- Add Application dialog box
The Add Application dialog box is opened using the Add button in the Application Configuration Tool. It is used to add application configurations. When recording tests on your application, it is best to have HCL OneTest™ UI open the application during recording. This makes playing back the tests more reliable. You use the Application Configuration Tool to add and configure your own applications for testing and starting with HCL OneTest™ UI.
- Add dynamic test object
You can add dynamic objects to the object map. To add a dynamic object, select an object in the object map by using the Add Dynamic Test Object dialog box.
- Convert dynamic test object
You can convert an existing mapped object to a dynamic test objects by using Convert To Dynamic Test Object.
- Add Variable dialog box
You use the Add Variable dialog box to add a new column of variables in a dataset.
- Application configuration tool
This dialog is opened with the Edit button in the Start Application dialog box, or by clicking Configure > Configure Applications for Testing from HCL OneTest™ UI. When recording tests on your application, it is best to have HCL OneTest™ UI start the application during recording. This makes playing back the tests more reliable. Use the Application Configuration Tool to add and configure your own applications for testing and starting with HCL OneTest™ UI.
- Associated Scripts dialog box
You use the Associated Scripts dialog box to view a list of scripts associated with a test object map and to select multiple scripts you want to add test objects to. By default, HCL OneTest™ UI only selects the active script to add test objects to.
- Bookmarks view
The Bookmarks View displays a list of markers that point to a specific place in the Workbench.
- Browser enablement diagnostic tool
The Browser Enablement Diagnostic Tool is used to diagnose problems you might have with enabling your browser for HTML testing. The tool will diagnose the enablement problem and report how to solve the problem.
- Call Script tab: Script Support Functions dialog box
You use the Call Script tab to insert a callScript command into your Functional Test script.
- Edit Variable dialog box
You can use the Edit Variable dialog box to change the name of a column of variables, the type of variable, or the position of the variable in a dataset.
- Choose Test Object to Update page of the Update Recognition Properties wizard
You use the Choose Test Object to Update page of the Update Recognition Properties wizard to select the test object for which you want to update recognition properties.
- Clipboard tab: Script Support Functions dialog box
Use this tab to insert a system clipboard command into a functional test script.
- Comment tab: Script Support Functions dialog box
You use the Comment tab to insert a comment into a Functional Test script.
- Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog box
Use the Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog box to configure actions to be performed when unexpected windows open during script playback. Configuring these actions helps to ensure that scripts play back smoothly without interruptions.
- Connect to a Functional Test project dialog box
You can use the Connect to a Functional Test Project dialog box to connect to an existing Functional Test project.
- Console view
The Console View displays output from the script or application, for example, System.out.print statements or unhandled exceptions.
- Copy Test Objects to New Test Object Map wizard page
You use the Copy Test Objects to New Test Object Map wizard page to create a new test object map without any objects or to base the map on another object map.
- Create a New Functional Test Folder dialog box
You use the Create a New Functional Test Folder dialog box to add a new Functional Test folder to the Projects view.
- Create a New Project or Connect to an Existing Project dialog box
You can use the Create a New Project or Connect to an Existing Project dialog box to create a new project or connect to an existing project to record a new script. This dialog box opens when no projects are available and you attempt to record a script.
- Create a test dataset dialog box
You can use the Create a Test dataset dialog box to create a new empty test dataset.
- Create a New Test Object Map wizard
You use the Create a New Test Object Map wizard to create a customized, shared test object map that you can associate with scripts. Shared test object maps have the extension .rftmap.
- Create an empty Functional Test script dialog box
You use the Create an empty Functional Test script dialog box to write an empty Functional Test script without recording. As an alternative to recording, you can then enter the Java™ code manually.
- Create a Functional Test Project dialog box
You can use the Create a Functional Test Project dialog box to create a new functional test project.
