Error in launching Chrome on Android devices

When you play back a Web UI test in the Chrome browser that is installed on an Android device, the playback does not start and the unified report displays an error message.


The unified report displays the following error message: Error in launching Chrome. The browser might not be installed or you are using an unsupported version.

This issue is because the version of the Chrome browser on the Android device is different from the version of the Chrome driver.


You must perform the following steps:
  1. Download the appropriate Chrome driver.
  2. Provide the path and the file name of the Chrome driver in the environment variable WEBDRIVER_CHROME_DRIVER_MOBILE. For example, WEBDRIVER_CHROME_DRIVER_MOBILE=C:\Users\tester\Downloads\chromedriver.exe
  3. Go to the directory path <installation directory>/node-js/appium-server, and then restart the execution agent.