What's new in HCL Sametime 11.0 FP1

This section describes What's new in Sametime® 11.0 FP1.

Sametime Proxy support for Mobile clients

Sametime Proxy 11.0 FP1 enables support for mobile clients! This includes supporting persistent chat, multiple client connections and mobile device push notifications.

New Mobile clients on iOS and Android

With the release of Sametime 11.0 FP1, HCL Sametime 11 for iOS and Android have been released!

With a new cleaner, modernized color scheme and design, Sametime 11 mobile clients fully support persistent chat. Chats from mobile device now flow seamlessly across all clients that support persistent chat.

New Click to meet feature is fully integrated with the Sametime 11 mobile clients.

iOS and Android Keyboard Emoticons enabled!

With Sametime 11 mobile client, you can now send all the iOS and Android emoticons installed and available on the mobile device.

Install support for Linux console and sample files for silent

Sametime Community 11.0 FP1 on Linux operating system added support for console installs. In addition, sample files for silent installs are now provided.

Translation updates

With Sametime 11 we now have an incredibly simple, fast and lightweight installer for Sametime Proxy server. The installer is a single .zip file that includes everything you need to run and install the Sametime Proxy Server. No Db2, WebSphere or System Console are required. When installing, all you need to do is download a single zip file, unzip to a desired directory, run the install script to configure the server and start it up.