Set SQLHOSTS information for SSO

This task configures the SQLHOSTS connectivity options so that your HCL OneDB™ instance can support single sign-on.

Before you begin

You must know the exact dbservername values defined in the DBSERVERALIASES configuration parameter before you can complete this task.

About this task

The main action of this task is to set the options field of the SQLHOSTS information to csm=(GSSCSM). To modify the SQLHOSTS information:


  1. Open the sqlhosts file (UNIX™ and Linux™) or the SQLHOSTS registry key (Windows™) on the computer hosting the database server.
    See the HCL OneDB Administrator's Guide for details on how to set SQLHOSTS information.
  2. Create an SQLHOSTS entry for the DBSERVERALIASES name that you want to use for the connection, specifying onsoctcp in the NETTYPE field and csm=(GSSCSM) in the OPTIONS field.
    For example, the following entry creates a Kerberos service for the fictional company JK Enterprises if the port number is already defined in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/services:
    ol_home2data  onsoctcp  jkent-005  csm=(GSSCSM)


What to do next

You are required to configure the SQLHOSTS information about the client computer similarly. If you are using SSO in an environment where both database server and your client program are on the same computer, then you have no other SQLHOSTS tasks to complete.