- Create Script Helper Superclass dialog box
If you are an advanced user, use the Create Script Helper Superclass dialog box to create your own helper superclass in a new script, which extends RationalTestScript
and adds additional methods or overrides the methods from RationalTestScript
- dataset Literal Substitution dialog box
You can use the dataset Literal Substitution dialog box to find or replace literal values in a test script with a dataset reference (an associated dataset). You can set the options in this dialog box to find and replace all, number, string, or boolean literals in a script with a dataset reference.
- dataset Reference Converter dialog box
You can use the dataset Reference Converter dialog box to convert a literal in a verification point into a dataset variable.
- Define Find Filter Name dialog box
The Define Find Filter Name dialog box is the third step in creating and editing find criteria, which enables you to use filters to find objects in a test object map. You use the dialog box to name the set of find criteria.
- Define Find Filter Properties dialog box
The Define Find Filter Properties dialog box is the first step in creating and editing find criteria, which enables you to use filters to find objects in a test object map. You use this dialog box to specify properties for the new search criteria or to edit properties for an existing one.
- Define Find Filter Relationships dialog box
The Define Find Filter Relationships dialog box is the second step in creating and editing find criteria, which enables you to use filters to find objects in a test object map. You use this dialog box to define the relationship between the properties you added to the find filter.
- Delete All Not Used Test Objects dialog box
You use the Delete All Not Used Test Objects dialog box to find all the test objects that do not have references in the scripts associated with the shared test object map and selectively delete them.
- Delete Test Object dialog box
This is the first page of the Delete Test Object wizard, which enables you to confirm that you want to delete the selected object from the test object map.
- Delete Test Object dialog box -- page 2
This is the second page of the Delete Test Object wizard, which enables you to confirm that you want to delete the selected test object.
- Eclipse Platforms tab of the Enable Environments dialog box
You must enable the Eclipse platform for testing before recording scripts for testing Eclipse-based applications.
- Edit Test Object Appearance dialog box
You use the Edit Test Object Appearance dialog box to customize the text for test objects displayed in the hierarchy tree of the test object map.
- Edit Variable dialog box
You can use the Edit Variable dialog box to change the name of a column of variables, the type of variable, or the position of the variable in a dataset.
- Browser enablement diagnostic tool
The Browser Enablement Diagnostic Tool is used to diagnose problems you might have with enabling your browser for HTML testing. The tool will diagnose the enablement problem and report how to solve the problem.
- Export dialog box
You can use the Export dialog box to export a private or public dataset to a .csv file.
- Find and modify dialog box
You use the Find and Modify dialog box to search for test objects in a test object map based on a property, a value, or either. After the object is found, you can make several types of modifications to its properties and values.
- HCL OneTest UI menus
This topic describes all the options and commands on the HCL OneTest™ UI menu.
- HCL OneTest UI General page
You use the HCL OneTest™ UI General page to set all product time options. These options are useful to accommodate different computer speeds.
- HCL OneTest UI Project Properties page
Use this page to change your default script helper superclass.
- HCL OneTest UI Projects view
The Functional Test Projects view, which is the left pane of the Functional Test Perspective, lists test assets for each project.
- HCL OneTest UI Script Properties page
Use this page to change your script helper superclass, test dataset, or dataset iteration for an individual script.
- HCL OneTest UI Script Templates Properties page
You can use the Functional Test Script Templates Properties Page to edit a Functional Test script template.
- HCL OneTest UI Show Checkouts View
You can use the Functional Test Show Checkouts View to list checked-out elements in one or more projects.
- HCL OneTest UI Show History View
You can use the HCL OneTest™ UI Show History View to display the history of an element under source control.
- The HCL OneTest UI toolbar
This topic describes all the buttons on the HCL OneTest™ UI toolbar.
- Highlight page
You use the Highlight page to specify how you want HCL OneTest™ UI to emphasize test objects in applications-under-test when you select them in a test object map or in the Script Explorer. These settings also control how HCL OneTest™ UI highlights objects you select with the Verification Point and Action Wizard and the Insert a GUI Object into the Object Map dialog box.
- Import dataset dialog box
Use the Import dataset dialog box to create a dataset from an existing HCL OneTest™ UI dataset or a .csv file.
