Configuring ESQL/C and ODBC drivers for SSO

The steps for preparing the SQLHOSTS information and the Generic Security Services (GSS) CSM configuration file for ESQL/C and ODBC and a client computer are similar to the corresponding server-side setup procedures.

Before you begin

Complete the tasks outlined in Configuring the HCL OneDB instance for SSO before working on your client.

About this task

See Clients supporting SSO for a list of clients that support SSO with HCL® OneDB.


  1. Complete any setup steps specific to the client software you are using. This includes the following steps:
    1. For ESQL/C, include an sqlhosts entry specifying onsoctcp in the NETTYPE field and csm=(GSSCSM) in the OPTIONS field matching the same information for the Kerberos service in the server's SQLHOSTS information.
      For example, the following entry can be valid for the company JK Enterprises if the port number is already set in $INFORMIXDIR/etc/services:
      ol_sso_krb  onsoctcp  jkent-005 ol_sso_svce csm=(GSSCSM)
    2. UNIX™ and Linux™: Add Options="csm=(GSSCSM)" to the connection settings for the SSO-enabled database server entry in the odbc.ini file, as illustrated in the following example:
    3. for ODBC on Windows™:
      1. Open SETNET32 (Start > All Programs > HCL OneDB Client-SDK > Setnet32) and select the Server Information tab.
      2. Provide the connectivity information for the database server that is configured for Kerberos authentication. The entries in the fields of the Server Information tab correspond with the information in the SSO entry for the SQLHOSTS registry key, including csm=(GSSCSM) in the Options field.
      3. Open the ODBC Driver manager program.
      4. On the General tab provide your Data Source Name (DSN) details, and on the Connection tab select the SSO-enabled instance in the Server Name field.
  2. Create the communications support module (CSM) configuration file for the client computer.
    This file must be named $INFORMIXDIR/etc/concsm.cfg on UNIX and Linux platforms, and $INFORMIXDIR/etc/concsm.cfg on Windows. Read the CSM configuration file information for details about file requirements.
  3. Add a line to concsm.cfg for the client computer shared libraries and for the global and connection options.
    See Set up the concsm.cfg file for SSO for how to enter this configuration information.