The sysptrhdr table contains information about partition headers.
Column | Type | Description |
partnum | integer | Partnum of the table |
flags | integer | Partition flags |
rowsize | integer | Row size (maximum for variable) |
ncols | smallint | Number of VARCHAR or BLOB columns |
nkeys | smallint | Number of indexes |
nextns | smallint | Number of extents |
pagesize | smallint | Page size |
created | integer | Date created |
serialv | integer | Current SERIAL value |
fextsiz | integer | First extent size, in pages |
nextsiz | integer | Next extent size, in pages |
nptotal | integer | Number of pages allocated |
npused | integer | Number of pages used |
npdata | integer | Number of data pages |
octptnm | integer | Optical BLOB partnum |
lockid | integer | Table lock ID |
nrows | bigint | Number of data rows |
ninserts | bigint | Number of insert operations |
nupdates | bigint | Number of update operations |
ndeletes | bigint | Number of delete operations |
cur_serial8 | int8 | Current SERIAL8 value |
cur_bigserial | bigint | Current BIGSERIAL value |
dbsnum | integer | Number of partitions in the dbspace |
pta_oldvers | smallint | In-place alter |
pta_newvers | smallint | In-place alter |
pta_bmpagenum | integer | In-place alter |
pta_totpgs | integer | In-place alter |
pta_opems_allocd | integer | In-place alter |
pta_opems_filled | integer | In-place alter |
glscollname | char(32) | In-place alter |
flags2 | integer | Partition flags2 |
sid | integer | Temporary table session ID |
You can run the following query to see the number of allocated pages for temporary tables:
SELECT i.sid, hex(i.flags) flags, hex(i.partnum) partition,
trim(n.dbsname) || ":" || trim(n.owner) || ":" || trim(n.tabname) table,
i.nptotal allocated_pages
FROM sysmaster:systabnames n, sysmaster:sysptnhdr i
WHERE (sysmaster:bitval(i.flags, "0x0020") = 1)
AND i.partnum = n.partnum
For example, the query can return information similar to the following output:
session with query "select * from customer into temp good "
sid 60
flags 0x00000861
partition 0x00100249
table demo:informix:good
allocated_pages 8
session with temp table generated from query "select from <view>"
sid 64
flags 0x00008821
partition 0x00100249
table demo:informix:_temptable
allocated_pages 8
temp table from sorting
sid 33
flags 0x000048A0
partition 0x00200004
table SORTTEMP:informix:th_tmprun_0x4a1b2370
allocated_pages 128
temp table from hashing
sid 31
flags 0x000048A0
partition 0x00200003
table HASHTEMP:informix:th_overflow_0xffffffffffffffff
allocated_pages 16