Installing Docker
This section provides information on installing Docker.
Before you begin
- HCL Sametime Community 11.6
- HCL Sametime Proxy 11.6
- Connection available to MongoDB
About this task
All commands provided require running as ROOT or SUDO access. If not running as root user, preface all commands with ‘sudo'.
To deploy docker:
Before installing Docker Compose, make sure Docker Engine is installed either locally
or remote, depending on the environment. On Linux systems, install the Docker Engine for
your OS provided in Install Docker Engine documentation.
Provided is an example of following the install Docker Engine documentation on CentOS.
Note: CentOS ships with Docker installed, but not the most recent which is required. Install Docker version 9.03.13 or higher.- Uninstall old versions using the yum remove command provided in the Docker Engine
- Install Docker Engine using a repository. First install the yum-utils package which
provides the yum-config-manager utility. Then set up the stable repository.
$ sudo yum install -y yum-utils
$ sudo yum-config-manager \ --add-repo \
- Install the latest version of Docker Engine and container.
$ yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
At this point, Docker is installed but may not be started.
- Start Docker.
$ systemctl start docker
- Verify that Docker Engine is installed correctly by running the hello-world image.
$ docker run hello-world
Note: If you right click links like Install Docker Compose and choose Open link in Tab you can complete these tasks and then close that tab to start the next step more easily. - Uninstall old versions using the yum remove command provided in the Docker Engine
Install Docker Compose following steps and commands provided in Install Docker Compose documentation.
Note: Docker Compose 1.29 or higher is required.Provided is an example of following the install Docker Compose documentation on CentOS.
- Install Compose on Linux systems.
$ curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
- Apply executable permissions to the binary.
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
- Test the installation.
$ docker-compose --version
- Install Compose on Linux systems.
Once install is complete, use the following Linux shell command to confirm that Docker is running, which will return the docker information.
> docker info
If Docker is not running, the info command will error with cannot connect.
To start the Docker service:
$ service docker start