What's new in HCL OneDB™
This section includes information about the new, enhanced features in HCL OneDB™
This document provides a brief tutorial to help you get familiar with HCL OneDB™ products.
These topics describe how to install HCL OneDB™ database servers, client products, and DataBlade® modules.
HCL OneDB™ server
These topics describe how to install HCL OneDB™ database servers.
Client products
These topics describe how to install HCL OneDB™ client products.
In addition to administering the database server, you can tune performance, replicate data, and archive data.
System administration
These topics contain concepts, procedures, and reference information for database and database server administrators to use for managing and tuning HCL OneDB™ database servers.
Backup and Restore Guide
The HCL OneDB™ Backup and Restore Guide describes how to use the HCL® OneDB® ON-Bar utility to back up and restore database server data. This will enable you to recover your databases after data is lost or becomes corrupted due to hardware or software failure or accident.
Enterprise Replication
The HCL OneDB™ Enterprise Replication Guide describes the concepts of data replication using HCL® OneDB® Enterprise Replication, including how to design your replication system, as well as administer and manage data replication throughout your enterprise.
You can upgrade to the version of HCL OneDB™ or migrate from other database servers to HCL OneDB™. Upgrading is an in-place migration method that uses your existing hardware and operating system software. Some changes to the HCL OneDB™ database server can affect upgrading from a previous release.
HCL OneDB™ Migration Guide
The HCL OneDB™ Migration Guide describes how to move data manually between databases, servers, and computers.
In addition to designing and implementing HCL OneDB™ dimensional databases, you can use tools to create data warehouse applications and optimize your data warehouse queries.
Dimensional databases
These topics provide information to help you design, implement, and manage dimensional databases, and describes the tools that you can use to create data warehouses and optimize your data warehouse queries.The HCL OneDB™ Data Warehouse Guide provides information to help you design, implement, and manage dimensional databases, and describes the tools that you can use to create data warehouses and optimize your data warehouse queries.
You can secure your HCL OneDB™ database server and the data that is stored in your HCL OneDB™ databases. You can encrypt data, secure connections, control user privileges and access, and audit data security.
Security in HCL OneDB™
These topics document methods for keeping your data secure by preventing unauthorized viewing and altering of data or database objects, including how to use the secure-auditing facility of the database server.The HCL OneDB™ Security Guide documents methods for keeping your data secure by preventing unauthorized viewing and altering of data or database objects, including how to use the secure-auditing facility of the database server.
You can use the HCL OneDB™ implementation of client APIs to develop applications for HCL OneDB™ database servers.
Change Data Capture API Programmer's Guide
These topics describe how to program applications to process changed data from HCL OneDB™ databases using the HCL® OneDB® Change Data Capture API.The HCL OneDB™ Change Data Capture API Programmer's Guide describes how to program applications to process changed data from HCL OneDB™ databases using the HCL® OneDB® Change Data Capture API.
ESQL/C Guide
The HCL OneDB™ ESQL/C Programmer's Manual explains how to use HCL OneDB™ ESQL/C, the HCL OneDB™ implementation of Embedded Structured Query Language (SQL) for C (ESQL/C), to create client applications with database-management capabilities.
GLS User's Guide
These topics describe the Global Language Support (GLS) feature available in HCL® OneDB® products.The HCL OneDB™ GLS User's Guide describes the Global Language Support (GLS) feature available in HCL® OneDB® products.
HCL OneDB™ ODBC Driver Guide
These topics serve as a user guide and reference for HCL OneDB™ ODBC Driver, which is the HCL OneDB™ implementation of the Microsoft™ Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface, Version 3.0.The HCL OneDB™ ODBC Driver Programmer's Manual serves as a user guide and reference for HCL OneDB™ ODBC Driver, which is the HCL OneDB™ implementation of the Microsoft™ Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface, Version 3.0.
OneDB .NET Core Provider
The .NET Core Provider for OneDB® is used for developing .NET applications.
OneDB .NET EF(Entity Framework) Core Provider
The .NET EF Core Provider for OneDB® is used for developing .NET EF Core applications.
HCL OneDB™ JDBC Driver Guide
These topics describe how to install, load, and use HCL OneDB™ JDBC Driver to connect to the HCL OneDB™ database from within a Java™ application. The HCL OneDB™ JDBC Driver Programmer's Guide describes how to install, load, and use HCL OneDB™ JDBC Driver to connect to the HCL OneDB™ database from within a Java™ application.
The HCL OneDB™ REST API allows application developers to access data in their HCL OneDB™ database server through simple HTTP requests. Applications can query, insert, load, update, and delete data in relational tables, in JSON collections, or in TimeSeries tables all through simple, JSON-based REST requests.
You can use the HCL OneDB™ implementation of the SQL language to develop applications for HCL OneDB™ database servers.
Guide to SQL: Syntax
These topics describe the syntax of the statements, data types, expressions, operators, and built-in functions of the HCL OneDB™ dialect of the SQL language.The HCL OneDB™ Guide to SQL: Syntax describes the syntax of the statements, data types, expressions, operators, and built-in functions of the HCL OneDB™ dialect of the SQL language.
