- Troubleshooting functional tests in Mozilla Firefox browsers
If you encounter problems while testing in Mozilla Firefox browsers, the following workarounds might help resolve them.
- Troubleshooting functional tests in the Google Chrome browser
If you encounter problems while testing in the Google Chrome browser, you will find useful information in this section to resolve them.
- Unable to test eclipse-based applications
Generally the applications that are enabled for functional testing is in the enabled state after you upgrade HCL OneTest™ UI. If you find any issues while testing the applications, disable the Eclipse application and enable it again for functional testing.
- Ambiguous object recognition in functional testing
Ambiguous recognition occurs when HCL OneTest™ UI can not uniquely identify an object in the system-under-test. This commonly happens when HCL OneTest™ UI cannot differentiate between an instance of the application-under-test started by a script playback and an instance of the same application inadvertently left open previous to script playback. This also applies to identical windows from one application and identical HTML documents. Ambiguous recognition will cause script playback failure unless the duplicate application is closed.
- Screen snapshot on playback failure of functional tests
If playback of a script causes an exception to be thrown, HCL OneTest™ UI takes a screen snapshot at the time of the failure. The screen snapshot is accessible through the log.
- Tips and tricks for functional testing HTML applications
This topic provides tips and tricks for recording and playing back scripts to test HTML applications.
- Java applets in HTML pages
You can test Java™ applets within a browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer). Java™ applets are not mapped as nested within HTML but are recorded as top-level objects. In the test object map, applets appear at the top level.
- Standard properties available for functional testing HTML objects
Standard properties provide a common way to access properties and their values across browsers. This topic lists the standard properties available for HTML objects.
- Uninstalling HCL OneTest UI cleanly
If you have any issues during uninstall and reinstall of HCL OneTest™ UI, you can perform a few tasks to verify whether the required processes are stopped and all the files are deleted from the computer.
- Problems with object recognition
If you encounter a problem with object recognition during testing, you might be able to resolve the problem by following these instructions.
- Unable to find the correct control by using the Insert Test Object option
When you try to add a step in the functional test script by using the Insert Test Object option, HCL OneTest™ UI fails to find the correct control.
- Unable to create a verification point by using the vpDynamic action
When you run a functional test for the first time to create a verification point by using the vpDynamic("vpName").performTest() action in the test script, the test step fails.
- Playback fails for functional tests with startApp(param1, param2)
When you run a functional test for an HTML application by using the Web UI engine that has a test step with startApp(executable, url) to open the application, then HCL OneTest™ UI switches to any active window that is maximized and the test fails.
- Unable to locate the dataset in a compound test
When you play back a compound test that contains a functional test script associated with a dataset, the playback fails.
- Troubleshooting issues in SAP tests
You can find information about the issues or problems that you might encounter while you test the SAP GUI. Details about issues, their causes and the resolutions that you can apply to fix the issues are described in the following table.
- Problems with environment enablement
When it is not possible to record on the application-under-test, you must verify whether the test environment was enabled for functional testing.
- Handling exceptions
If an exception occurs during testing, you might be able to handle it by following these instructions. Two common exceptions are the ambiguous recognition exception and the Mutex timeout exception during playback.
- Collecting HCL OneTest UI error logs
While working with HCL OneTest™ UI, you might encounter some problems that you can easily troubleshoot.
- Viewing trace files within HCL OneTest UI
You can view HCL OneTest™ UI trace files in the HCL OneTest™ UI integrated development environment (IDE) Error Log view.
- AutoPD Collection artifacts in IBM Support Assistant
HCL OneTest™ UI, contributes a few files that the Automated Problem Determination (AutoPD) Collector tool in the IBM® Support Assistant application uses.
- Unable to play back tests when the computer is locked
The functional test script fails to identify the correct control and the playback fails if your computer is locked during the playback.
- Frequently asked questions
This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about HCL OneTest™ UI.
- Error messages
This section provides information about error messages that you might encounter with HCL OneTest™ UI. This section lists the error messages by ID, explanation, system action and your response to correct the error message.