Verification Point Data page of the Verification Point and Action wizard
The Verification Point Data page is the last page when you choose a Data, Properties or Image verification point as your action. In the Verification Point Data page, you can select the verification point data you want to include in the test.
You can open the Verification Point and Action Wizard with the
Insert Verification Point or Action Command button
on the Recording toolbar.
In the wizard, you select objects or the screen to test in your application,
and select the types of tests to perform on them. The Select an Object page is the
first step. After you select an object and click Next,
the Select an Action page appears.
This is where you choose an action to perform on the test object.
If you choose Perform Properties Verification Point, Perform
Data Verification Point or Perform Image Verification
Point, the Verification Point Data page
will be the final page.
After you view or edit the data in this page, click Finish to finish recording the verification point.
The metadata is displayed in the left pane of the window. It displays a set of properties that define how specific data is managed. This grid can be edited. For example, you could edit the 'ignore case' or 'white space rule' in a text verification point in this metadata grid. To edit, double-click the value in the Value column.
Properties grid display -- for a properties verification point
The object properties display in a grid format in the right pane. The properties in the grid belong to the object that is highlighted in the Test Objects tree. The properties appear in the left column and their values appear in the right column. You can edit which properties get tested in the Property column, and you can edit the property values themselves in the Value column.
By default, all properties will appear with no check mark, which means they will not be tested. Choose which properties you want to test by checking each of them. Checked properties will be tested each time you play back a script with this verification point. You can check all properties in the list by clicking the Check All toolbar button above the grid. Use the Uncheck All button to clear all properties. Depending on how many properties you want to test, it is often easiest to either select or clear all of them using one of those buttons, and then individually select or clear exceptions. It's a good idea to only test the specific properties you are interested in when you use a Properties verification point.
The grid uses a nested tree hierarchy. If a folder shows up on the list, you can expand it by double-clicking on it or selecting the expand (+) icon. If you select or clear the folder icon itself, all the properties underneath it will be tested or not tested.
To edit a value, double-click the grid cell. That cell becomes editable. Click outside the cell to make the edit take effect. In most cases, double-clicking a value makes the cell an editable field, and you can change only the value. In some special cases, another dialog box comes up containing the information. For example, if the property is color, when you double-click the color value, the standard Color dialog box opens. Make your edit there and close the Color box. In other cases, a drop-down list may appear in the Value column when you double-click a value. For example, values that are either true or false will appear in a drop-down list.
The grid has the following toolbar buttons for the Properties verification point display. These buttons act only on the currently displayed data.
Cut -- Cuts the selected property. It is placed on the Editor clipboard and can be pasted.
Copy -- Copies the selected property to the Editor clipboard.
Paste -- Pastes the cut or copied property from the Editor clipboard.
Delete -- Deletes the selected property. It will not be retained on the Editor clipboard.
Case Sensitive Regular Expression --
Toggles case-sensitive regular expression comparison on and off.
Convert Value to Regular Expression --
Converts the property value to a regular expression. See Replacing an Exact-Match
Property with a Pattern for more information.
Convert Value to Numeric Range -- Converts the
property value to a numeric range. See Replacing an Exact-Match
Property with a Pattern for more information.
Evaluate Regular Expression -- Displays
the Regular Expression Evaluator,
which enables you to test the regular expression before you try it
in a verification point.
Convert Value to dataset Reference/
Undo dataset Reference -- Uses a dataset reference to use a dataset instead of a literal value in a verification point. Cancels the dataset reference in the verification
All -- Puts a checkmark in front of every property in
the list. Checked properties will be tested each time you play back
the script with this verification point.
All -- Clears the checkmark in front of every property
in the list. Cleared properties will not be tested when you play back
the script with this verification point.
the Unchecked Properties//Show All Properties -- Click
Hide the Unchecked Properties to
hide the cleared properties. Then you will only see the properties
that will be tested. Click Show All Properties to
display all properties, including any cleared ones.
Data display -- for a data verification point
You can display Data verification points in five ways, depending on which test you do on the data. The interface that appears in this dialog box is the same as what appears in the Verification Point Editor after you record the verification point.
For information on each of the five possible data displays, see the Verification Point Editor, and go to one of the following sections in that topic:
Data Verification Point--Menu Hierarchy Display
When you create a Data verification point and choose the Menu Hierarchy or Menu Hierarchy with Properties test, the menus display in a tree format. Menu Hierarchy and Menu Hierarchy with Properties are examples. The list of tests in the Data Values field is dependent on information provided by the object's proxy. Values other than these two might appear in the list.
Data Verification Point--Text Display
When you create a Data verification point and choose the Visible Text test, the text displays in a text box format. Visible Text is one example. The list of tests in the Data Values field is dependent on information provided by the object's proxy. Values other than this one might appear in the list.
Data Verification Point--Table Display
When you create a Data verification point and choose the Table Contents or Selected Table Cells test, the table data displays in a table format. Table Contents and Selected Table Cells are examples. The list of tests in the Data Values field is dependent on information provided by the object's proxy. Values other than these might appear in the list.
Data Verification Point--Tree Hierarchy Display
When you create a Data verification point and choose the Tree Hierarchy test, the data displays in a tree format. Tree Hierarchy is one example. The list of tests in the Data Values field is dependent on information provided by the object's proxy. Values other than this one might appear in the list.
Data Verification Point--List Display
When you create a Data verification point and choose the List Elements test, the data displays in a list format. List Elements is one example. The list of tests in the Data Values field is dependent on information provided by the object's proxy. Values other than this one might appear in the list.
Image display -- for an image and OCR verification point
The captured image is taken as the image verification point and is displayed in the right pane. Scroll bars are visible if the image size does not fit in the right pane of the page. For OCR, verification point, the characters of the selected image is also displayed below the displayed image pane.Test object data in the Verification Point Data page
- Test objects
- Recognition and Administrative data
Test objects
The Test Objects pane is the upper left pane of the Verification Point Data page. The Test Objects tree is a partial version of the script's object map. This hierarchical display includes only the objects in your verification point. You cannot edit the Test Objects tree. You can choose an object within it and edit its properties in the properties list in the right pane.
You can double-click folders in the tree to expand and collapse the objects beneath them. Click an individual object in the tree to see its properties in the properties list.
Recognition and Administrative data
The recognition data is in the lower left pane. The Recognition tab displays recognition data used by HCL OneTest™ UI and is not editable. The Administrative tab displays internal administrative data of the object. The Recognition and Administrative properties manage and describe the test object. Recognition and administrative data are the properties from the script's object map that locate and manage the test object in the context of the associated script. You can use this information to figure out what test object this is in the associated application under test.
The MetaData tab displays a set of properties that define how specific data is managed. You can edit the Metadata grid . For example, you could edit the 'ignore case' or 'white space rule' in a text verification point in the Metadata grid. To edit, double-click the value in the Value column.
The Recognition and Administrative properties that display in the pane will become a snapshot of the object map properties for the test object at the time the verification point is created. The properties become historical information as the application evolves.