Tblspace tblspace entries
The tblspace tblspace describes the characteristics of tblspaces.
To display information on a tblspace,
use the oncheck -pt command.
Component | Description |
Page header | 24 bytes, standard page-header information |
Page-ending time stamp | 4 bytes |
Tblspace header | 136 bytes, general tblspace information |
Tblspace name | database.owner.tablename or database.owner.indexname Typically 30-40 bytes long but can be longer, depending on the length of the name. |
Column information | 8 bytes for each special column A special column is defined as a VARCHAR, BYTE, TEXT, or user-defined data type. |
Index information | For attached indexes, each index in the partition
has a 20-byte header that contains general information about the index,
followed by a 4-byte entry for each column in the index. For detached indexes, a 4-byte entry for each column in the index. |
Extent information | A 10-byte entry plus 10 bytes of information for
each extent that is allocated to the tblspace. During the defragmentation of the tblspace, more bytes might be used. |