15).


Default is 443.

For use with the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server port number to which messages should be sent. Apple provides port 2197 as an alternative to port 443.



Default is blank. For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to specify the application bundle identification rather than obtaining the application bundle identification from the p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to change the built-in p12 file name to a custom p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. This would be used to change the password associated with the p12 file.


Default is 3

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. The number of retries to attempt when sending an APNS message before giving up and returning an error. Min 1, Max 15.


Default is blank.

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the password used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is 0.

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the port number used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the host name used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is HTTP.

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the port type on which the proxy is listening. The supported values are HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the user name for proxy authentication if the proxy requires authentication.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server name to which messages should be sent.


Default is 15 For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the number of concurrent persistent connections to the APNS server (min is 1, max is 15).


Default is 443. For use with the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server port number to which messages should be sent. Apple provides port 2197 as an alternative to port 443.


Default is blank. For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate. This would be used to specify the application bundle identification rather than obtaining the application bundle identification from the p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate. This would be used to change the built-in p12 file name to a custom p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate. This would be used to change the password associated with the p12 file.


Default is 3

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate. The number of retries to attempt when sending an APNS message before giving up and returning an error. Min 1, Max 15.


Default is blank.

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the password used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is 0.

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the port number used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the host name used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is HTTP.

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the port type on which the proxy is listening. The supported values are HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the user name for proxy authentication if the proxy requires authentication.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the Apple server name to which messages should be sent.


Default is 15

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the number of concurrent persistent connections to the APNS server (min is 1, max is 15).


Default is 443.

For use with the MaaS360 app signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's development APNS server. Specifies the Apple server port number to which messages should be sent.



Default is blank. For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. This would be used to specify the application bundle identification rather than obtaining the application bundle identification from the p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. This would be used to change the built-in p12 file name to a custom p12 file.


Default is blank

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. This would be used to change the password associated with the p12 file.


Default is 3

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. The number of retries to attempt when sending an APNS message before giving up and returning an error. Min 1, Max 15.


Default is blank.

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the password used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is 0.

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the port number used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the host name used to authenticate with the proxy.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is HTTP.

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the port type on which the proxy is listening. The supported values are HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank.

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the user name for proxy authentication if the proxy requires authentication.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server name to which messages should be sent.


Default is 15

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the number of concurrent persistent connections to the APNS server (min is 1, max is 15).


Default is 443.

For use with the MaaS360 app from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server. Specifies the Apple server port number to which messages should be sent.


Default is 323

Specifies the minimum level of Domino® needed to allow Domino® API NSFGetDBChanges to be used to determine the changed database list versus allowing HCL Traveler to determine the changes.


Default is False

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the To Dos app signed with the development certificate using Apple's production APNS server. This should only be used in a support debugging situation.


Default is True

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the To Dos app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server.


Default is False

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the HCL Verse app with Citrix signed with the development certificate using Apple's production APNS server. This should only be used in a support debugging situation.


Default is True

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the HCL Verse app with Citrix from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server.


Default is False

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the HCL Verse app signed with the development certificate using Apple's production APNS server. This should only be used in a support debugging situation.


Default is True

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the HCL Verse app from the Apple app store using Apple's production APNS server.


Default is False

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the MaaS360 apps signed with the development certificate using MaaS360's production APNS server.


Default is False

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the MaaS360 apps from the Apple app store using MaaS360's production APNS server.


Default is True

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the HCL Traveler app for Android using Google's FCM server.


Default is True

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the devices using persistent HTTP connections. All devices except HCL Verse on Apple iOS support HTTP push.


Default is True

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the devices using SMS. Only supported Android devices prior to HCL Verse Android 10.0.4 support this method of push.


Default is True

If set to true, push messages can be sent to the devices using persistent TCP connections. Only the older Windows Mobile and Nokia Symbian devices support this method of push.


Default is 3

For use with the HCL Traveler app for Android using Google's FCM server. The number of retries to attempt when sending an APNS message before giving up and returning an error. Min 1, Max 15.


Default is 100

The timeout in seconds to establish a connection with the Proxy Server.


