Task flow for testing with Apache Camel components
You can find information about the tasks that you can perform in HCL OneTest™ API for testing the technologies supported by the Camel components. Examples of supported technologies are Email, FTP, Kafka for their corresponding Camel component such as Camel-Mail, Camel-FTP, and Camel-Kafka.
Task | More information | |
1. | You must complete the prerequisite tasks. | Prerequisites for testing the technology endpoints supported by Camel |
2. | You must download the JAR files of the Camel component and add the JAR files by using Library Manager. | Adding Camel component JAR files through Library Manager |
3. | You must create a logical connection in the Architectural School perspective for the Camel component. | Creating logical Apache Camel component connections |
4. | You must configure the physical resource for the logical connection. | Creating physical resources for Camel components |
5. | You must set up a Service Component that uses the technology endpoints of the Camel component as the physical resource before you can create tests or stubs. | Creating a service component |
6. | You must set up an Operation that uses the technology endpoints of the Camel component as the physical resource before you can create tests or stubs. | Creating an operation |
7. | If you are testing the technologies supported by the Camel components, you can set up the Message Exchange Pattern (MEP) and define the publish and subscribe actions. HCL OneTest™ API uses Camel as the physical transport for all the supported Camel components. | Configuring the MEP settings for the Camel transport |
8. | You can publish Camel messages that use the Camel transport. | Publishing messages |
9. | You can subscribe to Camel messages. | Subscribing to messages |
10. | You can specify the stubbing settings for the technologies supported by the Camel components that use the Camel transport. | Stubbing settings for the Camel transport |