HCL OneTest™ UI Script Explorer
The HCL OneTest™ UI Script Explorer lists the script helper, helper superclass or helper base class, test dataset, verification points, and test objects for the current script.
In HCL OneTest™ UI, Eclipse Integration, the Script Explorer is the right pane of the Functional Test perspective. In HCL OneTest™ UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, the Script Explorer is the left pane of the VB.NET window.
The Verification Points folder contains all the verification points recorded for the script.
Double-clicking a verification point opens the Verification Point Editor.
The Test Objects folder contains a list of the test objects available for the script. Each test object in the list is preceded by an icon that indicates its role.
Double-clicking the test object map icon opens the test object map.
Right-clicking a verification point, test object map, or test asset listed in the Script Explorer displays various menu options, listed here in alphabetical order.
Associate with dataset -- Associates a script with one or more datasets.
Change Superclass/Base Class -- For HCL OneTest™ UI, Eclipse Integration, displays the Select helper superclass dialog box, which enables you to change the helper superclass for a script. For HCL OneTest™ UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, displays the Select a Script Helper Base Class dialog box, which enables you to change the helper base class for a script.
Delete -- Removes the selected verification point, test object, or test dataset from the Script Explorer and inserts a problem marker in the Code Editor to indicate if the deleted verification point, test object, or test dataset is used.
Highlight -- Highlights the selected object in the application-under-test if it is running. For information, see Locating a Test Object in the Application.
Insert at Cursor -- Inserts the selected verification point or test object into the script at the cursor location.
Insert Test Object -- Opens the Select an Object dialog box, which enables you to select a test object to add to the test object map and the script.
Insert Verification Point -- Opens the Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard, which enables you to select an object in your application to test.
Interface Summary -- Opens a Help topic that describes the selected test object, including the supported test data types and the default recognition properties.
Open -- If a verification point is selected, opens the Verification Point Editor. If a test object is selected, opens the test object map and highlights the selected object. If a test dataset is selected, displays the dataset editor.
Remove dataset Association -- Removes a private or public dataset association with a test script.
Rename -- In HCL OneTest™ UI, Eclipse Integration, opens the Rename dialog box. In HCL OneTest™ UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, highlights the name, which enables you to type the new name.
To open: In HCL OneTest™ UI, Eclipse Integration, the Script Explorer opens (by default) in the Functional Test Perspective. In HCL OneTest™ UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, the Script Explorer opens (by default) in the Visual Studio .NET window.
Related Topics:
HCL OneTest™ UI, Eclipse Integration -- About the Functional Test Perspective