Default is 300

The timeout in seconds used when requesting a connection from the connection manager/pool.


Default is 10

The maximum total connections in the pooling HTTP client connection manager.


Default is blank

Specifies the password used to authenticate with the proxy for the HCL Traveler app for Android using Google's FCM server.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy


Default is 0

Specifies the port number used to authenticate with the proxy for the HCL Traveler app for Android using Google's FCM server.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy


Default is blank

Specifies the host name used to authenticate with the proxy for the HCL Traveler app for Android using Google's FCM server.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is

The URL of the FCM server.


Default is 300

The socket timeout in seconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data (for instance, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets).


Default is HTTP

Specifies the port type on which the proxy is listening for the proxy for the HCL Traveler app for Android using Google's FCM server. At this time, only HTTP is supported.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy.


Default is blank

Specifies the user name on which the proxy is listening for the proxy for the HCL Traveler app for Android using Google's FCM server.

For more information, refer to Push messaging through a proxy

NTS_PUSH_MONITOR_INTERVAL Default is 3 seconds Specifies the time interval between checks of the user's mail file for changes. If specified, overrides the server document Traveler setting for "Monitor Polling Interval". For more information, refer to How synced data moves through the system.
NTS_PUSH_MONITOR_PRIMARY_SERVER_RETRY_TIME Default is 3600 seconds (60 minutes) The Traveler server prefers to monitor a user's primary mail server for mail changes. When the traveler server fails over to a user's secondary mail server, this setting determines how long the server should continue monitoring the secondary mail server until trying to switch back to the primary. For more information, refer to How synced data moves through the system.
NTS_PUSH_MONITOR_SERVER_RETRY_TIME_INTERVAL Default is 900 seconds (15 minutes) If the Traveler server is unable to connect to any of a user's mail servers (all servers down or not reachable), this setting determines how long for the Traveler server to wait until trying to re-connect. For more information, refer to How synced data moves through the system.


Default is true. Whether to push read-only changes from the server to devices immediately or wait for there to be other push changes before including the read changes in the push message. By not pushing read-only changes immediately, the devices sync less often thereby increasing battery life. If there are any other changes such as new, updated, moved or deleted changes, they will be pushed immediately along with the read changes. This configuration is only for the push flows from the server to the device, so if the device syncs for any reason, the read changes will be included in the sync regardless of any push flows having been done or not.


Default is true. Default, true, allows Traveler to process emails with body fields of type TYPE_TEXT and TYPE_TEXT_LIST.
NTS_ROUTE_BIND_HOLD_TIME The default is 600000 (milliseconds) Minimum time required before a particular user's master monitor can be moved once assigned. This setting factors into the traveler server load balancing algorithm. See Load balancing considerations for more information.
NTS_ROUTE_CURRENT_BIAS The default is 20 (percent) Bias added to the current master monitor server's availability index (AI). This setting factors into the traveler server load balancing algorithm. See Load balancing considerations for more information.
NTS_ROUTE_LOCAL_BIAS The default is 10 (percent) Bias added to the local server's availability index (AI). This setting factors into the traveler server load balancing algorithm. See Load balancing considerations for more information.


Default is blank.

For security protection, Traveler rejects all form-based (multipart/form-data) requests that have unknown parameters. If something is intentionally inserting additional parameters into the form (such as for tracking purposes), the customer may define this regular expression so that Traveler will allow the request if the unknown parameter matches the regular expression.


Default is DISCARD.

When mail that is in the process of being sent is determined to have already previously been sent, based on the content of the message, NTS_SENDMAIL_DUPLICATE_ACTION controls what action should be taken. The option DISCARD treats the mail as if it has already been sent and discards it. DELIVER continues sending the mail, which may result in duplicate mail messages.


The default is an empty string, which behaves the same as the user value.

