Configuring the maximum number of message log files to retain
You can change the maximum number of online, ON-Bar activity, or ON-Bar debug message log files that the database server retains. This information is stored in the MAX_MSGPATH_VERSIONS, MAX_BAR_ACT_LOG_VERSIONS, and MAX_BAR_DEBUG_LOG_VERSIONS parameters of the ph_threshold table.
About this task
By default, the database server retains 12 online, ON-Bar activity, and ON-Bar debug message log files.
To change the maximum number of online log files to retain:
Run the following SQL statements to specify the maximum
value of log files to retain, where threshold_name is MAX_MSGPATH_VERSIONS
(for the online log files), MAX_BAR_ACT_LOG_VERSIONS, or MAX_BAR_DEBUG_LOG_VERSIONS.
UPDATE ph_threshold
SET value = "number"
WHERE name = "threshold_name";
For example, to set the max number of online log files to keep to 20, specify:
UPDATE ph_threshold
SET value = "20"