Create an etx index

To create an etx index, you specify the etx access method in the USING clause of the CREATE INDEX statement.

For example, suppose your search text is contained in the column description, of type CLOB, in the videos table. To create an etx index named desc_idx for this table that is stored in the sbspace sbsp1, use the following syntax:
CREATE INDEX desc_idx ON videos (description etx_clob_ops) 
    USING etx in sbsp1;

The operator class etx_clob_ops is specified directly after description, the column to be indexed. Be sure to specify the correct operator class for the type of the indexed column. See the table in the previous section for valid operator class names and their corresponding data types.

An sbspace is a logical storage area that contains one or more chunks that store BLOB and CLOB data types. See the HCL® OneDB® Administrator's Guide for your database server for detailed information about sbspaces and smart large objects.
Important: The following options to the CREATE INDEX statement cannot be specified when you create etx indexes: CLUSTER, UNIQUE, DISTINCT, ASC, DESC, and FILLFACTOR.
The following figure shows how the DataBlade® module creates an etx index that uses the Excalibur Text Retrieval Library (TRL).
Figure 1: The etx index creation

Diagram shows a column in a table connecting to the "etx Access Method," which in turn connects to both the Excalibur Text Retrieval Library (TRL) and to the etx index.

The etx access method supports both table and index fragmentation.