Valid values are:
  • user - Honors the user's HCL Notes and iNotes client mail save preferences unless set to "Always prompt." In that case, because Traveler clients do not prompt for saving a copy of a sent mail, the mail is always saved to the sent folder.
  • never - The HCL Traveler server never saves sent mail in the Sent Mail Folder
  • always - Mail sent from a HCL Traveler client is always saved in the Sent folder, regardless of the user's Notes® and iNotes® client mail save preferences
  • noatt - Attachments in the outgoing mail will not be saved in the Sent Mail folder. This parameter can be combined with other options. For example, if you want to specify that sent mail is always saved, but exclude the saving of attachments, then the setting value would be:


Set to the language for the locale in use during the installation of HCL Traveler server.

The language to use for the HCL Traveler server. This setting does not affect any of the behavior of the server. It is used to set the default language for messages displayed on the devices if a preferred language is not set in the device profile.


Set to true during installation. Default is true.

Controls whether the client installation and configuration parts of the servlet page are shown. This parameter is similar to a master switch for enabling or disabling these portions of the servlet page for all device types. If this parameter is set to false, all client portions of the web page will be disabled. If it is set to true, all client potions of the web page will be enabled unless any of the following device specific parameters are set to false. It may be desirable to set this parameter or any of the following NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_* parameters to false if an MDM solution is in use to deploy clients to devices.


Default is true.

If NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL is set to true, the download link for Android clients will be disabled by setting this parameter to false.


Default is true.

Link to the app store (GooglePlay) from the user home page for downloading the client. Only applicable if NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_ANDROID is set to true.


Default is true.

Link to this server from the user home page for downloading the client. Only applicable if NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_ANDROID is set to true.


Default is true.

If NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_APPLE is set to true, the download link for Apple profiles will be disabled by setting this parameter to false.


Default is true.

If NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_APPLE_IBM is set to true, the iTunes download link for HCL Verse client for Apple devices will display. To disable, set this parameter to false.


Default is false.

Set to true to enable Nokia clients to download from the HCL Traveler servlet.


Default is false.

Set to true to enable Windows Mobile clients to download from the HCL Traveler servlet.


Default is false.

If enabled, users are able to delete their HCL Notes® ID from their mail database using the HCL Traveler Notes® ID management web page.

NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_DEVICE_NAMES Default is true. Controls display of device name details on Traveler home page. Set to false to mask device names in device status on Traveler home page.


Default is true.

Controls whether the Manage the Notes® ID section of the servlet page is shown.


Default is false.

Controls whether the Execute Commands section of the servlet page is shown for Notes® users that do not have administrative access rights.

NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_USER_NAMES Default is true. Controls display of user name details on Traveler home page. Set to false to mask user name in user status on Traveler home page.


Default is true.

Controls whether the Manage Security part of the servlet page is shown. If enabled, users can manage their own devices for wipe requests and other related security actions. A system administrator can always perform these operations on the server. This controls whether the users can do the actions themselves.


Default is true.

Controls whether the problem report part of the servlet page is shown.


Default is true.

Controls whether the server information is included in the footer of the servlet page.

NTS_SFSR_SUPPORT Default is true. If true, devices that support SmartForward/SmartReply may send "smart" forward and reply requests to Traveler containing only the body of the forward or reply. Traveler appends the history from the original email being forwarded or replied to, along with any attachments from the original email that the device requests to be included. For more information, see How HCL Traveler processes SmartForward/SmartReply requests.
NTS_SMIME_SUPPORT Default is true. Enabling this feature allows HTMO and supporting mobile client users to read and send S/MIME encrypted or signed mail messages from their mobile devices. For more information on which clients support this feature, see Planning for device security. S/MIME messages are signed/encrypted end-to-end, so the device must perform the encryption, decryption, signing, and signature verification, using X.509 certificates that it manages.


Default is false.

This parameter controls whether HCL Traveler server uses secure sockets for interprocess communication between the server and the servlet or for inter-server communication between servers in an HA pool. If this value is set to true, the NTS_SSL_KEYSTORE parameter must specify the path to the Java Key Store (.jks) file, as it is required by the certificate(s) for SSL communication. The travelerUtil utility should be used to set this parameter and any other associated parameters.


Default is the empty string.

