Errore di testo completo dall'argomento; vedere il registro per ulteriori informazioni
What happened
HCL Notes® experienced an error while you were full-text searching the current application, and cannot continue the search. For example, here are just a few of the reasons you may see this message:
- You might have canceled the search
- Someone might have brought the server down while the search was in progress
- The full-text index could be corrupt
- Certain indices could be corrupt
The log file log.nsf is available in your Notes/Data directory.
What you can do
Tell your Domino® administrator what you were doing in relation to full-text search when the message appeared, and the administrator will check the server log mentioned in the message. The administrator may have to re-create the full-text index on the server before you can continue.
If you are an administrator, see Domino® Administrator Help for more details on this error message.