À faire Référence rapide

Cette référence rapide comprend une image d'écran expliquant les bases de To Do, ainsi que des tableaux répertoriant d'autres tâches et raccourcis couramment utilisés.
Screen image of product showing different areas of the screen highlighted

Table 1. Getting started
Task Action

Open To Do

Click Open > To Do.

Create a to do item

Click New > To Do.

Add or change due date or priority

While creating or editing a to do item, select a due date under Due by or a priority under Priority.

Table 2. Assigned to do items
Task Action

Send a message to To Do owner or assignee

  1. Open the to do item.
  2. Click Participant Actions or Owner Actions and then click Send Message to All Invitees, Send Message to Invitees Who Have Responded, or Send Message to Invitees Who Have Not Responded.

View responses to a to do assignment

  1. Open the to do item.
  2. Click Actions > View Invitee Status

Respond to a task assigned to you

  • Open the to do assignment, click Accept, Decline, Delegate or Respond with comments.

Propose a new due date

  1. Open the to do assignment, and click Propose New Date.
  2. To see when participants are available, click the Check schedules button.
Table 3. Change To Do settings
Task Action

Change the background color for to do items on the calendar

  • Click File > Preferences, click the Calendar and To Do section, click the Colors tab, and then specify background and text colors for To Do.

Change the sound that plays for alarms

  1. Click File > Preferences, and then click Calendar and To Do.
  2. Click Alarms.
  3. Select a sound in the Default sound field. Click Play to test the selected sound.

Display overdue To Do items on the current day

  1. Click File > Preferences (Notes Basic client users: Click File > Preferences > User Preferences; Macintosh OS X users: Click Notes > Preferences.
  2. Click Calendar and To Do, and then click Views
  3. Select Display overdue To Do items on the current day.
Table 4. Other neat things you can do
Task Action

Delete past to do items using calendar cleanup

  1. Click Mores > Calendar Cleanup at the top of the calendar. Select Entries older than and specify a time range, or select Entries occurring before and specify a date. Select Calendar entries, To Do entries, or both.

Create a to do item from a calendar entry or email

  • Select the email or calendar entry, click More above the message list, and then click Copy Into New > To Do.
Table 5. Shortcuts
Task For Windows For Macintosh
Open selected to do Enter Enter
Close current to do or view Esc Esc
Get help for the current feature F1 Help or Command + ?
Undo last action Ctrl + Z Command + Z
See a list of available shortcuts Ctrl+ Shift + L Ctrl+ Shift + L