Guide to SQL: Reference
These topics contain the reference information for the system catalog tables, data types, and environment variables of the HCL OneDB™ dialect of the SQL language, as implemented in HCL OneDB™.The HCL OneDB™ Guide to SQL: Reference contains the reference information for the system catalog tables, data types, and environment variables of the HCL OneDB™ dialect of the SQL language, as implemented in HCL OneDB™. These topics also include information about the stores_demo, sales_demo, and superstore_demo databases that are included with HCL OneDB™.
Guide to SQL: Tutorial
This publication shows how to use basic and advanced structured query language (SQL) to access and manipulate the data in your databases.The HCL OneDB™ Guide to SQL: Tutorial shows how to use basic and advanced structured query language (SQL) to access and manipulate the data in your databases. It discusses the data manipulation language (DML) statements as well as triggers and stored procedure language (SPL) routines, which DML statements often use.
Applications that rely on JSON data can interact with the relational and non-relational data that is stored in HCL OneDB™ databases.
About the HCL OneDB™ JSON compatibility
You can access and combine relational and JSON data into a single application by using the HCL OneDB™ JSON compatibility features.
Wire listener
The wire listener is a mid-tier gateway server that enables communication between MongoDB clients and the HCL OneDB™ database server.
JSON data sharding
You can shard data with HCL OneDB™. Documents from a collection or rows from a table can be sharded across a cluster of database servers, reducing the number of documents or rows and the size of the index for the database of each server. When you shard data across multiple database servers, you also distribute performance across hardware. As your database grows in size, you can scale up by adding more shard servers to your shard cluster.
The HCL OneDB™ support for MongoDB application programming interfaces and commands is described here.
Manage time series through the wire listener
You can create and manage time series through the wire listener. You interact with time series data through a virtual table.
Monitoring collections
You can use the HCL OneDB™ Admin Tool (OAT) for OneDB to monitor collections in the HCL OneDB™ database.
Troubleshooting HCL OneDB™ JSON compatibility
Several troubleshooting techniques, tools, and resources are available for resolving problems that you encounter with HCL OneDB™ JSON compatibility.
Beyond standard relational database objects, HCL OneDB™ can be extended to handle specialized data types, access methods, routines, and other objects. HCL OneDB™ includes many built-in extensions that are fully integrated in the database server. HCL OneDB™ also provides DataBlade® modules, which are packages of extended database objects for a particular purpose and that are installed separately from the database server. Alternatively, you can create your own user-defined objects for HCL OneDB™.
HCL OneDB™ extensions and DataBlade® modules
These topics describe how to use built-in database extensions and separately installed DataBlade® modules.
Creating extensions
You can create user-defined data types, routines, access methods, and other database objects to suit your needs. You can use application programming interfaces to write user-defined routines and applications that access data in HCL OneDB™ databases.
The first step in creating a relational database is to construct a data model, which is a precise, complete definition of the data you want to store. After you prepare your data model, you must implement it as a database and tables. To implement your data model, you first select a data type for each column and then you create a database and tables and populate the tables with data. You can also implement fragmentation strategies and control access to your data.
Designing and Implementing a Database
These topics provide information to help you design, implement, and manage your HCL® OneDB® databases. It includes data models that illustrate different approaches to database design and shows you how to use structured query language (SQL) to implement and manage your databases.The HCL OneDB™ Database Design and Implementation Guide provides information to help you design, implement, and manage your HCL® OneDB® databases. It includes data models that illustrate different approaches to database design and shows you how to use structured query language (SQL) to implement and manage your databases.
The HCL OneDB™ Embeddability Guide describes how to embed HCL OneDB™ in your applications.
Overview of embedding HCL OneDB™ products
You can embed HCL OneDB™ products in your applications by taking advantage of customizable deployment options and configurable administration features. You can use the embeddability features in combination with other product features for installation footprint reduction and high-availability clustering to achieve a quicker and easier end-to-end deployment solution.
HCL OneDB™ embeddability deployment tutorial
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide steps and scripts needed for silent end-to-end deployment of HCL OneDB™ on Linux™ and Windows™ using the deployment assistant and the deployment utility.
Manage memory in embedded environments
You can manage memory in embedded environments by enabling the database server to automatically rotate and delete online message log files, configuring the actions that the server takes to continue processing when memory is critically low, and enabling the server to reserve a specific amount of memory for use when critical rollback activities are needed and the server has limited free memory.
Review the release notes, documentation notes, and machine notes for essential information about an HCL OneDB™ product.
These are the release, documentation, and machine notes for HCL OneDB™. Information about fixed and known defects is included in the release notes.
Client SDK
These are the release and machine notes for HCL OneDB™ Client Software Development Kit.
Several troubleshooting techniques, tools, and resources are available for resolving problems that you encounter in your HCL OneDB™ database server environment.