cdr delete replicate

The cdr delete replicate command deletes a replicate.


1  cdr delete replicate?  %Connect Option(1) +  replicate_name
Element Purpose Restrictions Syntax
replicate_name Name of the replicate to delete. Long Identifiers


The cdr delete replicate command deletes the replicate repl_name from the global catalog. All replication data for the replicate is purged from the send queue at all participating database servers. You can run this command from within an SQL statement by using the SQL administration API.

Important: Avoid deleting a replicate and immediately recreating it with the same name. If you recreate the objects immediately (before the operation finishes propagating to the other Enterprise Replication database servers in the network), failures might occur in the Enterprise Replication system at the time of the operation or later.
Important: If you are creating a replication server to replace the one you deleted, use the cdr check queue --qname=ctrlq command to make sure that the delete operation propagated to all the servers.

When you run the cdr delete replicate command, an event alarm with a class ID of 68 is generated, if that event alarm is enabled.

Example 1: Deleting a single replicate

The following command connects to the default database server specified by the INFORMIXSERVER environment variable and deletes the replicate reynolds:
cdr delete replicate reynolds 

Example 2: Deleting multiple replicates

The following command connects to database server hoek and deletes the replicates reynolds and stimpson:
cdr del rep -c hoek reynolds stimpson