What's new in 10.0.1?
IBM Traveler 10.0.1 introduces support for Google's FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging).
Support for Google's FCM has been added to provide push functionality to Android devices which have used GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) in the past. Google has deprecated GCM and replaced it with FCM. The GCM tokens that the Android devices use are valid as FCM tokens, so no change is needed on Android devices. Note that Android devices indicate that they are using GCM when the messages are really flowing through Google's FCM infrastructure.
FCM messages are sent over HTTPS to https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send, so any firewalls or proxies will need to be updated to allow https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send. IBM Traveler configuration for FCM is similar to GCM; if you customized GCM notes.ini's, you'll likely need to customize the corresponding FCM notes.ini's too. For information on notes.ini settings, see the topic Notes.ini settings.