Tblspace Numbers
Each tblspace that is described in the tblspace tblspace receives a tblspace number. This tblspace number is the same value that is stored as the partnum field in the systables system catalog table and as the partn field in the sysfragments system catalog table.
SELECT tabname, tabid, partnum, HEX(partnum) hex_tblspace_name FROM systables
Tblspace Number Elements
The first page in a tblspace is logical page 0. (Physical page numbers refer to the address of the page in the chunk.) The root space tblspace tblspace is always contained in the first dbspace and on logical page 1 within the tblspace tblspace. (The bitmap page is page 0.)
Tblspace Tblspace Size
These tblspace tblspace pages are allocated as an extent when the dbspace is initialized. If the database server attempts to create a table, but the tblspace tblspace is full, the database server allocates a next extent to the tblspace.
When a table is removed from the dbspace, its corresponding entry in the tblspace tblspace is deleted.
Tblspace Tblspace Bitmap Page
The first page of the tblspace tblspace, like the first page of any initial extent, is a bitmap that describes the page fullness of the following pages. Each page that follows has an entry on the bitmap page. If needed, additional bitmap pages are located throughout the contiguous space allocated for the tblspace, arranged so that each bitmap describes only the pages that follow it, until the next bitmap or the end of the dbspace. Bitmap pages fall at distinct intervals within tblspaces pages. Each bitmap page describes a fixed number of pages that follow it.