Disabling summary data or changing the time limit

By default, messages that are more than 30 days old at the time they are synced are truncated and show just summary data until they are opened. You can disable this behavior and always sync entire messages, or you can update the time limit with a new value.

About this task

You can modify the use of summary data for synced mail by adding one of the following settings to the notes.ini file on the IBM® Traveler server:

  • To change the default time limit, add the following setting:

    If you specify a new limit here, it overrides any value sent by the client.

  • To disable the use of summary data, add the following setting:
Note: Alternatively, use the set config command with the SummaryFilterWindow parameter to continue to sync summary information, but change the interval at which it is shown. However, the server-side SUMMARY_SYNC settings for disable or override will take precedence over this command.