cdr stats rqm
The cdr stats rqm command displays information about the reliable queue manager (RQM) queues used for Enterprise Replication.
- 1 See Connect Option.
The following table describes the cdr stats rqm options.
Long Form | Short Form | Meaning |
--ackq | -A | Prints the statistics for the acknowledgment send queue. |
--cntrlq | -C | Prints the statistics for the control send queue. |
--recvq | -R | Prints the statistics for the receive queue. |
--syncq | -S | Prints the statistics for the sync send queue. |
--sendq | -T | Prints the statistics for the send queue. |
The cdr stats rqm command displays the RQM (reliable queue manager) statistics for the queues used by Enterprise Replication. These queues are the ack send, control send, send, sync send, and the receive queue. If no queue is specified, the cdr stats rqm command displays statistics for all Enterprise Replication queues.
The cdr stats rqm command shows, among other things, how many transactions are currently queued in memory and spooled, the size of the data in the queue, how much real memory is being used, pending transaction buffers and data, the maximum memory used for data and headers (overhead), and totals for the number of transactions queued, the number of transactions, the number of deleted transactions, and the number of transaction lookups that have occurred.
If the Connect option is specified, Enterprise Replication connects to the specified remote server and retrieves the statistics for its Enterprise Replication queues.
RQM Statistics for Queue number: 1 name: ack_send
Txns in queue: 0
Txns in memory: 0
Txns in spool only: 0
Txns spooled: 0
Unspooled bytes: 0
Size of Data in queue: 0 Bytes
Real memory in use: 0 Bytes
Pending Txn Buffers: 0
Pending Txn Data: 0 Bytes
Max Real memory data used: 44 Bytes
Max Real memory hdrs used: 320 Bytes
Total data queued: 120 Bytes
Total Txns queued: 0
Total Txns 3
Total Txns spooled: 0
Total Txns restored: 0
Total Txns recovered: 0
Spool Rows read: 0
Total Txns deleted: 3
Total Txns duplicated: 0
Total Txn Lookups: 8
RQM Statistics for Queue number: 2 name: control_send
Transaction Spool Name: control_send_stxn
Txns in queue: 0
Txns in memory: 0
Txns in spool only: 0
Txns spooled: 0
Unspooled bytes: 0
Size of Data in queue: 0 Bytes
Real memory in use: 0 Bytes
Pending Txn Buffers: 0
Pending Txn Data: 0 Bytes
Max Real memory data used: 185 Bytes
Max Real memory hdrs used: 320 Bytes
Total data queued: 185 Bytes
Total Txns queued: 0
Total Txns 1
Total Txns spooled: 1
Total Txns restored: 0
Total Txns recovered: 0
Spool Rows read: 0
Total Txns deleted: 1
Total Txns duplicated: 0
Total Txn Lookups: 4
RQM Statistics for Queue number: 4 name: trg_receive
Transaction Spool Name: trg_receive_stxn
Txns in queue: 0
Txns in memory: 0
Txns in spool only: 0
Txns spooled: 0
Unspooled bytes: 0
Size of Data in queue: 0 Bytes
Real memory in use: 0 Bytes
Pending Txn Buffers: 0
Pending Txn Data: 0 Bytes
Max Real memory data used: 0 Bytes
Max Real memory hdrs used: 0 Bytes
Total data queued: 0 Bytes
Total Txns queued: 0
Total Txns 0
Total Txns spooled: 0
Total Txns restored: 0
Total Txns recovered: 0
Spool Rows read: 0
Total Txns deleted: 0
Total Txns duplicated: 0
Total Txn Lookups: 0
RQM Statistics for Queue number: 3 name: sync_send
Txns in queue: 0
Txns in memory: 0
Txns in spool only: 0
Txns spooled: 0
Unspooled bytes: 0
Size of Data in queue: 0 Bytes
Real memory in use: 0 Bytes
Pending Txn Buffers: 0
Pending Txn Data: 0 Bytes
Max Real memory data used: 0 Bytes
Max Real memory hdrs used: 0 Bytes
Total data queued: 0 Bytes
Total Txns queued: 0
Total Txns 0
Total Txns spooled: 0
Total Txns restored: 0
Total Txns recovered: 0
Spool Rows read: 0
Total Txns deleted: 0
Total Txns duplicated: 0
Total Txn Lookups: 1131
RQM Statistics for Queue number: 0 name: trg_send
Transaction Spool Name: trg_send_stxn
Txns in queue: 12
Txns in memory: 12
Txns in spool only: 0
Txns spooled: 0
Unspooled bytes: 24960
Size of Data in queue: 24960 Bytes
Real memory in use: 24960 Bytes
Pending Txn Buffers: 0
Pending Txn Data: 0 Bytes
Max Real memory data used: 24960 Bytes
Max Real memory hdrs used: 22080 Bytes
Total data queued: 27560 Bytes
Total Txns queued: 0
Total Txns 14
Total Txns spooled: 0
Total Txns restored: 0
Total Txns recovered: 0
Spool Rows read: 0
Total Txns deleted: 2
Total Txns duplicated: 0
Total Txn Lookups: 28