À faire Référence rapide
Cette référence rapide comprend une image d'écran expliquant les bases de To Do, ainsi que des tableaux répertoriant d'autres tâches et raccourcis couramment utilisés.
Task | Action |
Open To Do |
Click . |
Create a to do item |
Click . |
Add or change due date or priority |
While creating or editing a to do item, select a due date under Due by or a priority under Priority. |
Task | Action |
Send a message to To Do owner or assignee |
View responses to a to do assignment |
Respond to a task assigned to you |
Propose a new due date |
Task | Action |
Change the background color for to do items on the calendar |
Change the sound that plays for alarms |
Display overdue To Do items on the current day |
Task | Action |
Delete past to do items using calendar cleanup |
Create a to do item from a calendar entry or email |
Task | For Windows | For Macintosh |
Open selected to do | Enter | Enter |
Close current to do or view | Esc | Esc |
Get help for the current feature | F1 | Help or Command + ? |
Undo last action | Ctrl + Z | Command + Z |
See a list of available shortcuts | Ctrl+ Shift + L | Ctrl+ Shift + L |