This parameter specifies the fully qualified file name for the HCL Traveler server to use for the Java key store (.jks) file, as it is required by the certificate(s) for SSL communication. The travelerUtil utility should be used to set this parameter.


Default is 60.

Sets the amount of time between each update of the StatsCalculationManager.

NTS_STATUS_APNS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION_YELLOW Default is 60 days. Determines when a yellow warning status is generated by an enabled APNS certificate that is approaching expiration. If the certificate's expiration date is within this value of days a yellow status will be generated. Setting this value to 0 will disable the status check.
NTS_STATUS_APNS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRATION_RED Default is 7 days. Determines when a red warning status is generated by an enabled APNS certificate that is approaching expiration. If the certificate's expiration date is within this value of days or if the certificate has expired a red status will be generated. Setting this value to 0 will disable the status check.


The default is 60.

If the HCL Traveler server is in a constrained state for longer than this value, the status will be changed to red. See Constraint processing for more details.


The default is 70

Yellow CPU percentage threshold.


The default is 90

Red CPU percentage threshold.


The default is 7.

Used to determine when a defrag is needed on derby database installations. All of the NTS_STATUS_DERBY_xxx parameters work together to determine if a defrag is needed. A defrag status (Yellow or Red) is determined when the percentage of Database.Query.Histogram.GudSelect or Database.Query.Histogram.GudSelectOODEmailsInFolderFetchFirst histogram stats are over the Yellow threshold (NTS_STATUS_DERBY_QUERY_PCT_OVER_YELLOW, default value of 1) or Red (NTS_STATUS_DERBY_QUERY_PCT_OVER_RED, default value of 5) and that the unfilled pages are above the corresponding levels NTS_STATUS_DERBY_UNFILLED_PAGES_YELLOW and NTS_STATUS_DERBY_UNFILLED_PAGES_RED.

For NTS_STATUS_DERBY_QUERY_INTERVAL_THRESHOLD, the value is the index (zero based) of the list of boundaries that is considered above the threshold. Any value in that interval or above is considered above the threshold. The intervals are (in milliseconds) "00000-00100", "00100-00200", "00200-00300", "00300-00400", "00400-00600", "00600-00800", "00800-01000", "01000-02000", "02000-05000", "05000-10000", "10000-30000", "30000-60000", "60000-Inf".

The default is 7 because any query over one second will be counted as over the threshold.


The default is 5.

The range is 0 to 99 and must be greater than NTS_STATUS_DERBY_QUERY_PCT_OVER_YELLOW.


The default is 1.

The range is 0 to 99 and must be less than NTS_STATUS_DERBY_QUERY_PCT_OVER_RED.


The default is 4000.

The number of unfilled pages. Must be greater than NTS_STATUS_DERBY_UNFILLED_PAGES_YELLOW.


The default is 2000.

The number of unfilled pages. Must be less than NTS_STATUS_DERBY_UNFILLED_PAGES_RED.


The default is 5.

Domino® data directory free space red threshold. If the Domino® data directory free disk space falls to less than this number of gigabytes, the server status will be changed to red.


The default is 10.

Domino® data directory free space yellow threshold. If the Domino® data directory free disk space falls to less than this number of gigabytes, the server status will be changed to yellow.


The default is 2

Lower time limit interval index to open Databases in GENERAL_TIME_HISTOGRAM_BOUNDARIES_NAMES. The intervals are "000-001", "001-002", "002-005", "005-010", "010-030", "030-060", "060-120", "120-Inf".


The default is 15.

Domino® data directory free space yellow threshold.


The default is 5.

Domino® data directory free space yellow threshold. If the percentage of free disk space on the disk containing the Domino® data directory falls to less than this value, the server status will be changed to red.


The default is 8

Upper time limit interval index to open Databases GENERAL_TIME_HISTOGRAM_BOUNDARIES_NAMES.


The default is 5

Percentage over the STATUS_DB_OPEN_INTERVAL_YELLOW to set status to Yellow.


The default is 10

Percentage over the STATUS_DB_OPEN_INTERVAL_RED to set status to Red.

