The sysckptinfo system-monitoring interface table provides historical information about the previous twenty checkpoints.
Column | Type | Description |
ckpt_status | int | 0x0011 = A checkpoint was blocked because the
physical log ran out of resources. 0x0021 = A checkpoint was blocked because the logical log ran out of resources. 0x0041 = A checkpoint was blocked because transactions were too long. 0x1000 = The physical log is too small. 0x2000 = The logical log space is too small. 0x4000 = The physical log is too small for RTO. |
plogs_per_S | int | Average rate of physical logging activity. |
llogs_per_S | int | Average rate of logical logging activity. |
dskF_per_S | int | Average rate of pages flushed to disk. |
longest_dskF | int | Longest duration of time to flush the buffer pool to the disk during checkpoint processing. |
dirty_pgs_S | int | Average rate of pages being modified. |
sug_plog_sz | int | Suggested physical log size. |
sug_llog_sz | int | Suggested logical log space size. |
ras_plog_sp | int | Rate at which fast recovery can restore the physical log. |
ras_llog_sp | int | Rate at which fast recovery can replay the logical log. |
boottime | int | Time it takes for the server to boot shared memory and open chunks. |
auto-ckpts | int | 1 = on, 0 = off. |
auto_lru | int | 1 = on, 0 = off. |
cur_intvl | int | Current® checkpoint interval id. |
auto_aiovp | int | 1 = on, 0 = off. |