- Import Project Items page
You use the Import Project Items page to import project items such as scripts, test object maps, Java™ files or Visual Basic files, and datasets into a Functional Test project.
- Insert Data Drive Actions dialog box
You can use the Insert Data Drive Actions dialog box to select the test objects and actions you want to data drive.
- Insert getProperty Command page
Use to get a single property value for the selected object. Functional Test puts a getProperty command into your script and returns the value during playback. This information is useful when you need to make a decision based on the property. For example, you might want to query whether a button was enabled.
- Insert Properties Verification Point Command page
Use to create a Properties verification point for the selected object. The Properties verification point tests the properties in your object when you play back your script. The object name is listed on the page. This verification point tests all properties of the object. You can edit the properties list later if you want to test only some of the properties.
- Insert Verification Point Data Command page
Use to create a Data verification point for the selected object. The Data verification point tests the data in your object when you play back your script. The object name is listed at the top of the page. The list of tests shown in the Data Value field depends on information provided by the object proxy. Select the data value that you want to test.
- Insert waitForExistence Command page
Use to set a wait state for an object during playback to check for its existence. The waitForExistence command is useful when waiting for an object right after your application starts, or after other actions that may take a long time.
- Java editor
You use the Java™ Editor (the script window) to edit Java™ code.
- Java Environments tab of the Enable Environments dialog box
This dialog is opened by clicking from HCL OneTest™ UI. The Java Environments tab is used to enable Java™ environments and to add and configure Java™ environments. Information about enabling JRE's is presented first. Information about adding and configuring JRE's is presented below that.
- Log Entry tab: Script Support Functions dialog box
You use the Log Entry tab to insert a log message into a Functional Test scripts and indicate whether it is a message, warning, or an error. During playback, HCL OneTest™ UI inserts this information into the log.
- Logging page
You use the Logging page to set log and comparator options, such as preventing the script launch wizard from displaying on playback, displaying the log viewer after playback, and displaying a message before overwriting an existing log. You also use this page to indicate the type of log generated.
- Merge test object into the test object map page
You use the Merge Test Objects into the Test Object Map page to merge multiple private or shared test object maps into a single shared test object map.
- Message Text Color tab
You use the Message Text Color tab of the Monitor Options dialog box to select the text color for the different types of messages displayed in the Recording Monitor. The colors you select stay in effect until you change them again.
- Record Monitor Preferences dialog box
The Record Monitor Preferences dialog box enables you to modify Recording Monitor message options while in the Recording Monitor. You can add a timestamp to messages in the Record Monitor and select the text color for different types of messages.
- Monitor Options tab
You use the Monitor Options tab of the Monitor Options dialog box to add a time stamp to messages in the Recording Monitor and to indicate the types of messages you want displayed there. You can also turn off the recording instructions automatically displayed at the top of the monitor window.
- Operating System page
You use the Operating System page to indicate the Foreground Lock Timeout setting for Windows® 98/Me and Windows® 2000 systems.
- Delays page
You use the Delays page to set delays during Functional Test script playback. These settings are useful to control the rate at which script commands are sent to the operating system.
- Playback Monitor page
You use the Playback Monitor page to specify whether to display the playback monitor during playback.
- General Playback page
You use the General Playback page to set script playback options, such as the amount of time HCL OneTest™ UI looks for an object and waits before trying to find an object again. You can also elect to skip all verification points in the script.
- ScriptAssure page--Advanced
You use the ScriptAssure(TM) Advanced page to set thresholds for recognition scores, which HCL OneTest™ UI uses when searching for objects during script playback.
- ScriptAssure page-standard
During playback, HCL OneTest™ UI compares objects in the application-under-test with recognition properties in the test object map. You use the ScriptAssure(TM) Standard page to control object-matching sensitivity during playback. This feature enables you to successfully play back scripts when the application-under-test has been updated.
