Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module User's Guide
These topics describe the OneDB® Excalibur Text Search DataBlade® module and how to access and use its components.
The OneDB Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module includes the etx access method, the etx_contains() search operator, and data types and routines that enable sophisticated search operations, such as filtering, matching, and highlighting. These topics also include a tutorial for setting up and performing example text searches.
This publication is written for the following groups:
- Users who want to perform SQL searches of text data stored in proprietary format.
- Programmers who want to build applications that call on the Excalibur text search engine to perform text searches.
- Programmers who want to modify existing applications to take advantage of etx indexes.
You must have the following HCL OneDB software to use the OneDB Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module:
- HCL OneDB, Version 11.50 or later
- The HCL® OneDB Large Object Locator DataBlade Module. (The Large Object Locator DataBlade module is shipped with HCL OneDB.)
- The HCL OneDB Text Descriptor DataBlade Module. (The OneDB Text Descriptor DataBlade Module is shipped with the OneDB Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module.)
You can use the following application development tools with the OneDB Excalibur
Text Search DataBlade Module:
- DB-Access
- DataBlade API
These topics are taken from HCL OneDB Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module User's Guide.