NTS_STATUS_DB_TIME_DIFFERENCE_YELLOW_THRESHOLD The default it 60000 If the time difference in milliseconds between the database time and the traveler server time is greater than this amount the server status will change to yellow. Setting this value to 0 will disable this status.
NTS_STATUS_DB_TIME_DIFFERENCE_RED_THRESHOLD The default is 900000 If the time difference in milliseconds between the database time and the traveler server time is greater than this amount the server status will change to red. Setting this value to 0 will disable this status.


The default is 5

Percentage of threads failing with a 503 error message to be considered in Yellow state.


The default is 10

Percentage of threads failing with a 503 error message to be considered in Red state


The default is 5

Percentage threads failing with a non-503 error message to be considered in Yellow state


The default is 10

Percentage threads failing with a non-503 error message to be considered in Red state


The default is 50

For each user, if their error count is greater than this value, the status will be set to Yellow.


The default is 100

For each user, if their error count is greater than this value, their status will be set to Red.


The default is 80

If the peak HTTP thread usage is greater than this limit, the status will be set to Yellow


The default is 90

If the peak HTTP thread usage is greater than this limit, the status will be set to Red.


The default is 95.

The HCL Traveler server tracks the communication delay between itself and the servlet. The "bucket" representing the greatest delay is for messages taking ten seconds or longer. If the percentage of messages in the rest of the buckets falls to less than this value, the server status will turn to yellow. In other words, in the default case, this case is the same as the number of messages falling into the longest bucket becoming greater than five percent.


The default is 75

Yellow Java memory percentage threshold.


The default is 85

Red Java memory percentage threshold.


The default is 85

Yellow native memory percentage threshold .


The default is 95

Red native memory percentage threshold.


The default is 5.

HCL Traveler log directory free space red threshold. If the HCL Traveler log directory free disk space falls to less than this number of gigabytes, the server status will be changed to red.


The default is 10

HCL Traveler log directory free space yellow threshold. If the HCL Traveler log directory free disk space falls to less than this number of gigabytes, the server status will be changed to yellow.


The default is 15.

HCL Traveler server log directory free space yellow threshold.


The default is 5.

HCL Traveler server log directory free space red threshold. If the percentage of free disk space on the disk containing the HCL Traveler log directory falls to less than this value, the server status will be changed to red. This property only has effect if the log directory has been reconfigured (see NTS_LOGGING_HOME) so that it is no longer a subdirectory of the Domino® data directory.


The default is 5.

This property provides some elasticity to the Java and native memory thresholds. This value is the percentage smaller than the threshold that the memory must fall before the status changes from red to yellow or from yellow to green.


The default is 30.

SSL certificate expiration yellow threshold.


The default is 7.

SSL certificate expiration red threshold if the HCL Traveler server is configured to use secure server to server communications. If the SSL certificate used for secure communication has an expiration date that falls within this threshold in days, the server status will be red.


The default is 30

If a thread runs longer than this number of minutes, the state will be consider to be Yellow.


The default is 120

If a thread runs longer than this number of minutes, the state will be consider to be Red.

NTS_SUMMARY_SYNC_ENABLED The default is true. For supporting clients (HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook and HCL Verse for iOS), when enabled, messages that are more than a specified number of days old at the time they are synced are truncated and show just summary data . With HTMO, the full message is downloaded when the mail is opened. On Verse iOS, after opening the mail, you can select to download the full message. If disabled, full messages are synced up to the client specified sync window.
NTS_SUMMARY_SYNC_LIMIT_OVERRIDE No default. By default, the summary sync limit is specified by the client. For HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook, the default is 30 days. For HCL Verse for iOS, the default is 3 days. If this notes.ini setting is specified (in days) this overrides any client requested setting.


Set to 1 during installation. Reset to 0 when HCL Traveler is run the first time. default is 1.

When this parameter is set to 1, the HCL Traveler server updates the template for the LotusTraveler.nsf Domino® database.


The default is 3.

Used internally for managing the admin data. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 20.

Used internally for operations that need to take place on a timed basis. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 50.

Used internally for operations that need to run at a certain time relative to now. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 5000.

Syncs data between Domino mail servers and user devices.