- Preferences dialog box
The Preferences dialog box contains pages that enable you to customize HCL OneTest™ UI in a number of different areas, such as settings for time options; colors for the Verification Point Editor, the Verification Point Comparator, and the Object Map Editor; highlight color for test objects; operating system; playback; delays; log; playback monitor; ScriptAssure(TM); recorder; recording monitor; and the workbench.
- Quick Find dialog box
You use the Quick Find dialog box to search a test object map for an object based on the property or value you enter.
- Record a New Functional Test Script dialog box
You use the Record a New Functional Test Script dialog box to record a new test script. HCL OneTest™ UI includes in the new script import statements for files needed to compile and comments containing archiving information.
- Recording interface
Every time you begin recording, the HCL OneTest™ UI window will automatically minimize when the Recording Monitor comes up. The monitor is always displayed while you are recording. You can minimize it if you don't want it to be visible on the screen, and you can resize it.
- Recorder Monitor page
You use the Recorder Monitor page to change settings in the Recording monitor, such as displaying the recorder toolbar or the Recorder Monitor, including a timestamp for messages, and selecting the types of messages you want to display and their colors.
- General Recorder page
You use the General Recorder page to indicate options for recording Functional Test scripts, such as excluding an executable from being recorded and setting the delay before recording a mouse action or a keystroke. You can also select or clear the option to open the test object map if there is a new test object in the application.
- Regular Expression Evaluator
The Regular Expression Evaluator is available from the test object map, Script Support Functions dialog box or the Verification Point Editor. You can use it to test a regular expression while editing an object property.
- Rename dialog box
You can use the Rename dialog box to rename a Functional Test script, test object map, test folder, log, or other Java™ files in a project, verification point or test object in the Script Explorer.
- Renew all names in associated script (s)
You use the Renew All Names in Associated Script(s) dialog box to change all script test object names to more meaningful and precise names. Functional Test updates the names in associated scripts from the test object map.
- Renew Name in Associated Script(s) dialog box
You use the Renew Name in Associated Script(s) dialog box to change a script test object name to a more meaningful and precise name. HCL OneTest™ UI updates the name in associated script(s) in associated script(s) from the test object map.
- Save File As dialog box
You use the Save File As dialog box to save a file under another name and location.
- Save Script As dialog box
You use the Save Script As dialog box to save a script under another name.
- HCL OneTest UI Script Explorer
The HCL OneTest™ UI Script Explorer lists the script helper, helper superclass or helper base class, test dataset, verification points, and test objects for the current script.
- Using script services
The Script Support Functions dialog box contains tabs that enable you to insert code into the current Functional Test script to perform a variety of tasks, such as inserting a callScript command, a log message. a timer, a sleep command, or a comment into a Functional Test script.
- Search for Java Environments dialog box
The Search for Java™ Environments dialog box is opened using the Search button in the Java™ Environments tab of the Enable Environments dialog box (the enabler). It is used to search your hard disk drive(s) for JREs to configure and/or enable them.
- Search for Web Browsers dialog box
The Search for Web Browsers dialog box is opened using the Search button in the Web Browsers tab of the Enable Environments dialog box (the enabler). It is used to search your hard disk drive(s) for web browsers to configure and/or enable them.
- Select an Action page of the Verification Point and Action wizard
You open the Verification Point and Action Wizard with the Insert Verification Point or Action Command button on the Recording toolbar. Use the wizard to select objects to test in your application, and to select the types of tests to perform on them. This is how you record a verification point.
- Select an Action page of the Verification Point and Action wizard (from Insert)
When you open the Verification Point and Action Wizard while inserting a verification point from the Script Explorer, the Select an Object page appears.
- Select an Object dialog box
You use the Select an Object dialog box to select the object in your application you want to add to the test object map and a script.
- Select an Object page of the Insert a GUI Object into the Object Map wizard
You use the Select an Object page of the Insert a GUI Object into the Object Map dialog box to select the object in your application you want to add to the test object map.
- Select an Object page of the Update Recognition Properties wizard
You use this page of the Update Recognition Properties wizard to select the object in your application for which you want to update recognition properties.
- Select an Object page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard
The Verification Point and Action Wizard is opened with the
Insert Verification Point or Action Command button

on the
Recording toolbar or the product toolbar. It is used to select objects or images to test in your application, and to select the types of tests to perform on them.
- Select Helper Superclass/Select a Script Helper Base Class dialog box
In HCL OneTest™ UI, Eclipse Integration, use the Select Helper Superclass dialog box to select a helper superclass to add to the script. In HCL OneTest™ UI, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Integration, use the Select a Script Helper Base Class dialog box to select a helper base class to add to the script.
- Select Items to Export page
You use the Select Items to Export page of the Export wizard to choose the project items such as scripts, test object maps, Java™ files or Visual Basic files, and datasets that you want to export to another Functional Test project.
- Select Items to Overwrite page
HCL OneTest™ UI displays the Select Items to Overwrite page if the project already contains any of the items you are importing. You use the page to select the check boxes of the items that you want to overwrite in the project or clear the items that you do not want overwritten.
- Select object options page
You can use the Select Object Options page to select whether you want to add a selected object, a selected object and its immediate children, or all descendents of the selected object in a dataset table.
- Select Log page
Use the Select Log page to select a log and specify whether to have the Script Launch wizard open when you run a script.
- Select Object Options page of the Insert GUI Object into the Object Map wizard
You use the Select Object Options page of the Insert a GUI Object into the Object Map dialog box to indicate that you want to add just one object, just the one object and its siblings, or all objects on the window.
- Select object to data drive page
You can use the Select Object to Data Drive page to select an object that you want to data drive in your application-under-test. After you select an object, the objects recognition properties appear in the Object Recognition Properties grid at the bottom of the page.
- Select Script Assets page
You use the Select Script Assets page to select the type of object map, helper superclass or helper base class, test dataset, and dataset iterator class you want to use with the Functional Test script you are creating.
- Select Script to Play Back/Select Script to Debug dialog box
You can use the Select Script to Play Back or Select Script to Debug dialog box to select the Functional Test script that you want to play back or debug.
- Set Active Find Criteria dialog box
You use the Set Active Find Criteria dialog box to select the filter you want to use for searching the test object map, to create a new filter, and to edit or delete an existing filter.
- Set Description Property for Selected Test Object dialog box
You use the Set Description Property for Selected Test Object dialog box to add descriptive text to the Administrative property set tab for the object. HCL OneTest™ UI displays the description when you place the cursor over the object name in a script.
- Set Highlight Window Preferences dialog box
You use the Set Highlight Window Preferences dialog box to specify how you wantHCL OneTest™ UI to emphasize test objects in applications-under-test when you select them in a test object map or in the Script Explorer. These settings also control howHCL OneTest™ UI highlights objects you select with various other wizards and dialog boxes, such as Verification Point and Action Wizard and the Insert a GUI Object into the Object Map dialog box.
- Sleep tab: Script Support Functions dialog box
You use the Sleep tab to insert a sleep command into your Functional Test script to delay the script the length of time you specify.
- Start application dialog box
You can open the Start Application dialog box with the Start Application button on the Recording toolbar to start your test application while you are recording.HCL OneTest™ UI inserts a startApp command into your script.
- Tasks view
The Tasks View displays errors, warnings, or other information automatically generated by the compiler.
- Test object maps
The HCL OneTest™ UI test object map lists the test objects in the application-under-test. It is a static view that describes test objects known to HCL OneTest™ UI in the application-under-test.
- Test object inspector
You use the Test Object Inspector to view properties of selected test objects visible in the running application and display information about those objects, such as parent hierarchy, inheritance hierarchy, test object properties, nonvalue properties, and method information.
- Message Text Color tab
You use the Message Text Color tab of the Monitor Options dialog box to select the text color for the different types of messages displayed in the Recording Monitor. The colors you select stay in effect until you change them again.
- Timer tab: Script Support Functions dialog box
You use the Timer tab to insert a timer into the current script and to stop the timer. Timers remain running until you stop them explicitly or exit Functional Test.