NTS_THREADS_FMS The default is 1000 The number of threads used to find the moniter server.
NTS_THREADS_IST The default is 5000 The number of threads used for inter-server transport, which is communication between Traveler servers and servlets.


The default is 10

The number of Device Sync threads allowed to run when in constraint state.


The default is 5

The number of Prime Sync threads allowed to run when in constraint state.


The default is 5000.

Used when none of the other categories apply. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 5000.

Used for monitoring the user's mail database for changes as part of the push process. There is one thread per mail server, so you need at least enough for the number of mail servers this server will communicate with, but normally the default is more than enough. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 200.

Determines if changes to user mail files must be synced to user devices.


The default is 200.

Used for active handling of push messages. Most of the time, push messages are inactive while they wait for changes that need to be pushed. As a result, a large number of threads are not required, even if there are many devices using on the system using push. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 50.

Used for processing tell commands. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 20.

Used for checking cluster information regarding the user's mail file and replicas. This should not need to be changed.


The default is 500.

Used internally to handle device requests including configuration, push and syncing.


The default is 5000.

Used internally to handle all incoming requests including inter-server and inter-process communication. Actions associated with a device will be passed to a worker device thread. Other actions will be processed on the worker system thread itself.


The default is false.

If set to false, all device name lookup requests are executed against the Domino® directory configured on the user's mail server. If set to true, all name lookup requests execute against the Domino® directory configured on the HCL Traveler server.


The default is (/traveler/?$)|(/traveler/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/?$)|(/traveler/ILNT\\.mobileconfig$)

Regular expression that matches all valid HTTP request URIs.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether Android clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server. If this parameter is set to false, then NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_ANDROID will function as if it has also been set to false as well. In other words, NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_ANDROID=false will force NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_ANDROID to false.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether Apple clients are allowed to sync with this HCL Traveler server. If this parameter is set to false, then NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_APPLE will function as if it has also been set to false as well. In other words, NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_APPLE=false will force NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_APPLE to false.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether BlackBerry clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.

NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_BOXER Default is true. This parameter sets whether VMWare Workspace ONE Boxer clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether HCL Verse on Apple iOS clients are allowed to sync with this HCL Traveler server. If this parameter is set to false, then NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_APPLE_IBM will function as if it has also been set to false. In other words, NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_APPLE_IBM=false will force NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_APPLE_IBM to false.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether MaaS360 Android clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether MaaS360 Apple iOS clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether MaaS360 Windows Phone clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether Nokia clients are allowed to synchronize with this HCL Traveler server. If this parameter is set to false, then NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_NOKIA will function as if it has also been set to false as well. In other words, NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_NOKIA=false will force NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_NOKIA to false.

NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_OTHER Default is true. This parameter sets whether clients that are not a known client are allowed to synchronize with this HCL Traveler server.
NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_OUTLOOK Default is true. This parameter sets whether HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook (HTMO) clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.
NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_OUTLOOKEAS Default is true. This parameter sets whether Outlook desktop clients running Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) protocol are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.
NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_OUTLOOKEAS_MOBILE Default is true. This parameter sets whether Outlook mobile clients running Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) protocol are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is '.*'.

This parameter provides for a regular expression to control which clients are allowed to synchronize with the HCL Traveler server.
Note: After the specific NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED is checked for the device type, NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_REGEX is checked. Therefore, for a device type to be allowed, it must pass both the specific NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED check and this regular expression. This value is the regular expression for User-Agent HTTP headers that are allowed to sync. The default is ".*", which allows all devices to sync. This regular expression can be useful if you need to allow only a subset of a specific device type to sync. But if you change this value, remember that both checks must pass, which means if a value of "Apple" is used instead of ".*", only Apple devices would be allowed to sync even if NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_BB=true. For more User-Agent header information, see Restricting access by device category.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether SecurePIM clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is false.

This parameter sets whether Microsoft Windows 8 Desktop clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether Microsoft Windows Phone clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.