- Unify Test Objects dialog box
You use the first page of the Object Map: Unify Test Objects wizard to combine two objects within an object map, unify their properties, and automatically fix scripts to refer to the combined object.
- Unify Test Objects dialog box -- page 2
You use the second page of the Unify Test Objects wizard to confirm that you want to replace one test object with another.
- Update Test Object Recognition Properties wizard
You use the Update Test Object Recognition Properties wizard to update recognition properties for a test object in the software under test.
- Variable Name page of the Verification Point and Action wizard
The Variable Name page is the fourth page of the Verification Point and Action Wizard when you choose Get a Specific Property Value as your action. On the Variable Name page, you can name the variable that holds the property value, and choose whether to declare the variable in your script.
- Verification Point and Action wizard
You open the
Verification Point and Action wizard dialog box with the
Insert Verification Point or Action Command button

on the
Recording toolbar. You use the wizard to select objects to test in your application, and to select the types of tests to perform on them. You record a verification point by using this wizard.
- Verification point comparator
You can use comparators to compare verification point data after you play back a script with a verification point and to update the baseline file. If the verification point fails, the comparator shows both expected and actual values so that you can analyze the differences. You can then load the baseline file and edit or update it with the values from the actual file.
- Verification Point Editor
The Verification Point Editor lets you view and edit verification point data. You can open the Editor by double-clicking a verification point in the Script Explorer window. The Editor banner displays the name of your verification point.
- Web browsers tab of the Enable Environments dialog box
This dialog is opened by clicking Configure > Enable Environments for Testing from HCL OneTest™ UI. The Web Browsers tab is used to enable your browsers and to add and configure browsers. Information about enabling browsers is presented first. Information about adding and configuring browsers is presented below that.
- Workbench Preferences page
The Workbench Preferences page enables you to indicate how you want the Workbench to behave while playing back, recording, and debugging Functional Test scripts.
- Workbench Advanced Preferences
This Advanced page enables you to set advanced Workbench preferences for HCL OneTest™ UI, such as switching to the Test Debug perspective rather than the Functional Test perspective when debugging or turning on or off.
- Test Object Map menu
This topic describes each of the options on the test object map menu.
- Test Object Map toolbar
This topic describes each button on the test object map toolbar
- Test object hierarchy
The Test Object Hierarchy lists all test objects in the application-under-test and provides information for each, such as color, owner relationship, state, test domain, role, name, and .class.
- Property sets
The lower (or right) pane of the Test Object Map window contains property sets, which provide information about the selected object.
- Specify Playback Options page
Use the Specify Playback Options page to specify run arguments and a dataset iteration count.
- Object Properties Configuration Tool
Use the object properties configuration tool to configure the object recognition properties in the customized object library. While recording scripts, the customized object library file is used as a reference for setting object recognition properties and the property weights in the object map.
- Add Object dialog box
Use this option to add new objects to the object library and specify properties that needs to be added as recognition properties to the test object.
- Import Object Recognition Properties dialog box
Use this option to import objects along with its recognition properties and weights from an object properties file into the object library.
- Export Object Recognition Properties dialog box
Use this option to export the customized objects along with its recognition properties and weights of the object library into an object recognition property file.
- Example of a test object map
This is an example of a test object map created for an HTML application:
- Exception dialog box
This dialog box is displayed if an exception occurs during playback of a functional test script.
- Application View
The Application View displays the application visuals (snapshots) that are captured while recording scripts. The visuals of the test application are captured only if both the simplified scripting and the application visuals feature preferences are enabled.
- Script editor
The simplified script editor displays the test script as English statements that are easy to understand and edit.
- Properties view - General page
The General page of the Properties view displays the details of the test line that is selected in the script editor. You can change the test line description and the action on the control that the test line refers to. If a group is selected in the simplified script editor, this page shows the dataset details.
- Properties View- Playback page
Use the Playback page of the Properties View to specify the playback settings for the test line to be run during the script playback.
- Properties View - Log page
Use the Log page of the Properties View to specify the information that must be displayed in the playback log when the selected test line is executed.