The first check is run against NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_WINPHONE, as that applies to all Windows Phone devices (now including Windows 10 Mobile). If that check passes, then NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_WINPHONE_10 is checked. This means Windows 10 Mobile devices must pass both checks.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether Microsoft RT Tablet clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.


Default is true.

This parameter sets whether Windows Mobile clients are allowed to synchronize with this HCL Traveler server.If this parameter is set to false, then NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_WM will function as if it has also been set to false as well. In other words, NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_WM=false will force NTS_SERVLET_ALLOW_CLIENT_INSTALL_WM to false.

NTS_USER_AGENT_ALLOWED_WORXMAIL Default is true. This parameter sets whether Citrix Secure Mail (WorxMail) clients are allowed to sync with the HCL Traveler server.



Messages older than the mail filter limit will not be synced with the device.



Calendar events that occur beyond the events filter limit will not be synced with the device. Note that recurring events that have an instance within the filter window will be synced, even if they have instances that occur beyond the future events filter limit.


Default is ".*".

This regular expression controls which Notes® users are allowed to access the HCL Traveler server. The default is the regular expression wildcard for all users.


Default is the empty string.

This regular expression controls which Notes® users are not allowed to access the HCL Traveler server. The default value of an empty string means that no users will be denied. If the regular expressions for NTS_USER_ID_ALLOWED_REGEX and NTS_USER_ID_DENIED_REGEX include the same user names, then the matching users will be denied access.



Journal entries modified earlier than this limit will not be synced to mobile devices that support Journal sync.

  • Traveler and later: default is true.
  • Traveler and earlier: default is false.
This enables the Run As User feature. When true (enabled), the Traveler server accesses a user's mail file as the user ID instead of the server ID. This feature resolves several long-standing issues with accessing the user's data as the server ID, including:
  • Honoring ACL controls on the mail file and corporate look-up for the user.
  • Preventing event notices and automated responses from being sent from the server ID.
  • Preventing the server ID from being assigned as the owner of the mail profile when there is no owner defined.


Default is true.

When the Run As User feature is enabled (set to true), Traveler's access to the user's mail file is subject to the restrictions configured in the ACL (Access Control List) of the user's mail file. One setting in particular, "Maximum Internet name and password," can restrict access for Traveler to a level that prevents the user's devices from syncing, even if the Basic Access level for the user is Editor or higher.

When this parameter is enabled (set to true), Traveler accesses the user's mail file with the server ID instead of the user ID (thus overriding the Run As User function for this user), provided that the "Maximum Internet name and password" ACL value is set lower than Editor. This allows such users to sync their mobile devices, but at the expense of the other Run As User benefits.


Default is true.

Whether or not the user cache is enabled. See Name lookup for more information on the user cache.


Default is 30 minutes

How often to check for expired (based on NTS_USERCACHE_LIFETIME) entries in the cache and delete expired ones.


Default is 240 minutes.

How long an item is allowed in the cache until it becomes eligible for deletion.


Default is true.

Determines whether or not a contact should be automatically looked up for additional addresses and have these addresses included with a personal contact when it syncs from the server to the device. These additional addresses can help better identify the contact which can lead to better data and visual integration on the device.


Set to /traveler if Set User Home Page as default website for this server was selected during installation.

If NTS_WEBSITE_HOME is set, during startup the HCL Traveler server uses the value specified to set the home URL for the HTTP server. The value set by default for the installation is /traveler which is the URL for the user home page. You can set the URL to whatever you want to be the default for your HTTP server. You can also remove the parameter and HCL Traveler does not modify the Home URL.

Some of the notes.ini parameters have been renamed from previous versions of HCL Traveler. In most cases, the parameters were renamed to make the naming more consistent and easier for administrators to understand. When the server starts, it scans notes.ini for any renamed parameters. Parameters that are found will have the parameter name changed to the new name. The parameter value assigned in notes.ini will be preserved.

The renamed parameters are:
Table 2. Renamed parameters
Old name New name

During startup, HCL Traveler also scans notes.ini for all parameters with names starting with NTS_. If a parameter with this prefix is found but is not recognized, a warning message is output to the Domino® console.